Minimum Viable Ethereum Mobile Wallet. Part 1: Getting Started
This step-by-step tutorial walks the reader through the development of a Minimum Viable Ethereum Mobile Wallet in React Native. It will be useful for folks who need a React Native boilerplate to base on to develop Ethereum-based blockchain apps.
Ethereum DApps today require a digital wallet to execute transactions on the Blockchain. On the Chrome browser, MetaMask serves as the wallet. On mobile devices, Status does the job. But there are use cases that call for a self contained mobile app that interacts with a set of smart contract on the Ethereum blockchain or a private blockchain hosted on, say, Kaleido. An example could be a supply chain app that lets a group of buyers and sellers trade among themselves on the blockchain — a self contained app will probably provide a better user experience.
Also Read: The Best Etheruem Hardware wallet
Thus my motivation for developing a React Native boilerplate that does the following:
- Let the user create his own wallet account with a Secure Storage for his private key
- Connect to an Ethereum node
- Import a wallet from elsewhere
- Receive and spend ETH from his wallet