Dark Vents, Enemies and the Right Job in FF Origins.

Rodney McGill
3 min readJun 10, 2022


This look like a job for….the fist

Final Fantasy games have always been a surplus of monster battles and that didn’t stop with this particular game as well following the trend, it goes without saying that special monsters demand a special kind of “hat”.

Dark Vents are the monster spewing machines in the game which spews out monster after monster, but there is a limit to how many monsters it can spew out at a time.

The bad thing about Dark Vents is that they can spew out 4–5 monsters at a time, and you might consider yourself screwed because the monsters might overwhelm you.

That is if you didn’t have the following jobs: Ninja, Assassin, Duelist, Monk and Thief. These jobs use fist weapons and fist weapons have the most awesome-est combos which make it possible for you to destroy more than one enemy.

When I take on a dark vent, I strictly use either a Mage job or mostly a fisted job because the combos are capable of almost one shotting the dark vent. Mid to late game, you’re going to learn more and more combos for your fisted jobs.

Don’t sleep on using these jobs or using the appropriate, you can use other jobs to destroy the dark vents but none are more effective that a fisted job like Thief, Assassin or even Ninja.



Rodney McGill

Writing extraordinaire, I've always loved writing since I was a kid and I'm happy that I am able to become a paid writer like I want to be.