Empowering the Future: IoTeX and Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN)

12 min readMay 4, 2024



In an era defined by digital transformation, IoTeX stands out as a beacon of innovation, bridging the physical and digital realms through its groundbreaking blockchain technology. IoTeX’s core mission is to empower the future by enabling secure, private, and scalable interactions between smart devices and the blockchain. At the heart of IoTeX’s vision lies the concept of Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN), a paradigm-shifting approach to decentralized infrastructure that promises to revolutionize industries and transform the way we interact with the world around us.

IoTeX: Connecting the Physical World with the Blockchain

IoTeX’s journey began with a simple yet profound idea: to create a decentralized platform that could seamlessly integrate the vast array of smart devices that populate our world. From connected vehicles and smart homes to industrial sensors and environmental monitors, IoTeX envisioned a future where every device could interact with the blockchain, enabling a new era of trust, transparency, and efficiency.

To achieve this ambitious goal, IoTeX developed a purpose-built blockchain architecture designed to meet the unique needs of DePIN applications. IoTeX’s blockchain is EVM-compatible, allowing developers to leverage familiar tools and languages to build decentralized applications (dApps) that interact with real-world data. This compatibility, combined with IoTeX’s focus on scalability and privacy, makes it an ideal platform for building the decentralized infrastructure of tomorrow.

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN): Revolutionizing Decentralized Infrastructure

At the core of IoTeX’s vision lies the concept of DePIN, a revolutionary approach to decentralized infrastructure that reimagines the way we build, manage, and interact with physical infrastructure. DePIN leverages the power of blockchain technology to create decentralized networks of physical infrastructure nodes, enabling trustless and secure interactions between devices and the blockchain.

Unlike traditional centralized infrastructure, which is often plagued by issues such as single points of failure and lack of transparency, DePIN offers a decentralized alternative that is inherently more resilient, transparent, and efficient. By decentralizing infrastructure ownership and management, DePIN opens up new possibilities for innovation and collaboration, empowering individuals and organizations worldwide to participate in the creation of a more connected and sustainable future. In the following sections, we will explore IoTeX’s role in enabling DePIN, delve into the core concepts of DePIN, and highlight some of the innovative projects that are already leveraging IoTeX’s platform to build the decentralized infrastructure of tomorrow.

2.1 Defining DePIN

Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN) represent a fundamental shift in how we conceptualize and build physical infrastructure. At its core, DePIN is a decentralized network of physical infrastructure nodes that are connected to the blockchain. These nodes can range from simple sensors and smart devices to more complex machines and vehicles, all of which are capable of interacting with the blockchain in a trustless and secure manner.

The importance of DePIN lies in its ability to enable trustless and secure interactions between physical devices and the blockchain. By decentralizing infrastructure ownership and management, DePIN eliminates the need for centralized intermediaries, reducing the risk of censorship, fraud, and manipulation. This trustless and secure infrastructure is essential for enabling a wide range of applications, from smart cities and autonomous vehicles to supply chain tracking and environmental monitoring.

2.2 Building Decentralized Physical Infrastructure

Building DePIN networks is not limited to large corporations or government entities; it is a collaborative effort that relies on the participation of individuals and organizations worldwide. Anyone with access to physical infrastructure, such as sensors, devices, or vehicles, can contribute to building DePIN networks by connecting their infrastructure to the blockchain. Token incentives play a crucial role in driving the growth of DePIN networks. By offering tokens as rewards for contributing infrastructure or validating transactions, DePIN incentivizes individuals and organizations to participate in the network. These tokens can be used to access services within the network, vote on network governance proposals, or simply as a store of value.

