DSID Milestone 2

Published in
5 min readFeb 1, 2024



NMKR’s integration with IAMX’s Decentralized Identity Management System (DID) allows for the verification of NFT collections and their creators, adding a layer of trust to the NFT ecosystem. This handshake can help NFT creators build high-credibility communities by enabling decentralized identity verification and reputation scoring. Let’s find out.

DSID takes this concept further by adding a reputation scoring system to digital identities. This allows NFT creators to whitelist only individuals with high reputation scores for exclusive NFT airdrops or other perks.

Benefits for NFT creators:

  • Control the ‘quality’ of NFT buyers by pre-verifying their digital reputation.
  • Target specific groups of individuals based on their reputation category, such as ecologically conscious individuals or those with good credit scores.
  • Waive the need for KYC (Know your Customer) processes by relying purely on reputation data.

Why use a reputation layer for digital identities?

  • To combat scams and frauds in Web3 due to bots, sybil attacks, and other malicious actors.
  • Enhance KYC’d digital identities with reputation data to create more trustworthy interactions.
  • Offer more tailored experiences and benefits to users based on their reputation.

The collaboration between NMKR and DSID is a significant step towards building more credible and trustworthy NFT communities.

Intro to NMKR: Empowering Creators and Communities in the NFT Space

NMKR.io is a decentralized NFT marketplace and ecosystem that empowers creators and communities to connect and thrive in the ever-evolving Web3 landscape. Through its innovative platform and cutting-edge technology, NMKR is revolutionizing the way NFTs are created, marketed, and experienced.

A Marketplace for Creators

NMKR provides a seamless and user-friendly platform for creators to mint, list, and sell their NFTs. With its intuitive interface and powerful tools, creators can effortlessly showcase their digital creations to a global audience. Additionally, NMKR offers a suite of marketing and promotion services to help creators amplify their visibility and reach a wider audience.

A Community for Collectors

NMKR fosters a thriving community of NFT collectors who share a passion for discovering and acquiring unique and valuable digital assets. The platform facilitates a vibrant marketplace where collectors can interact with creators, engage in discussions, and discover new NFT projects.

Advancing Decentralized Identity and Reputation

NMKR integrates with IAMX’s Decentralized Identity Management System (DID) to enable verifiable identities and reputation scoring. This innovative approach empowers creators to whitelist only individuals with high reputation scores for exclusive NFT airdrops or other perks. Additionally, DSID’s reputation scoring system allows NMKR to offer more tailored experiences and benefits to users based on their digital reputation.

A Beacon of Innovation

NMKR is at the forefront of innovation in the NFT space, constantly exploring new frontiers and pushing the boundaries of what is possible. The platform is committed to providing a safe, secure, and empowering environment for creators and collectors to engage and thrive in the ever-evolving Web3 world.

Join the NMKR Revolution

Embark on a journey of exploration and discovery with NMKR, where creativity and community converge in the dynamic realm of NFTs. Visit NMKR.io today and experience the future of NFTs firsthand.

Intro to @digitalsocial.id Redefining Online Identity with Trust, Transparency, and Measurable Reputation

The ever-evolving digital landscape, where trust and transparency are paramount, Digitalsocial.id emerges as a beacon of innovation, revolutionizing the way we perceive and manage our online identities. By leveraging the power of blockchain technology and zk-proofs, Digitalsocial.id empowers individuals to take ownership of their digital identities, establishing a foundation for a more trustworthy and rewarding online experience.

At the heart of Digitalsocial.id’s vision lies the concept of verifiable credentials, tamper-proof digital tokens that attest to an individual’s accomplishments, trustworthiness, and overall digital reputation. These credentials are seamlessly integrated into the user’s blockchain-based identity, creating a dynamic and transparent record of their online behavior.

The DSID Hub, the platform’s central hub, serves as a gateway to manage and track these verifiable credentials. Users can effortlessly connect their wallets to the Hub and access their reputational grade, a dynamic score that reflects their positive online actions and contributions. This reputational grade serves as a valuable asset, empowering individuals to leverage their trustworthiness for tangible benefits across various online platforms.

Benefits for Individuals

  • Empowerment and Control: Take ownership of your online identity and manage your reputation with transparency.
  • Measurable Reputation: Track and showcase your positive online behavior through a verifiable reputational grade.
  • Access to Exclusive Opportunities: Unlock benefits and perks based on your proven trustworthiness.

Benefits for Businesses

  • Streamlined Identity Verification: Verify user identities efficiently and securely without compromising privacy.
  • Increased Trust and Accountability: Foster a more trustworthy and transparent online environment.
  • Personalized Engagement: Tailor experiences and offerings based on user reputation, fostering stronger customer relationships.

Impact on the Digital Ecosystem

  • Rewarding and Responsible Digital Citizenship: Promote positive online behavior and incentivize responsible digital citizenship.
  • Fostering a Trustworthy Internet: Contribute to a more equitable and secure digital landscape.
  • Democratizing Online Reputation: Empower individuals to build and monetize their digital reputations.

Revolutionizing Online Identity Management

Digitalsocial.id stands at the forefront of a paradigm shift in online identity management. By combining the power of blockchain technology with innovative identity solutions, Digitalsocial.id is paving the way for a future where individuals can seamlessly navigate the digital world with confidence and integrity.

What to expect from this Handshake

The partnership between NMKR and Digitalsocial.id (DSID) is a significant step towards building more credible and trustworthy NFT communities. The combination of NMKR’s decentralized NFT marketplace and DSID’s decentralized identity and reputation management platform would offer several key benefits, including:

Enhanced Trust and Transparency

  • Verifiable identities and reputation scoring will provide a layer of trust and transparency to the NFT ecosystem, enabling creators to whitelist only individuals with high reputation scores for exclusive NFT airdrops or other perks.
  • This will help weed out bad actors and scams, making the NFT space more secure and attractive to legitimate participants.

Tailored Experiences for Users

  • DSID’s reputation scoring system will allow NMKR to offer more personalized experiences and benefits to users based on their digital reputation. This could include exclusive access to events, promotions, or other perks.
  • It will also enable NMKR to better understand their target audience and deliver more relevant content and products.

Empowered Creators and Communities

  • The collaboration will empower both creators and collectors to connect, share, and engage in the NFT space with greater trust and confidence.
  • Creators will be able to leverage DSID’s reputation scoring to build more credible and profitable NFT communities.
  • Collectors will have the opportunity to participate in exclusive events and access rare and valuable NFTs based on their reputation.

The handshake between NMKR and Digitalsocial.id is a positive development for the NFT ecosystem and is likely to have a significant impact on the way we interact with NFTs in the future.

