Crypto Couple Uses Ouija to Predict The Rise of Chainlink /Ethereum /Bitcoin and MORE

Rev Cynthia Pustelak Safeth Ministries
4 min readFeb 24, 2023


They’re Safeth Ministries & Launched their own DeFi Tokens Dapp on Hedera

In our ever-evolving society, the gig economy is constantly searching for ways to fulfill the hunger of the new on-demand consumption economy. Whether it is to increase efficiency, decrease risk or expand reach, DLT Hashgraph technology is the key to unlocking the fourth industrial revolution.

Historically, traditional banking institutions set the standard and are the sole gatekeepers of world finance. However, this is poised for ripe disruption. Fast forward to 2020 and we have now come to accept cryptocurrency as a meaningful form of exchange. Cryptocurrency has rapidly gained traction since the inception of bitcoin in 2008 and has evolved into a banking revolution that is already unfolding before our eyes.

This begs the question, what is the next step for cryptocurrency? Well, my friends, that’s the crux of this article. So, let’s not delay any further. I have spent the last year inserting myself into the cryptocurrency sphere to truly understand what opportunities are out there. Over the last few months, I have been blown away by the huge influx into Decentralized Finance, or better known in the crypto community as ‘DeFI’.

I was lead down many rabbit holes along my journey, but one thing that stood out was this couple from Arizona with a cryptic ability to predict the future with their ‘Ouija’ board. I know, I’ve fallen down a deep hole, but hear me out, you won’t be disappointed.

The accuracy of these future predictions sent chills down my spine, I wanted to click out of the videos, but I couldn’t, it was too enticing. So, I went deeper. What I found was a series of videos, seemingly unknown to the general public with a woman, who claims to have little to no crypto experience and a board. Luckily for you, I have put it all together for you to experience yourself.

This is where the fun begins. The first video I stumbled across was from June 11th, 2016, titled ‘Esoteric Silver Garden Talk’ which accurately predicted the rise of Ethereum (ETH) to over $800, before it took place in December of 2016. Creepy right? See for yourself: This made me think to myself, what else have they predicted? How much money have people made by watching these videos?

Furthermore, in the summer of 2019 on April 19th, this couple (again with their ‘Ouija’ board) mentioned a cryptocurrency known as Chainlink or Link. At the time of the video, the price of Chainlink was 44 cents, the board stated that it would easily go over $10.00. ( This happened August 8th, 2020.

There are countless other videos where the predictions are made, however, I have narrowed down the key predictions for you. In a video recently published, the Ouija states that the Chainlink token will go over triple digits in the near future ( How near you ask? Ouija never gives an exact date, which is yet another reason why I will be actively following this couple (, I recommend you familiarize yourselves with them and stay in the loop.

This Ouija board’s predictions don’t just extend to the boundaries of cryptocurrency, but also to sport outcomes and world events. The Nascar Penzoil 2020 was accurately revealed during one of the Ouija sessions upon Cynthia (the woman who uses the board) asking questions of who exactly was going to win the race ( Both years of 2019 and 2020 the Ouija accurately predicted the Superbowl winners, in 2019 the prediction was made near pre-season ( In 2020 the day prior it was predicted (

and many more predictions including bitcoins rise and fall can be found at

Finally, I wanted to briefly mention that this Ouija board has also inspired this crypto couple to create a cryptocurrency of their own. A “DeFi’ Dapp smart contract product that is intended to create loans that repay themselves. Yes, loans that pay themselves off. From what I’ve gathered, this function involves locking in tokens to receive rewards that each the DLT carries, those rewards act as the repayment method and are not unlocked until the loans are repaid in full. This idea has intrigued me and kept me thinking about all of its future use cases, from feeding the poor to enhancing business. To me, this couple is well worth the look into and to keep your eyes on in the future.

Developments have been SELF FUNDED by Rev. Joey and are currently in testnet phases on the HashPack App please feel free to test with a testnet Hedera wallet!

STEP 1: download


on Google Playstore / ios store/

STEP 2: Create a testnet wallet



STEP 5: PASTE PAIR CODE INTO DAPP IN Hash Pack App click “Connect”




Rev Cynthia Pustelak Safeth Ministries

Reverend at Safeth Ministries, Co-Founder and Co-Creator of Safeth technologies.