Toward Web3

Crypto Banking Using Web3

Checking accounts using cryptocurrencies

Published in
3 min readMay 9, 2023


The initial objective of a checking account was to write checks as Bryan Link with Brightleaf Financial Wonders put it: “The name ‘Checking Account’ implies its primary purpose is writing checks”. Although in recent years, the primary use of checking accounts has shifted to debit card transactions.

With the recent collapse of banks, we decided to do a small proof of work of a checking account based on crypto-currencies. The main functionalities offered by the web application are five:
1) Deposit into the account an amount
2) Withdraw from the account an amount
3) Sign a check
4) Deposit a check into your “bank” the account
5) Withdraw a check into your web3 wallet

To complete all these steps, you will need to have a web3 wallet installed, such as Metamask. This wallet will be used to deposit and withdraw from. To sign the check. To deposit and withdraw a check.

Without delay, you can visit our proof of concept that has been developed on top of the Mumbai test network (polygon) and that can be found at

In the rest of this article, we will mainly demonstrate how to use the website and offer free checks for those willing to test the website. Although you will only gain test MATIC tokens, we plan to deploy a version with real MATICs in future articles.

The Website

Upon opening the website, the first step is to connect your wallet:

Initial Page: Connecting the web3 wallet is the first step

Depending on the type of web3 wallet you have, you may need to add the Mumbai network before connecting it to our website. Your account address (the same as the connected wallet’s account) and your balance will appear only after you have connected. The balance will be 0, of course.

You can deposit any amount you want by selecting the Deposit tab and specifying the amount. Similarly, you can withdraw funds from your account by following the same process.

To sign a check, specify the amount and an optional recipient. If no recipient is specified, anyone can claim the check. This is the case with the free checks provided below. Checks use the JSON format.

Free Checks!

The checks below can only be claimed once, so only the first readers have a chance to pick one. If you manage to grab one, please write it in the comment section below. For others, please leave a comment requesting a check if needed.

Check 1

"recipient": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"amount": "0.01",
"nonce": 1683582268969,
"signature": "0xb2f744a47d84bae6312138bc7a2d651d630b8e41488cf116a81f75c7b80d34f12fa231a76986196c3e2492ae0cd379bf0c224f7baf0a5fcd174d8aa30f55afc11c"

Check 2

"recipient": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"amount": "0.01",
"nonce": 1683584200265,
"signature": "0x44cd003f7ac54134800c7d9d1fffea5706d4139f2fa65f869038254e83a1980772da2360ceb4fd69236ba2ea5390c31bf676c212af43c89040d0bd746e7c23a51c"

Both checks have the amount of 0.01 (test) MATIC.


This article provided a quick overview of our mini-project, in which we explored a “banking system” based on cryptocurrency. We described an early prototype of the website and offered free checks for testing.

As the project is ongoing, please share any feedback you may have. We plan to write at least two more articles on the subject. Feel free to follow, if you haven’t already, to ensure you don’t miss any new articles.




Tech enthusiast with an interest in software and a love for cryptocurrencies. Check out my crypto donation page at: