DeFi Hack Survival Guide: Prepare Now or Pay the Price

Ervin Zubic
8 min readApr 11, 2024


Prevent, Respond, Recover: The essential DeFi protocol security guide. Protect your project and its users from devastating attacks.

A diverse group of professionals engaged in a strategic planning session around a round table, with a symbolic representation of a DeFi protocol at the center, highlighting intense preparation against cybersecurity threats.
Strategic Defense. Image created using DALL-E.

In February 2024, the PlayDapp DeFi protocol suffered a devastating exploit, losing over $290 million. Hackers manipulated the system, draining user funds and shaking the crypto community. This attack underscores the ongoing vulnerability of DeFi platforms, even as the sector continues its rapid expansion.

The PlayDapp attack is just the latest disturbing and costly trend. In recent months, protocols like Prism Finance and Mozaic Finance have also fallen victim to exploits, resulting in millions of dollars in losses. While teeming with innovation, the decentralized finance (DeFi) sector remains a prime target for malicious actors.

This vulnerability is inherent to DeFi’s very nature. The permissionless, composable architecture that enables innovation also introduces new attack vectors. Flaws in smart contract code, weaknesses in oracle mechanisms, and centralized points of failure can all be exploited by savvy hackers. And the ramifications extend far beyond the affected protocol — each successful attack chips away at the broader crypto community’s confidence.

The cost of inaction is high. Protocols that fail to prepare for the threat of hacks proactively risk financial ruin and the complete erosion of their hard-earned reputations. A mishandled crisis can prove fatal in an industry where trust is the most valuable currency. Conversely, those who invest in robust incident response capabilities can emerge from an attack stronger than before, using the experience to fortify their security and deepen user loyalty.

Preparing for the Worst: A Comprehensive DeFi Hack Response Plan

In the high-stakes world of decentralized finance (DeFi), a comprehensive incident response plan is essential. While prevention must always be the top priority, even the most vigilant protocols can fall victim to sophisticated attacks. Preparing for the worst-case scenario isn’t just smart — it’s the key to minimizing damage and ensuring a swift recovery rather than facing potential disaster.

The Ideal Preparation Scenario

  • Engage two critical partners: an incident response firm with deep expertise in blockchain forensics, digital investigations, and crisis management, as well as external legal counsel already familiar with your protocol’s governance and inner workings.
  • Collaborate with these partners to create a detailed, battle-tested incident response plan covering:
  • Clear communication strategies
  • Defined roles and responsibilities of key stakeholders
  • Precise steps to take in the event of a hack
  • Pre-made decisions, such as potential asset freezing or chain halting protocols, to ensure swift and decisive action
  • Complement this planning with a rigorous regimen of auditing, testing, and security evaluations, including:
  • Thorough third-party code audits
  • Stress-testing of front-end interfaces and RPC endpoints
  • Meticulous evaluation of overall information security practices

The actual test of an incident response plan isn’t in its creation but in its execution. Regularly simulate different attack scenarios with your external partners. This kind of practice builds the muscle memory and confidence needed to respond effectively under the pressure of a real hack.

The More Likely Scenario

While comprehensive incident preparedness is ideal, many DeFi protocols fall short in this area. A more common situation involves limited pre-attack engagement with incident response partners and a focus primarily on code security while neglecting other critical aspects. To ensure you’re prepared for the more likely scenario, consider the following crucial questions:

  • Have you identified the key decision-makers who will lead your response during a crisis?
  • Do you have a well-defined plan for internal and external communications, including the ability to contact legal counsel and incident response experts quickly?
  • What safeguards are in place to pause or halt contracts if necessary? Suppose your protocol’s governance structure does not allow for any “kill switch” mechanisms. In that case, you must have a serious discussion with your legal counsel about the potential regulatory scrutiny that could arise during post-hack investigations.
  • Are you continuously monitoring your systems for any anomalies that could indicate a brewing attack?

Don’t be discouraged if your protocol hasn’t achieved perfect preparedness. Every proactive step you take improves your response capabilities in the event of an attack. Identify your weaknesses and address them strategically, seeking expert help where needed. A holistic approach to incident preparedness gives you the best chance to survive a crisis and emerge from it even stronger.

Importantly, your level of preparedness directly impacts your ability to obtain suitable cyber insurance coverage. Insurers thoroughly examine your security practices, incident response plans, and overall risk profile. The stronger your preparedness, the more likely you will secure favorable terms and comprehensive coverage from cyber insurance providers.

Code audits are important, but they’re just one piece of the puzzle. True security demands a holistic approach to incident response that most protocols overlook.

The Role of Blockchain Forensics Team in a DeFi Incident Response Plan

When a devastating hack strikes a DeFi protocol, every second counts. A skilled blockchain forensics team becomes invaluable, immediately launching a two-pronged investigation: tracing the stolen assets and uncovering the attack’s source.

The top priority is pinpointing the destination of the stolen funds. Through meticulous analysis of blockchain transactions, the forensics team attempts to track the assets to their current location. If the trail leads to a known virtual asset service provider (VASP), there’s potential to identify suspects, gather crucial evidence, and even coordinate with law enforcement for recovery.

Crucial clues that the blockchain forensics team will scour for include:

  • How were the transaction fees paid? Even if the stolen assets are stablecoins or other tokens, blockchain transactions require native currency (like Ether) for fees, and the source of these fee payments can provide important leads.
  • Did the attacker(s) leverage nested exchanges or utilize mixing services? These techniques are designed to break the trail of funds but can still offer potential points of analysis.
  • What other pre-attack “breadcrumbs” can be found, such as early wallet activity, cross-chain bridging, or exposure to named exchanges? These can offer valuable insights about the attacker’s methodologies.

