Crypto As A New Asset

Nwosu Wisdom
3 min readMay 10, 2023


Crypto As A New Asset Class

In the previous lesson, we explored cryptocurrencies and their unique features compared to traditional currencies. Cryptocurrencies serve as both digital money for transactions and financial assets for trading and investment. The financial industry is divided on considering crypto as a “financial asset,” with arguments about its valuation due to the absence of earnings or dividends. However, similar challenges exist with assets like gold and commodities. Personally, I see cryptocurrencies as a financial asset and a novel asset class, albeit highly speculative at present. Asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, commodities, real estate, and fiat currencies, encompass investments with similar characteristics and behaviors.

And now there’s…crypto!

Crypto: A groundbreaking asset class, unlike any in decades! Beyond transactions, it’s primarily traded speculatively and held as investments for value appreciation. 🚀

Like the forex market for fiat currencies, the crypto market offers opportunities for traders and investors to profit. However, unlike the forex market’s 5.5-day schedule, the crypto market operates 24/7, never closing. Traders speculate on short-term price movements, while investors aim for long-term gains through wider adoption and value appreciation. Including crypto in portfolios enhances diversification, and experienced investors can generate passive income from their holdings. As financial assets, cryptocurrencies are also known as “digital assets” or “cryptoassets” or “crypto assets.”

Examples of Crypto

Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, continues to reign as the largest and most renowned. Alongside Bitcoin, notable cryptocurrencies include Ethereum, Cardano, Solana, Dogecoin, Polkadot, Litecoin, Cosmos, and numerous others.

While some cryptocurrencies share similarities with Bitcoin, others diverge with distinct technologies and novel features, rendering them vastly different. It’s important to note that despite the term “cryptocurrency,” many do not function as actual currencies, unlike Bitcoin.

Presently, the crypto space boasts thousands of cryptocurrencies, each aiming to introduce new functionalities, improve upon earlier versions, or cater to unique purposes and use cases. Unfortunately, among the multitude, several cryptocurrencies are either useless or, worse, outright scams. Nevertheless, many individuals still invest in them.

Inexperienced newcomers to the crypto world often encounter enticing claims about coins that promise to revolutionize not only the world but the entire galaxy.

Driven by enthusiasm, they succumb to the allure of acquiring Galaticoin without comprehending its underlying technology. Ignoring the risks, they impulsively invest their hard-earned money, unaware of the potential pitfalls that accompany such dubious coins.

Regrettably, the outcome often reveals the worthlessness of the cryptocurrency they invested in. The crypto market attracts individuals with misguided expectations, perceiving it as a guaranteed path to automatic wealth. Exploiting this mindset, scam artists and promoters view the current cryptocurrency market as a feeding ground rich with one-legged deer, offering plentiful opportunities for their deceptive schemes.

You are a vigilant advocate in the realm of cryptocurrency, dedicated to ensuring that others do not fall prey to scams or become vulnerable like one-legged deer. With a mission to educate and protect, you empower individuals to navigate the crypto market with knowledge and discernment, safeguarding them from potential pitfalls.



Nwosu Wisdom

Nwosu Wisdom: Seasoned crypto/Forex trader blending insights and analytics. Shrewd decision-maker, mentor, and educator. Thriving in dynamic markets.