Cryptoanarchy: Libertarianism and Voluntarism in the Blockchain

6 min readApr 21, 2022


Anarchy is not chaos or violence. Just as the word “monarchy” means “government of a person”, the word “anarchy” means “nobody’s government”.

Anarchy means that nobody has the right to govern over others. Without a centralized government, there is no State.

The idea of ​​a society without government, makes some imagine a kind of primitive and wild existence, full of violent and non-compassion or organization conflicts. But it is also a completely inaccurate image of what anarchism means.

Anarchism is sustained in respect for life, private property and freedom, and considers natural rights for the individual.

Blockchain technology allows a decentralized ecosystem (without central authority), permissionless to participate, and trustless, then it is presented as well as the ideal tool to structure an anarchist society. In a previous article I have published: DAO, the Social Structure of Cryptoanarchism.

An erroneous concept of anarchy is that it means “every man for himself” or “survival of the more apt”, where everyone has to be selfish and self-sufficient, where there is no cooperation or real organization, and where people behave violently , like selfish animals.

This comes from the false assumption that there can be no order or structure in society without government, which without some type of governance political agency, people could not even find ways to get along, cooperate and organize.

This assumption is distorted by the thousands of ecosystems that are developed in Blockchain for 10 years, where people traded (trading) make payments (using different platforms that process payments) or practice financial activities (DEFI), where the computer code developed by people, it organizes people, with voluntary participation.

The fundamental principle of voluntarism, a more specific term for anarchism, is very simple, and maintains that it is incorrect to start strength or impose an action against any other person, and the only time when the use of force is justified is for Defend against an aggression.

The vast majority of people already understand this at a personal level, but they have been taught that this basic rule of social life does not apply when it comes to the game of politics and the government.

Any central government never deals with a true cooperation, be it a democracy, a dictatorship or some other way, the government always constitutes a dominant class that gives orders called “laws” and uses some kind of punishment to anyone who disobey. That is not cooperation, but domination of a group that imposes his will to all others and forces them to obey.

Millions of people tolerate the confiscation of a large part of their profits by other views as an authority.

The oppressors would not have as much power if there were not accomplices among the oppressed.

In contrast, true cooperation is about people who voluntarily decide the assistance relationship.

Authoritarianism and government power can be used to force people to the organization, but that does not mean that people are unable to organize without being forced.

The State from its education programs has molded this type of beliefs for its benefit. Today we have the opportunity to understand that it is a fiction created with an end, since cryptoeconomy shows us another reality, in which human, social and economic relationships are developed from computer codes that establish decentralized standards, voluntarily accepted. If you do not like an ecosystem you can choose another one. There are no borders or permits required.

We are social beings, and leadership arises in groups of people, but it is a consensual and accepted role voluntarily by the majority, useful to simplify the organization. However, that does not imply that if that leader makes mistakes or it becomes tyrant, he can remain in the role, since most rejects his leadership.

Each time a centralized government acts, a very small group of people, politicians, force all others to accept it. Anyone who does not comply is punished in some way. This is how any central government format does things.

And Security and Justice?

Another common but incorrect assumption is that, if there was no government, people would not have a way to defend themselves from criminals or foreign invaders. But one does not need a special insignia or “authority” to have the right to defend himself against attackers and thieves. We have the right to self-defense, alone or with others for mutual protection.

Another concern that some people have is that, if there were no government, they would emerge smaller private bands to steal, oppress and enslave people. There are a couple of reasons why this fear is erroneous.

Private street gangs and organized crime exist today, mainly thanks to the government, not despite it. Observe how many gangs today obtain their trade funds in illegal “black markets, drugs, gambling, prostitution, weapons, etc.) that were created by” government laws “. In a free society, the thugs and thieves — individually or in gangs — would not have any “black market” to seize, there would be market competition among several participants.

In other words, it is much more likely that a population is oppressed by a gang that is believed that it has the right to govern, that by a gang that is considered harmful, and that everyone would feel perfectly justified to disobey and resist, even forcefully .

Organized defense can be very effective without anyone claiming any special “authority” to be a government. A structured DAO for this purpose of protection for a community can clearly be an option for decision making and defense management, automating certain tasks.

The same goes for the execution of justice, since the need for it in a society is always necessary, by more educated and respectful it may be. Independent Courts, elected by the litigants, or voted by the Community when there is no agreement of parties, to ensure compliance with the rules of coexistence and trade, also established by common agreement.

The Rulers are Created Illuminated

Another objection common to the idea of ​​a non-state society is the notion that, if it were not for a group of “legislators” who tell us the rest of us how to behave, we would all behave as stupid, irresponsible and violent animals.

Argument that only the government can cause people to behave civilized way is contradictory in a society where politicians are elected by vote. If the people themselves have no moral code or conscience and are simply stupid and violent animals, why almost everyone wants the government to maintain peace and protect the innocent?

Would a population of perverse, ruthless and evil people dealing with choosing good to keep the evil at bay? Obviously not. Human goodness and the desire for order and peace already come from the people, not of the “legislators” they vote.

Organized collective intelligence is totally viable today, the Internet makes it possible. Online communication, discussion forums, social networks among other virtual platforms make it possible “the mind of the community” with the interaction of ideas.

Argue that the government is necessary to keep the society organized and in peace, it is to affirm that most people have a lower cognitive and cultural level, and just want to do evil, and must be controlled by a caste of people who are they believe illuminated.

Final words

This article is not intended to be a legal treaty to design an anarchist society, precisely because design as a social engineering is not admitted by anarchism. A society arises and evolves in the free game of wills that interact.

The anarchists know that human society will never be perfect, but that will be much better if the bad actions were committed by identified sociopaths, and without a consent authority to dictate taxes, apply laws and administer the defense.

Most people know how to get along and want a peaceful and fair society. Our ability to organize and cooperate does not come from any ruling class.

Are you better the world with politicians taking your money and telling you how to live your life? Or would it be better if you allowed you to spend your own money, taking your own decisions?

If this second option sounds better, maybe you should read more about anarchism and voluntarism.

In short, the anarchists propose total control over life decisions and ownership of people. While you do not use strength or fraud to cause harm to others, you have absolute freedom.

We have a huge opportunity in Blockchain technology, with only 12 years of history since its implementation, and a whole way to go for global, voluntary and free societies, but without a globalistic central government.




Researcher • Ϛʁyptø_Writer • Content Creator | 𝕏 @liberlion17 | nostr | website: