Don’t Get Arrested! Should You Use VPN for Bug Bounty Hunting?

Are you a Bug Bounty Hunter? Wondering if using a VPN is necessary for your online activities? See how researchers got arrested and how you can stay safe. Read on to find out.

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9 min readFeb 21, 2023



Bug Bounty Hunting is a challenging and exciting field that involves finding and reporting vulnerabilities in software applications. As a Bug Bounty Hunter, you are responsible for identifying security weaknesses in target systems and reporting them to the appropriate parties. However, performing these activities can be risky, as they often involve accessing sensitive data or systems that may be restricted or monitored. Using a VPN can help mitigate these risks by providing anonymity, encrypting your internet traffic, and allowing you to bypass geo-restrictions. In this article, we will explore the benefits of using a VPN for Bug Bounty Hunting and the best VPN services to use for ultimate protection. In addition we will also see how some bug bounty hunters got arrested.

Bug Bounty and History

Bug Bounty programs offer monetary rewards to ethical hackers or security researchers for discovering and reporting vulnerabilities in software applications. The Bug Bounty community has grown rapidly in recent years, with more and more companies launching their own programs. However, performing Bug Bounty activities…




Security Researcher, CTI, Author. Writes About: Cybersecurity, Threat Intelligence, Darkweb, Tech, AI/ML, Crypto, Money, Investing, Finance, Startup, Freelance