Dollar Cost Out (DCO): A Strategic Approach to Secure Profits in Crypto Investing and Trading

Lion's Share Group
Published in
4 min readMay 13, 2024


In the volatile world of investing and trading, securing profits while minimizing emotional decision-making is crucial. Dollar Cost Out (DCO) is an innovative approach designed to optimize profit-taking by systematically selling a portion of an asset as its price increases. This technique helps investors and traders lock in profits and reduce the emotional stress associated with the “hold or sell” dilemma.


Investing and trading often involve making decisions under uncertainty and emotional pressure. Traditional strategies like Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) focus on reducing the average cost of investments by buying fixed dollar amounts of a particular asset at regular intervals. Conversely, Dollar Cost Out (DCO) aims to mitigate risk and secure profits by selling assets in a systematic way. This paper explores the DCO method, outlining its benefits and implementation to enhance trading outcomes without succumbing to emotional biases.

Lion’s Share Group — DCO Strategy

Dollar Cost Out (DCO) Strategy DCO is a strategic approach to selling assets that complements the initial investment strategy, often DCA. The main goal of DCO is to automate the profit-taking process, thereby eliminating emotional decisions and improving the investor’s returns.

Key Principles of DCO

  1. Incremental Selling: Instead of selling assets in one go, DCO involves selling small portions of the asset as the price increases. This method ensures that some profit is taken at regular intervals, and not all potential gains are missed if the price reverses.
  2. Set Price Targets: DCO operates by setting multiple price targets at which the asset will be sold. These targets can be based on specific percentage increases, technical indicators, or resistance levels identified through analysis.
  3. Reinvestment Strategy: Some variations of DCO include reinvesting a portion of the profits into the asset if prices drop, thereby lowering the average cost of the holdings and potentially increasing future profits.
  4. Emotion-Free Execution: By pre-defining selling targets and using automated trading tools, DCO removes the emotional aspect of trading, allowing for more rational and consistent decision-making.

Benefits of Dollar Cost Out

  • Risk Reduction: By systematically locking in profits, DCO reduces the risk of significant losses if the market turns volatile or crashes.
  • Profit Maximization: DCO helps in capturing profits at different levels, ensuring that traders do not miss out on gains by holding too long.
  • Disciplined Approach: Automating the selling process helps maintain trading discipline, preventing impulsive decisions based on fear or greed.

Implementation of DCO

  1. Define the Asset and Investment Size: Begin by selecting the asset to trade and decide the total amount to be invested.
  2. Determine Selling Points: Set multiple price points where portions of the asset will be sold. For example, sell 10% of the asset for every 5% price increase.
  3. Utilize Automation Tools: Employ trading bots or set up conditional orders on exchanges to execute the sales automatically when the price targets are hit.
  4. Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review the performance and adjust the price targets and percentages as necessary to adapt to changing market conditions.

Case Study

Consider an investor who buys $1,000 worth of a cryptocurrency at $10. Using DCO, they decide to sell 10% of the holdings for every $1 increase in price. Here’s how the strategy might unfold:

  • At $11, sell 10%: 10% of 100 units = 10 units sold, Total Profit = $110
  • At $12, sell 10% of remaining 90 units = 9 units, Total Profit = $110 + $108 = $218
  • At $13, sell 10% of remaining 81 units = 8.1 units, Total Profit = $218 + $105.3 = $323.3

This strategy allows the investor to take profits while still participating in the upside potential.


Dollar Cost Out (DCO) offers a systematic and emotion-free approach to taking profits in the markets. By setting clear rules and using automated tools, investors can secure gains, reduce risks, and avoid the pitfalls of emotional trading. As with any strategy, DCO should be tailored to individual risk tolerance, investment goals, and market conditions to optimize its effectiveness.

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