Ownership models within DePIN networks vary depending on the specific infrastructure and use case. In some cases, ownership may be decentralized, with individuals or organizations owning and managing their infrastructure. In other cases, ownership may be shared, with multiple parties collaborating to build and maintain infrastructure nodes. Regardless of the ownership model, the goal of DePIN is to create a decentralized network of physical infrastructure that is resilient, transparent, and open to all

3. Projects Building on IoTeX

3.1 Energy Sector: Green Energy Initiatives


Starpower is a project that leverages IoTeX’s infrastructure to connect energy devices like air conditioners, water heaters, and energy storage batteries. By connecting these devices, Starpower aims to create virtual power plants (VPPs), which can intelligently distribute and manage energy resources. This technology utilizes a combination of IoT, blockchain, and AI technologies to enable more efficient energy production, distribution, and consumption.

Mission: Starpower’s mission is to empower applications such as VPPs to promote more sustainable and efficient energy use. By connecting energy devices and enabling them to communicate with each other, Starpower seeks to revolutionize the way energy is produced and consumed.

Impact: The impact of Starpower’s technology is significant, as it enables more sustainable and efficient energy use. By creating VPPs, Starpower helps reduce reliance on traditional energy sources and promotes the use of renewable energy. This not only benefits the environment by reducing carbon emissions but also helps reduce energy costs for consumers.

3.2 Mobility Solutions: Connected Vehicles and Smart Cities


Drife is a decentralized ride-hailing platform that focuses on empowering drivers and riders. Unlike traditional ride-hailing services, Drife aims to disrupt the existing business model by creating a fairer, more efficient, and transparent economy for both drivers and riders. Drife utilizes IoTeX’s infrastructure for secure and decentralized communication between vehicles and infrastructure, creating a decentralized mobility marketplace.

Mission: Drife’s mission is to create a decentralized mobility marketplace that benefits both drivers and riders. By removing intermediaries and allowing direct transactions between drivers and riders, Drife seeks to create a more efficient and transparent ride-hailing economy.

Impact: The impact of Drife’s platform is significant, as it creates a decentralized marketplace for mobility solutions. By empowering drivers and riders, Drife helps create a fairer economy that benefits both parties. Additionally, by utilizing IoTeX’s infrastructure, Drife ensures secure and decentralized communication, leading to safer transportation systems.

3.3 Environmental Data Tracking and Proof-of-Presence Applications


EnviroBLOQ is a web3 data analytics company that focuses on the smart home industry. By utilizing real-world data, EnviroBLOQ aims to provide the most efficient HVAC (heating, ventilation, and air conditioning) and structural designs to help conserve energy and preserve the environment. The company leverages IoTeX’s infrastructure to collect data from sensors deployed in various environments, such as forests, oceans, and urban areas. This data is securely stored on the blockchain, ensuring its integrity and accessibility.

Mission: EnviroBLOQ’s mission is to bridge smart homes to the blockchain, providing trusted and verifiable data for property owners, homebuilders, and manufacturers. By utilizing real-world data, EnviroBLOQ aims to enable more sustainable and energy-efficient practices in the smart home industry.

Impact: The impact of EnviroBLOQ’s technology is significant, as it enables property owners and manufacturers to make more educated decisions regarding energy efficiencies. By providing insights into energy usage and structural designs, EnviroBLOQ empowers users to reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.

3.4 Connectivity and Communication

Wayru Network

Wayru Network is a decentralized wireless network that provides affordable and reliable internet access worldwide. It utilizes blockchain technology to ensure secure, seamless, and decentralized connectivity. The network aims to democratize the digital landscape, especially in underserved regions, by decentralizing internet access and enabling anyone to become a network operator.

Mission: Wayru Network’s mission is to bridge the digital divide by providing affordable and reliable internet access worldwide. By decentralizing internet access, Wayru Network aims to empower individuals and communities, especially in underserved regions, by giving them control over their internet connectivity.

Impact: The impact of Wayru Network is transformative, as it enables digital inclusivity and empowers individuals and communities with access to information and resources. By decentralizing internet access, Wayru Network contributes to bridging the digital divide and creating a more connected and equitable world.

3.5 Data Authentication and Sharing

Datamall Chain

Datamall Chain is leading a new era in data authentication and sharing. The project aims to build a decentralized multi-chain storage network that unlocks the potential of data. By leveraging blockchain technology, Datamall Chain provides a secure and transparent platform for storing and sharing data across multiple chains.

Mission: Datamall Chain’s mission is to revolutionize the way data is authenticated and shared. By building a decentralized storage network, Datamall Chain aims to empower individuals and organizations to securely store and share data, unlocking new opportunities and innovations in data management.

Impact: The impact of Datamall Chain is significant, as it provides a secure and transparent platform for data authentication and sharing. By decentralizing data storage and sharing, Datamall Chain enables individuals and organizations to have greater control over their data, leading to increased security and privacy.

3.6 AI and Machine Learning


Inferix is an innovative platform for 3D rendering and AI inference that utilizes crowdsourced GPUs globally. The platform aims to provide a decentralized solution for accessing GPU computing power, enabling users to render high-quality graphics and perform AI inference tasks efficiently.

Mission: Inferix’s mission is to democratize access to GPU computing power by leveraging a global network of GPUs. By crowdsourcing GPUs, Inferix aims to provide affordable and efficient 3D rendering and AI inference capabilities to users worldwide.

Impact: Inferix has the potential to revolutionize industries that rely on GPU computing, such as gaming, animation, and AI. By providing a decentralized platform for accessing GPU resources, Inferix can lower costs and increase accessibility to GPU computing power, driving innovation in these industries.


Network3 is building an AI Layer2 to help AI developers worldwide train or validate models at scale quickly, conveniently, and efficiently. The project aims to enhance the scalability and efficiency of AI development by providing a decentralized platform for training and validating AI models.

Mission: Network3’s mission is to accelerate the development of AI by providing a scalable and efficient platform for training and validating AI models. By leveraging decentralized technologies, Network3 aims to democratize access to AI development tools and resources.

Impact: Network3 has the potential to democratize access to AI development tools and resources, enabling more developers worldwide to participate in AI development. By providing a scalable and efficient platform, Network3 can accelerate the pace of AI innovation and drive advancements in AI technology.

3.7 Security and Privacy

ATOR Protocol

ATOR Protocol is building the largest global anonymous-routing ecosystem, leveraging a decentralized privacy protocol, on-chain incentives, and signature hardware. The protocol aims to provide users with enhanced privacy and security by routing their internet traffic through a decentralized network.

Mission: ATOR Protocol’s mission is to create a global network that prioritizes user privacy and security. By leveraging decentralized technologies, the protocol aims to provide users with a secure and private internet experience.

Impact: ATOR Protocol has the potential to revolutionize internet privacy and security by providing users with a decentralized alternative to traditional VPNs. By routing internet traffic through a decentralized network, ATOR Protocol can protect users’ privacy and security from centralized authorities and hackers.

Deeper Network

Deeper Network combines network security, blockchain technology, and a sharing economy to build Web 3.0 infrastructure and an ecosystem to accommodate billions of users worldwide. The network aims to provide users with a secure and private internet experience while also allowing them to earn rewards for sharing their network resources.

Mission: Deeper Network’s mission is to create a secure and private internet for users worldwide. By leveraging blockchain technology and a sharing economy model, the network aims to provide users with a decentralized alternative to traditional internet service providers.

Impact: Deeper Network has the potential to disrupt the traditional internet service provider model by providing users with a decentralized and secure alternative. By allowing users to earn rewards for sharing their network resources, Deeper Network can create a more efficient and resilient internet infrastructure.

3.8 Environmental Monitoring and Sustainability


WeatherXM is a community-powered weather network that rewards weather station owners and provides accurate weather services to Web3 enterprises. The network utilizes blockchain technology to create a decentralized weather data marketplace, where users can buy and sell weather data securely and transparently.

