Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and the Ethereum DID Registry: A Comprehensive Overview

Ibrahim Aziz
3 min readAug 21, 2023


Introduction to Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs)

In today’s digital age, identity management has become a critical concern, as users interact with various online services and platforms. Decentralized Identifiers, or DIDs, offer a groundbreaking solution to this problem by providing a method for creating self-sovereign and verifiable identities on the internet. DIDs are globally unique identifiers that are not tied to any centralized registry, allowing individuals and entities to control their identity information, share it selectively, and prove their identity without relying on intermediaries.

W3C Standards and DIDs

The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is a leading international standards organization that develops guidelines and protocols for the web. Within the realm of decentralized identities, the W3C has introduced several standards to establish a framework for DIDs and their associated methods. These standards ensure interoperability across different systems and provide a foundation for building secure and scalable identity solutions.

The Ethr Method for DIDs on Ethereum

The “ethr” method is a widely recognized DID method that leverages the Ethereum blockchain for decentralized identity management. It utilizes smart contracts and Ethereum’s inherent security features to create and manage DIDs in a secure and tamper-resistant manner. One notable implementation of the ethr method is the “Ethereum DID Registry” contract, which we will explore in detail.

Understanding the Ethereum DID Registry Contract

The Ethereum DID Registry contract is a smart contract designed to manage DIDs using the ethr method. Let’s break down the key components of this contract:

  1. Ownership and Delegates: The contract maintains a mapping of DID owners and their delegates. Delegates are authorized entities that can perform actions on behalf of the DID owner.
  2. Events: The contract emits events to track changes related to DID ownership, delegates, and attributes. These events provide a transparent history of actions performed on the DIDs.
  3. Identity Owner Resolution: The identityOwner function allows querying the owner of a given identity. If an owner is not explicitly set, the identity itself is considered the owner.
  4. Signature Verification: The checkSignature function verifies the signature of a given actor, ensuring that actions are performed by authorized individuals. This prevents unauthorized changes to DIDs.
  5. Delegate Validity: The validDelegate function checks the validity of a delegate's authorization for a specific delegate type.
  6. Ownership and Delegation Management: The contract includes functions to change ownership of a DID, add and revoke delegates, and set attributes associated with the DID. These functions are restricted to the identity owner or authorized delegates.
  7. Nonce Management: Nonces are used to prevent replay attacks. The nonce mapping keeps track of nonces associated with different identities.


Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) represent a paradigm shift in identity management, empowering individuals and entities to take control of their digital identities. Sounds fun, right?

The W3C standards provide a robust foundation for the development of interoperable identity solutions, with the ethr method using Ethereum’s capabilities to implement DIDs securely. The Ethereum DID Registry contract exemplifies the practical implementation of DIDs using the ethr method, showcasing how smart contracts can be employed for self-sovereign identity management.

As the world moves toward a more decentralized and privacy-focused digital landscape, DIDs offer a promising path to redefine how identities are managed and shared on the internet. The Ethereum DID Registry contract, along with other implementations, paves the way for a new era of secure and user-centric identity solutions.



Ibrahim Aziz

Solidity, Web3 Development| Digital Transformation and Tech Trends