Earn free NFTs and crypto with coinmarketcap diamonds program


How to Earn CoinMarketCap Diamonds

In order to start collecting CoinMarketCap Diamonds, you need to have a CoinMarketCap account— it’s just that easy.

link to register : https://www.binance.com/en/register?ref=RSC6BO9Q

1/ You can start earning Diamonds by visiting CoinMarketCap every day , you will also be able to earn Diamonds by interacting with different CoinMarketCap features. like the Daily Tasks where you need to join an airdrop of a new coin or estimate the price of a current cryptocurrency .

How to Spend CoinMarketCap Diamonds:

Once you have accumulated some CoinMarketCap Diamonds, you will be able to spend them at CoinMarketCap Diamonds rewards store on items like CoinMarketCap merch, NFTs and more.

CoinMarketCap Diamonds program is just getting starting — check back to see what other ways you can earn and spend Diamonds in daily!

