Cryptocurrency Recovery Process According To Experts (2022)

Justine Turner
2 min readMar 8, 2022


For victims of a crypto scam, recovering funds is sometimes extremely difficult. However, there are a series of things you can do to ensure that you stand a fighting chance of getting your crypto back. Traders who have lost access to their Bitcoin or other digital currencies may have been able to recover them.

I lost my bitcoins to scammers

While Bitcoin spent the last decade soaring and making millionaires out of many people, other owners of the world’s largest cryptocurrency have missed out. Why? One major reason: they’ve lost access to their account. In fact, more than $100 billion in Bitcoin is estimated to be lost — but a lot has been recovered, says at least one firm.

One of the most highly touted aspects of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is their security. Not only are they nearly impossible to counterfeit, but transactions are almost irrevocable. Once someone has your bitcoins, they own them for keeps. It’s a similar situation if you forget your password, it gets tossed out as part of a move or you throw away a hard drive holding the coins.

But Donald and Charlie Gallagher, father-and-son founders of Donald Gallagher Consultants have been recovering Bitcoin and other digital assets since 2017 for people who have lost their passwords, despite the high security.

And I got my stolen bitcoins recovered

Once your Bitcoins have been successfully tracked and recovered, you would have to connect your wallet to the scammers wallet to get it transferred directly because they do not come in contact with the crypto being recovered. To receive the recovered bitcoins into your wallet after connecting them you would need to have a substantial crypto balance in it. Once you have funded your account, the transaction can be completed and the recovered funds would immediately reflect in your account.


Have you lost your crypto or have you ever been a victim of cryptocurrency scam? If yes, let us know your experience in the comment section and you just might be takin the very first step to recovering your crypto.



Justine Turner

Husband. Legal Practitioner. Humanitarian. Cryptocurrency Enthusiast. Writer