Trend and Ability — A student’s insight on investing

Howard Li
Published in
3 min readJan 13, 2022


This is a thread about trends and abilities regarding success:

Let me tell you a story:

Three people are in an elevator, going up from the 1st floor to the 10th floor. On their way to the top, Person A does push-ups in the elevator, Person B makes phone calls in the elevator, and Person C reads books. After arriving on the 10th floor, the three were asked to describe their experience of success. Unsurprisingly, they each reasoned their success to doing push-ups, making phone calls, and reading books.

What does it mean?

Does it mean our ability does not matter in the market? If I was asked to choose which is more important, the market trend or your investing ability? I would choose the former. Of course, someone can also argue that being able to discern and wisely follow the trend is also an ability.

We need to clear our eyes and recognize the reality as the reason why someone can gain tremendous wealth in their youth or with minimum effort mostly is not because of their skills or their fate. The success they had today does not guarantee their success in the future. If there is no trend, any success in this field is impossible, so we need to always stay humble and stay in awe of the market.

Journey to success

Enjoy the opportunities brought by the trend, but also pay attention, when the trend changes or becomes absent, don’t try hard or invest randomly.

One might wonder “Why you should not invest when the trend is not there?” You must have heard such a sentence: The money one made by luck can be lost by one trying hard. If you have invested in crypto for long enough, you must have a deeper feeling about this idea.

This is also why when most successful people talk about experiences with success, they will always say it’s luck. Do they really rely on luck? Of course not. People who can succeed must exceed 99% of people with talent + hard work + ability.

However, they are soberly aware of the importance of trends, with humility and awe in their hearts. On the contrary, if it is originally based on luck, but one stubbornly believes that it is based on ability, then usually the result will not be too good.


Thus, coming back to our elevator story. The three people correspondingly reasoned their success to a try-hard, their perfect resources, and their deep understanding of success.

The problem is that if they didn’t go up to the elevator, all three of them would have stayed on the first floor.


The thread was originally posted on Nov 16, 2021 on Twitter

Orginal Twitter Post

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Howard Li

The concepts and articles are based on my own understanding and should not be viewed as any sort of financial advice.