DYOR: How to Find the Next 10x — 20x Tokens

Ileke Airende
7 min readJun 6, 2023


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Investing in cryptocurrencies has become a worldwide sensation, with millions attempting to profit from the potential advantages offered by this new digital asset class. However, with thousands of tokens available in the market, the challenge lies in identifying the hidden gems that have the potential to skyrocket in value.

In this article, I will walk you through the fundamentals of DYOR, providing you with the knowledge and tools you need to find tokens that can potentially deliver significant profits.

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What is DYOR?

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DYOR stands for “Do Your Own Research.” It is a principle that every investor should follow before investing in any project. DYOR means taking the time to understand the project, the team behind it, the technology, and the market demand. It means going beyond the hype and reading the whitepaper, checking the project’s Github, and following the community’s discussions.

DYOR enables investors to make informed decisions based on their analysis, as opposed to solely relying on the opinions of others.

The Importance of DYOR

Investing in crypto is risky, and many investors have lost their money due to scams, rug pulls, or poor investment decisions. The best way to minimize these risks is by doing your own research. When you DYOR, you gain a better understanding of the project’s fundamentals, and you can identify potential red flags. You can also discover hidden gems that others might have missed, which could lead to massive gains in the long run.

DYOR is also instrumental in mitigating risks and maximizing investment opportunities. The results of blindly following hype or succumbing to FOMO (fear of missing out) can be disastrous. By conducting diligent research, investors can gain insights into the fundamental aspects of a project, evaluate its potential, and make informed decisions.

How to DYOR

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DYOR is not a one-size-fits-all strategy, and the research process may differ depending on the intricacy of the project and the investor’s experience. There are, nevertheless, some basics that every investor should consider when studying a project.

Step 1: Read the Whitepaper

The whitepaper serves as the project’s blueprint, containing vital information on the project’s technology, use cases, and team. The first step in your research should be to read the whitepaper. Take note of the project’s vision, goals, and team experience.

Step 2: Check the Team

A project’s team is a vital aspect that can make or break its success. Research the team’s background, experience, and track record. Check their LinkedIn profiles, Twitter accounts, and other social media platforms. Look for any red flags, such as fake profiles, lack of relevant experience, or involvement in previous scams.

Step 3: Evaluate the Technology

A project’s underlying technology is another crucial element determining its success. Check GitHub for the project to determine the quality and activity of the code. Check for any audits or security assessments that have been performed.

Step 4: Analyze the Tokenomics

Tokenomics refers to the economic and monetary aspects of a cryptocurrency. Evaluating tokenomics entails analyzing factors such as token distribution, token supply, token utility, and value appreciation mechanisms. Understanding these dynamics offers insight into the token’s prospective investment value.

Step 5: Analyze the Market Demand

An important factor affecting a project’s potential growth is the market demand for it. Examine the project’s use cases and potential market. Look for any competitors or similar projects and analyze their market share.

Step 6: Follow the Community

A project’s community can provide vital insight into its potential. Follow the social media accounts for the project, join its Telegram or Discord group, and read the community discussions. Consider any concerns or suggestions raised by the community.

A vibrant and engaged community is often indicative of a promising project. Assessing the community’s size, activity, and sentiment via social media and online forums can provide insightful information about the project’s popularity and support. It also helps evaluate the project team’s level of openness and communication.

Step 7: Examine their Partnerships and Collaborations

Partnerships and collaborations can significantly impact a project’s success and adoption. Analyzing a project’s strategic partnerships and connections can help assess its potential for growth and widespread adoption. Examining the credibility and reputation of these partners is crucial for evaluating the project’s legitimacy.

Step 8: Check the Roadmap and Development Progress

A well-defined roadmap demonstrates a project’s commitment to achieving its goals. Assessing the roadmap helps determine the project’s timeline, milestones, and progress. It allows investors to determine if the project is meeting its objectives and delivering on its promises. Analyzing development progress, such as the publication of alpha or beta versions, showcases the project’s ability to execute its plans.

