⚡ Cryptocurrency Beyond Banking Apps: The Real Disruption Lies in Understanding its Core Values

Gaofeng Yin
4 min readJul 26, 2023



In recent years, the world of finance has witnessed a significant shift with the advent of cryptocurrencies. As these digital assets continue to gain popularity, traditional banks have also joined the bandwagon by allowing their clients to buy and trade cryptocurrencies through their banking apps. While this move may seem like a significant milestone in crypto adoption, it is crucial to recognize that the true disruption of cryptocurrency lies not in its accessibility through banking apps, but in empowering people with the knowledge of how cryptocurrency truly works and the values it embodies. In this article, we will delve into the essence of cryptocurrency and why widespread awareness and understanding are pivotal for its long-term success.

The Convenience of Banking Apps and Crypto Adoption

The integration of cryptocurrency transactions within banking apps undoubtedly makes it easier for users to invest and diversify their portfolios. This accessibility lowers barriers to entry, allowing traditional bank customers to explore the world of digital assets with familiar platforms. However, merely having access to cryptocurrencies through banking apps does not necessarily lead to true crypto disruption.

The Essence of Cryptocurrency

At its core, cryptocurrency is not merely a tool for speculation or investment; it embodies the principles of decentralization, transparency, and financial sovereignty. Unlike traditional fiat currencies, cryptocurrencies operate on a decentralized ledger technology known as blockchain, which removes the need for intermediaries like banks or governments to process transactions. This decentralization fosters a sense of ownership and control over one’s finances, truly empowering individuals to be their own bank.

Educating the Masses: The Key to True Crypto Disruption

For cryptocurrency to have a lasting impact on the global financial landscape, widespread understanding and awareness are paramount. Many individuals, while excited about the potential financial gains, may not grasp the underlying technology and philosophy of cryptocurrency. This knowledge gap could lead to uninformed decision-making, market volatility, and the potential for misusing the technology.

Navigating the Complexities

Educating the masses about cryptocurrencies requires a multi-faceted approach. First and foremost, it is essential for educational institutions to incorporate blockchain and cryptocurrency-related courses into their curriculum. This will enable the next generation to develop a solid foundation in understanding technology from an early age.

Media and Information Dissemination

The media plays a crucial role in shaping public opinion. Encouraging accurate and unbiased reporting on cryptocurrencies can dispel myths and misconceptions surrounding the technology. Media outlets should strive to provide comprehensive coverage highlighting both the potential benefits and risks associated with cryptocurrency, fostering a balanced and informed narrative.

Community Building and Grassroots Efforts

Crypto communities, both online and offline, can serve as valuable resources for spreading knowledge and promoting responsible crypto adoption. Engaging in discussions, hosting workshops, and encouraging open dialogue will create an environment conducive to learning and growth.

Chainlink Community Advocate Program

The Chainlink Community Advocate Program is a grassroots effort organized by the Chainlink ecosystem. It aims to educate individuals about blockchain technology, smart contracts, and the role of decentralized oracles, which are fundamental to the Chainlink network. By empowering community members to become advocates, the program encourages them to spread awareness about the benefits and use cases of blockchain technology, including the broader applications beyond just Chainlink.

One of the key impacts of the Chainlink Community Advocate Program is its ability to reach a diverse and global audience. Advocates, coming from various backgrounds and regions, are instrumental in translating complex concepts into more accessible language for newcomers. This inclusive approach helps bridge the knowledge gap and enables a wider range of individuals to grasp the significance of blockchain technology.

Regulators and Industry Players

Regulators and industry participants must collaborate to create a regulatory framework that strikes a balance between innovation and consumer protection. Clear guidelines will give investors more confidence and mitigate the risks associated with cryptocurrencies.


While banks facilitating crypto transactions through their apps is undoubtedly a step in the right direction, true disruption in cryptocurrency adoption lies beyond mere accessibility. It is imperative to cultivate a culture of understanding and awareness around the principles that underpin digital currencies. We can collectively drive the crypto revolution forward by educating the masses about the technology, empowering individuals with financial sovereignty, and fostering responsible crypto practices. Let us embrace the knowledge of cryptocurrency’s true essence, as it is through education that we unlock its full potential for the betterment of our financial systems and beyond.



Gaofeng Yin

Bitcoin is Hope | Web 3 Investor | Casual Writer