Crypto Airdrops — Free(ish) Money?

Mark @ RealisticCrypto
6 min readDec 30, 2023


Hey Everyone!

I hope you all had an amazing festive period. I certainly did and getting some down time to spend with the family has been a great way to end the year!

Previously on this blog and on the YouTube channel, the focus has been DCA bots & Crypto miners but as we move in to 2024 (and potentially a new bull run!) I wanted to extend the range of Crypto areas that I’ll be covering and exploring.

I couldn’t think of a better place to start than free Crypto? It sounds like a great opportunity, right?

Well, for the past few years, I’ve seen hundreds of threads on X/Twitter where people claim they’ve made tens of thousands of dollars in airdrops for very limited effort. Whilst I know that some airdrops have been extremely lucrative for people that have participated, I felt like now would be the right time to dive in and see if it really is as lucrative as those (usually anonymous) Twitter/X accounts make it sound it like.

I’ve already created a tracker where I’ll be tracking every airdrop that I participate in, I’ll cover the rough cost of being involved, my view on the size of the rewards and the value of any airdrops I receive and the steps involved if you want to get involved in the action yourself! The weekly updated tracker will be available for free in the RealisticCrypto Discord server and it will be the place where I’ll share any new airdrops that I plan to participate in. You can join the Discord group here:

I’ll also be sharing progress on this journey on Medium with a number of short articles throughout the year so if your interested in whether this is as lucrative as it sounds, be sure to follow to keep to up to date.

So that’s enough of an introduction on this article, lets get in to some of the detail. What are the top Airdrops on my current list that I decided to participate in?

  1. Manta Pacific

This is the first one on my list. I’m a bit late to this party but I’m still participating however, if you are interested, you need to be involved BEFORE JAN 2024.

Update 02/01/24 — Manta ends on Jan 12th 2024. This is the last date you can get involved in Manta.

There will be 50,000,000 $MANTA tokens available to claim during January. To be eligible, you need to bridge a minimum of 0.25ETH from Ethereum Mainnet to Manta using their official bridge. You will then become eligible for additional rewards if you have an active wallet with additional rewards available if you bridge more Ethereum or if you invite someone that bridges a minimum of 0.25ETH.

You need an invite code to participate, I’ve included some codes below but you can also search X or join the Manta discord where you can find lots of other invite codes.


Why is it first on my list? Well, the interest in this is HUGE and time is running out. Over 186,855ETH and over 100m USDC has been bridged to Manta already. This tells me that there’s a lot of interest and that people are expecting big rewards.

More information on the project can be found here:

Once you have bridged your ETH, this will get locked and you will receive STONE. This is a yield bearing token that can be swapped back to Ethereum after the airdrop has taken place.

  • Scroll, Base & ZKSync

This is the second, third and forth on my list primarily for the same reason. Neither Scroll or Base have confirmed an airdrop whereas ZKSync have confirmed an airdrop.

There’s lots of rumours that Scroll will drop a token and that wallets that have been active on their network will be eligible for the airdrop. Given this is a new Layer 2 network, I see the potential value of the airdrops being significant in comparison to airdrops from DEX’s or other decentralised applications (DAPPS) that are operating on the chain itself.

In terms of Base, the Coinbase Chief Legal Office confirmed in an interview that they won’t release their own token but given the path all other L2’s have headed down, it feels like this is a matter of timing and if Base do launch a token, being involved early will likely have huge benefits.

With that said, I expect there will be lots of opportunities for airdrops from the projects that build on both Scroll & Base so being involved and using these ecosystems will have benefits in the form of other airdrops too.

ZKSync have confirmed an airdrop although the date to be eligible for that airdrop isn’t known. Some people say end of 2023 and some people say end of Q1 2024. I’ve already started creating transactions on the ZKSync chain and I will continue to do so through Q1 of 2024.

To be eligible for airdrops on these chains, you need to bridge ETH to these chains using a wallet like Metamask. I’ve recently used to bridge funds and I’ve had a great experience every time. I’d suggest bridging $200 to each chain although, you should only spend a small amount of that $200 on gas ($10/$15 per chain).

Once you have bridged your ETH, interact with the decentralised apps (DAPPS) in the ecosystem by swapping tokens, providing liquidity, lending, borrowing, staking etc. Eligibility is usually based on factors like # of transactions, length of time the wallet has been active in the ecosystem and the balance of the wallet so make sure that you regularly interact within the ecosystem.

Can you automate this process?

Well, you can but it’s not yet clear how successful airdrop farming with bots is. I am testing out a couple of Telegram bots and I’ll be sharing my progress on this in Discord, Medium & YouTube.

FULL DISCLOSURE — I use the free version of LootBot ( for ZKSync & Solana. This gives a % of the airdrop rewards back to $LOOT holders and I don’t get access to the private keys/seed phrase for the wallets that I use to farm. Remember, not your keys, not your crypto BUT for the purposes of entertainment (and possibly some Crypto airdrops), I’ll be testing it out and I’ll cover this in another article.

If you are interested in signing up to LootBot, you can use this link ( get 10% off Premium Plans if you decide to upgrade.

As I mentioned before, I’ll be providing weekly updates on new airdrops, progress on current airdrops and the steps to be eligible for those airdrops in a tracker on Discord which you can join here:

Affiliate Links

More benefits for you can also be found here:

Also, if you want to buy me a coffee or a beer :) :

BTC — bc1qaxaq2q9js89gyzhr0202sxt6hhgchprqjga5px

ETH, BNB, AVAX, SOL , FTM based tokens — 0x3B7B843D8125Fe7eBA541e1D751a4A73f0cFad4c


This is not financial advice, I’m not a financial advisor or accountant or tax professional. This is my experience of software tools that have helped me and my experiences with them.

I do use referral links in this guide. Using these supports future articles so if you found this article useful and you want to check out the tools I’ve covered, please use them. I’ll also call out where you get a discount — win-win right?



Mark @ RealisticCrypto

Cryptocurrency trader, miner & investor. Providing Realistic expectations in the Crypto space.