DRIP: A MAJOR Change, and a New Beginning

CryptoTechJester a.k.a MarcB


DRIP started in April of 2021, and since then, has paid 1% daily without fail. And, while there was a massive price hike that coincided with the overall crypto market in Jan/Feb 2022, since then there has been a steady price decline. There have been spikes as events have occurred (or rather been anticipated), but overall, the price of DRIP has crashed. The problem has been that DRIP has been inflationary. But, a new solution is about to occur that could reverse ALL of that. Read on to find out more.

First, let’s take a look at the price of DRIP over the life of the token.

Big spike up to ~$170 (I actually saw it break $190 USD), and then a steady fall to pennies. Why?

Inflationary Token

Simply, an inflationary token is one whose overall market cap remains near-constant while the supply increases. Thus, it spreads the overall invested value across more and more individual tokens, devaluing each token.

Imagine that you had $1000 dollars invested in 2 tokens. And, that token only had 2 tokens total. Each token would then be worth $500. But, if the creator of that token minted an additional token…



CryptoTechJester a.k.a MarcB

Crypto enthusiast, user, and investor, since 2017. Music producer and educator. I enjoy helping others reach their music and crypto goals.