Step 9: Utilize Reliable Sources and Tools

Accurate and reliable information is paramount when conducting research. Utilizing reputable sources such as official project websites, credible news outlets, and well-established crypto platforms ensures the information gathered is accurate and up to date.

Additionally, leveraging analytical tools, market data platforms, and professional research services can provide valuable insights for informed decision-making.

Step 10: Create a Checklist for DYOR

Making a checklist of key factors to consider when conducting DYOR could also be helpful. This checklist should include team evaluation, whitepaper analysis, tokenomics assessment, community engagement, partnerships, roadmap scrutiny, market analysis, technology evaluation, and risk assessment.

Following a structured approach helps ensure thorough research and comprehensive analysis.

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Common Crypto Research Tools

Photo by Vadim Artyukhin on Unsplash

Here are some of the most common crypto research tools:

  1. CoinMarketCap: CoinMarketCap is a popular platform that provides information on the market capitalization, trading volume, price, and other essential data for various cryptocurrencies. It allows you to monitor token performance, examine historical price charts, and compare projects.
  2. CoinGecko: Like CoinMarketCap, CoinGecko provides extensive cryptocurrency data, such as market capitalization, trading volume, price, and liquidity. It also offers additional functions, including portfolio monitoring, market analysis, and trending news.
  3. GitHub: GitHub is a platform where developers share and collaborate on open-source projects. Checking a project’s GitHub repository can provide insights into its development activity, the quality of its codebase, and the responsiveness of its development team.
  4. TradingView: TradingView is a popular charting and technical analysis platform that provides real-time data and advanced charting tools. It allows users to analyze price movements, identify trends, and implement technical indicators to make trading decisions.
  5. Social Media and Forums: Platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and dedicated crypto forums can offer valuable insights into market sentiment, news, and discussions about specific projects. Engaging with the community and staying updated on relevant discussions can provide a broader perspective on token performance and potential investment opportunities.

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Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash
  1. What is the best way to avoid scams in crypto?

Following the DYOR principle is the best method to avoid scams. Do your own research and maintain a healthy skepticism toward projects that promise unrealistic returns or provide little information about their team or technology.

2. How much time should I spend on research?

Research time should be proportional to the project’s complexity and investment strategy. However, you should never invest in a project without adequate research, even if it takes time.

3. Should I invest in established or new projects?

Both established and new projects can have growth potential. However, new projects often have more room for growth but also come with higher risks. It’s important to assess each project’s fundamentals and potential before investing.

4. Can I trust online reviews and ratings of crypto projects?

Although online reviews and ratings can be useful, they should not be used to make investing decisions. Always verify the information and do your own research before investing.

5. Can I invest in multiple projects at once?

Diversification is important in any investment strategy and can also apply to crypto. However, make sure to invest only in projects that you have thoroughly researched and believe in.

6. Is DYOR only applicable to cryptocurrencies?

While DYOR is commonly used in crypto, it can be applied to any investment. Thorough research is vital for informed decision-making in any investment venture.

7. Does DYOR guarantee profitable investments?

DYOR doesn’t guarantee profitability but significantly reduces the risks associated with investments. It helps investors make informed choices based on comprehensive research.

8. How much time should I dedicate to DYOR?

The time required for DYOR varies depending on the complexity of the project and your investment goals. Allocate sufficient time to conduct thorough research and stay updated.

9. How can I stay updated on the crypto market and projects?

Follow trusted sources of information, such as reputable news outlets, social media accounts of crypto projects, and crypto communities. Joining online communities and attending events or conferences can also provide valuable insights.


Investing in crypto can be exciting and rewarding but comes with risks. By following the DYOR principle and considering the abovementioned factors, you can increase your chances of finding the next 10x — 20x tokens. Always remember to invest wisely and only what you can afford to lose.



Ileke Airende

Crypto Aficionado and a passionate Marketer. Writes about life, people, Defi, DAOs, Web 3 and 21st Century Marketing.