DiffusionDao multiverse- the collection and fruition of human dreams in digital space

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4 min readJun 23, 2022


What happened before the big bang? The multiverse theory — also known as the “bubble universe” — goes back to before the big bang and assumes that the universe expanded and there came only one outcome and that was our universe. It also gave rise to many other completely separate universes, according to the theory of many big bangs. It’s not proven however, our theory about the early universe is a little fuzzy where we are pending a theory bigger than the Big Bang to explain everything correctly. Theoretically, a “bubble universe” could be part of this explanation.

Whenever a new concept or new technology appears, it always triggers the fantasy of changing the world. You can think of a multiverse as a hypothetical collection of various universes. Basically, the multiverse acts as an ecosystem with different virtual worlds, with different laws, characteristics, and properties respectively.

Currently, we live in a multiverse of technology, with different virtual worlds of online games, where all virtual worlds becoming the core centers of entertainment and social interaction is proliferating. Thus, it is easy to notice that online games, massive multiplayer online role-playing games or MMORPGs, and social media platforms are already part of the multiverse.

The current understanding of the multiverse is still at its conceptual stage, while scientific explanation for the basis of the multiverse is evident in string theory, that explains the smallest unit of matter. String theory means that at the most basic level, all particles are basically collections of smaller strings. The theory also states that there are multiple universes with different sets of rules, and each universe is different from each other. Interestingly, string theory cannot explain our universe without assuming that other universes exist today.

From manifestation in a dream to realization in physical space, have you ever thought that broken dreams that once touched the depths of your soul can become reality in the multiverse?

If you are a senior player of traditional finance, your developed and advanced financial brain is limited by the control of centralized financial institutions, which hinders your road to the freedom of the financial empire dream. If you come to the multiverse, The financial center, where the lines are full of mathematical symbols, mathematical models, financial formulas, do you scream about it?

If you are an addict of the traditional World of Warcraft online game, you want to be able to truly own the digital assets in the game and the ownership of the things you create. If you come to the multiverse, players can transfer on their own between different worlds. All items such as identity, assets, virtual property, currency, etc., can transpire into multi-player interactive gameplay. This gameplay is based on NFT technology. After players own digital land, they can obtain corresponding information on the blockchain. Just the thought of the income you will be slaying off, are your endorphins rushing about it?

If you are a rebellious young man, you are very egotistical, then in the multiverse, you come to the selfish space and become another self to release yourself, where you can express yourself freely, about human nature, about love, about family affection. If you can express what you want, will you stay in a selfish space and regard it as the destination of your soul?

If you are a caring philanthropist, you are concerned about the greenhouse effect, carbon emissions, and children in remote corners of the world who cannot provide food and clothing, etc. As for the idea of ​​charity, in case there is a multiverse called a green earth and a child’s smile that can help you realize all kinds of ideas and thoughts about your charity. Then, what will your sending and dissemination of charity make this real world look like?

If you are a big miner who focuses on Bitcoin mining, you dream day and night about owning your own computing power world, but limited by the policies of various countries on the mining industry, you cannot show your strength in the real world. Suppose there is a parallel universe called “My Computing Power World” in the multiverse that can help you realize your long-cherished mining wish and make you a millionaire with thousands of Bitcoin Avalon mining machines overnight, will you stay up all night for this?

Phil Spencer, CEO of Microsoft Games, believes that everyone has a different metaverse in mind, and he also believes that the metaverse is really just a virtual space that people have been playing with for many years. The DiffusionDao multiverse is actually just the realization of Spencer’s idea, so that the metaverse in everyone’s mind can be realized through DiffusionDao.

Let this utopia transpire into reality, and let your eyes travel freely in the digital space. DiffusionDao multiverse is the collection and realization of the dreams of people in the real society in the digital space.

“If you had another life, what choices would you make”, quote from the Philosophy of DiffusionDao’s Crazy Multiverse.

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