Blockchain forensics teams know hackers want to convert stolen cryptocurrency into usable funds. By understanding this goal, they can predict the attacker’s likely next steps, potentially disrupt their cash-out attempts, and offer a significant advantage in recovering stolen assets and reducing the overall impact of the hack. Beyond simply tracing funds, these teams are essential in revealing the methods and motivations behind the attack. They work alongside the protocol’s technical team, legal counsel, and other experts, with their analysis of the attacker’s digital trail providing insights crucial for immediate crisis response, potential insurance claims, and long-term security improvements.

Blockchain transactions may be digital, but there’s always a human mind behind the crime. Attackers, driven by greed, will act predictably — obfuscating funds, switching blockchains, and trying to cover their tracks. Just like any criminal, their goal is to cash out and make their ill-gotten gains look legitimate.

The Role of Law Enforcement in a DeFi Incident Response Plan

In the high-stakes world of DeFi, the decision to involve law enforcement after a hack is complex. If an apparent crime has occurred, contacting the authorities swiftly is essential. Law enforcement agencies have the resources, data, and legal authority to facilitate criminal prosecutions, asset seizures, and potential victim restitution — outcomes often impossible for the protocol to achieve alone.

However, engaging law enforcement in the crypto world differs vastly from traditional scenarios. DeFi hacks rapidly become public knowledge via social media, and proactive law enforcement might even contact the protocol before a formal response is fully organized.

Legal counsel is indispensable in this situation. They protect the protocol’s interests, facilitate information exchange with law enforcement, and provide crucial guidance during the crisis. Experienced attorneys help maximize the benefits of law enforcement involvement while minimizing potential risks.

Ultimately, the protocol decides when to involve law enforcement, but they should do so with the guidance of legal counsel. By working with law enforcement, DeFi protocols greatly increase their chances of recovering stolen funds, holding the attackers accountable, and reducing the overall damage caused by the hack.

Unlike traditional corporate hacks, DeFi attacks unfold in real-time on social media. Law enforcement agencies are watching Crypto Twitter, potentially becoming involved before a protocol even organizes its internal response.

The Role of Crypto Twitter and Crisis Comms in a DeFi Incident Response

Social media, especially Twitter, has become a ground zero for crisis response in the crypto world. News of a DeFi hack spreads like wildfire, creating urgency and panic and sparking a flurry of crowdsourced investigations. While this surge of information can be helpful, it’s also overwhelming and requires careful verification.

Clear, timely crisis communication is crucial in this environment. The protocol must balance the community’s need for updates with protecting its reputation and legal standing. This demands close coordination between the response team, investigations, potential negotiations, and legal counsel.

Experienced legal professionals play a vital role in developing a cohesive communication strategy. They ensure public messages align with the ongoing investigation, potential negotiations, and legal tactics. They also work to safeguard the protocol’s interests by maintaining essential protections like attorney-client privilege.

Crypto Twitter can be a valuable tool during a crisis but must be navigated carefully. The protocol can harness the community’s knowledge and support while strategically managing the narrative to protect its reputation. Remember, every word you release will be heavily scrutinized, potentially becoming evidence for regulators.

DeFi hacks create a firehose of information — official investigations, public sleuthing, and community panic. Sifting through this deluge of data and separating fact from speculation is a critical part of incident response.

Weathering the Regulatory Tsunami: Long-Term Considerations for Hacked Protocols

In the aftermath of a hack, crypto protocols face intense scrutiny from regulatory agencies like the DOJ, SEC, CFTC, FinCEN, and OFAC. Every action during and after the attack will be examined. Protocols must demonstrate robust compliance procedures, security measures, crisis communication, and overall incident handling.

Crypto communities expect rapid and transparent communication during a crisis. Frequent, factual updates are essential for maintaining trust. However, protocol leaders must be cautious, as inaccurate or misleading statements can worsen the situation and become legal liabilities.

It is crucial to strike a balance between timely updates and protecting the protocol’s legal position. This demands close coordination between the response team, investigations, potential negotiations, and legal counsel. A unified, strategic approach across all communication is key.

Protocols must focus on two fronts: effectively responding to the hack (protecting users, recovering funds) while positioning themselves to defend their actions under regulatory scrutiny. Proactive preparation, meticulous documentation, and anticipating regulatory investigations are essential for navigating the long-term consequences.

Negotiating with a crypto attacker is extremely dangerous. You may be dealing with sanctioned individuals, and any ransom payment carries severe legal risks. Expert guidance and close collaboration with law enforcement are essential for navigating this high-stakes situation.


DeFi hacks can be devastating. However, a well-executed incident response plan can make the difference between collapse and recovery. By partnering with experts, rigorously testing their systems, and prioritizing clear communication, DeFi projects can protect their communities and minimize the long-term impact of an attack.

While the road to recovery may be challenging, a coordinated response and unwavering commitment to security will strengthen the protocol. Through these efforts, DeFi projects can survive and contribute to a more resilient and secure future for decentralized finance.

Disclaimer: This article provides educational and informational content only. It does not replace professional legal advice. If your DeFi protocol has been hacked, seeking guidance from a qualified legal professional is crucial. They can offer advice specifically tailored to your circumstances.

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Ervin Zubic

Writing about cyber threat intelligence, OSINT, financial crime, and blockchain forensics. Follow me on Twitter for the latest insights.