Crypto VC becomes so chaotic



Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Nothing is as it seems on the surface in recent market. For example, three Arrows Captial (3AC) worth $2.8B was liquidated, and co-founders ran away while filing a lawsuit to against their own company. But this will only be the tip of the iceberg for the crypto industry at large. On one side are those who see opportunity in cryptocurrency; on the other are those intent on destroying it. I will share some changes that will affect the blockchain and cryptocurrency in general as a result of December’s massive purchase in virtual assets by a third-party organization known as “Crypto VC”.

December’s massive purchase in virtual assets by a third party organization known as “Crypto VC”

Crypto VC isn’t a new concept. Back in December 2017, there were VCs were blow up ever since.

For the first time in history, a public person has bought and sold virtual assets in person. This is amounting to the largest private sale of virtual assets to date. This transaction, which took place in New York City on December 3rd, marks a new…

