Decentralized Oracle Mastery: Crafting a Feature-Rich Solidity Pricing Oracle with Rewards and Signer Dynamics

ChainLogic Labs
3 min readJan 14, 2024


Pricing Oracle

Building a Solidity Pricing Oracle with Advanced Features

Welcome to the guide on building a Solidity smart contract for a pricing oracle with additional features. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the process of creating a robust oracle that supports becoming a signer, updating prices, and claiming rewards for token holders. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, this guide is designed to help you understand the key components and considerations involved in building such a contract.

Contract Overview:
Our contract, named `PricingOracle`, is built on the Solidity language and is designed to provide a decentralized pricing oracle solution. Let’s break down the essential components:

State Variables:
`owner`: The address of the contract owner.
Other variables to track signers, prices, allowances, balances, and more.

`SignerAdded`: Event emitted when a new signer is added.
`PriceUpdated`: Event for updating the price of a specific asset.
`PricesUpdated`: Event for updating prices for multiple assets.
`RewardClaimed`: Event when a token holder claims a reward for signing an asset.

`onlyOwner`: Ensures that only the contract owner can execute certain functions.
`nonReentrant`: Guards against reentrancy attacks.
`onlyTokenHolders`: Restricts certain functions to token holders.
`notBlacklisted`: Prevents actions from blacklisted addresses.

Initializes the contract with basic details like name, symbol, decimals, and initial supply.

Oracle Functions:
Our oracle supports the following essential functions:

Allows users to become signers by paying a fixed fee.

Updates the price of a specific asset. Only the owner or authorized signers can perform this action.

Updates prices for multiple assets simultaneously. Only the owner can perform this action.

Allows token holders to claim rewards for signing a specific asset. Users can only claim rewards once every 24 hours for the same asset.

Key Points:
The contract employs a set of state variables, events, and modifiers for effective functionality and tracking.
Carefully crafted functions implement core Oracle features, access controls, and reward-claiming logic.
The `SIGNER_FEE` is set in the smallest unit of the token, considering the specified decimals.

Thoroughly test the contract on development networks before deploying it on the mainnet.
Consider integrating a secure Oracle service for accurate and reliable price feeds.
Implement access controls cautiously to prevent unauthorized actions.

Deploying the Contract:
Deploy the contract using tools like Remix, Truffle, or Hardhat on your preferred Ethereum development network. Ensure you have sufficient gas for deployment and testing.

Interacting with the Contract:
Interact with the contract through wallets or scripts, adhering to the contract’s restrictions and conditions.

Further Improvements:
Tailor the contract to your project’s specific needs and security considerations.
Explore additional features like dynamic fees and integration with other DeFi protocols.

Building a Solidity pricing oracle with advanced features involves careful planning, testing, and adherence to best practices. This guide serves as a foundation, and we encourage developers to customize the contract to suit their unique project requirements. By following these steps, you’ll be well on your way to creating a secure and functional pricing oracle for your decentralized application.



ChainLogic Labs

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