Mission: WeatherXM’s mission is to create a decentralized weather data marketplace that benefits both weather station owners and data buyers. By incentivizing weather station owners to share their data, WeatherXM aims to create a more robust and accurate weather data ecosystem.

Impact: WeatherXM has the potential to revolutionize the weather data industry by creating a decentralized marketplace for buying and selling weather data. By providing accurate weather services to Web3 enterprises, WeatherXM can help businesses make better-informed decisions based on real-time weather data.


Weatherflow provides innovative environmental monitoring solutions to help consumers and businesses better manage the impact of weather. The company utilizes IoT devices and sensors to collect environmental data, which is then analyzed and used to provide actionable insights to users.

Mission: Weatherflow’s mission is to help consumers and businesses better understand and manage the impact of weather on their daily lives. By providing accurate and timely environmental data, Weatherflow aims to empower users to make informed decisions about their activities.

Impact: Weatherflow’s environmental monitoring solutions have the potential to improve the resilience of communities to extreme weather events. By providing real-time data on weather conditions, Weatherflow can help businesses and governments better prepare for and respond to weather-related disasters.

3.9 IoT Device Management and Connectivity


Autobahn is a universal portal for keeping IoT devices connected, enhancing device management and connectivity. It offers cellular-IoT SIM cards for Pebble Tracker devices, enabling connectivity and device management across a wide range of applications.

Mission: Autobahn aims to simplify and improve the management and connectivity of IoT devices. By offering universal connectivity solutions, Autobahn seeks to enable seamless communication between IoT devices and the broader internet.

Impact: Autobahn’s universal portal and SIM cards can benefit a wide range of industries and applications, from smart cities and environmental monitoring to industrial IoT and asset tracking. By providing reliable connectivity solutions, Autobahn can help businesses and organizations harness the power of IoT technology.

Switch Electric

Switch Electric is building a web3 platform and metering infrastructure for tokenizing rooftop solar assets, promoting sustainable energy solutions. The platform aims to enable the trading and management of solar energy assets on the blockchain, facilitating the transition to renewable energy sources.

Mission: Switch Electric’s mission is to accelerate the adoption of rooftop solar energy by providing a secure and transparent platform for trading solar energy assets. By tokenizing rooftop solar assets, Switch Electric aims to make solar energy more accessible and affordable for everyone.

Impact: Switch Electric’s platform has the potential to revolutionize the rooftop solar industry by providing a secure and transparent way to trade solar energy assets. By leveraging blockchain technology, Switch Electric can streamline the process of buying and selling solar energy, making it easier for individuals and businesses to participate in the renewable energy market.

3.10 Mobility and Transportation


React is building the digital infrastructure necessary to turn the grid edge into an energy resource, enhancing mobility and transportation solutions. By incentivizing individuals to connect data and smart devices to the protocol, React can optimize the energy system by enabling grid forecasting, power quality monitoring, virtual power plant operations, and more. This decentralized approach aims to make energy cheaper, cleaner, and more resilient while ensuring incentive alignment through community governance.

Mission: React’s mission is to revolutionize the energy and transportation sectors by leveraging decentralized technologies. By turning the grid edge into an energy resource, React aims to enhance mobility solutions, reduce energy costs, and promote sustainability.

Impact: React’s approach to leveraging the grid edge as an energy resource can have a significant impact on the transportation sector. By optimizing energy usage and promoting sustainability, React can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and create a more efficient transportation system.

In conclusion,

IoTeX is a pioneering force in the DePIN revolution, bridging the gap between the physical world and the blockchain. With its secure, scalable, and privacy-centric infrastructure, IoTeX empowers individuals and organizations to build decentralized physical infrastructure networks (DePIN) that revolutionize industries and enhance everyday life. DePIN represents a new paradigm in decentralized infrastructure, enabling trustless and secure interactions between physical devices and blockchain technology. Through token incentives and ownership models, DePIN incentivizes participation and fosters a community-driven approach to building and maintaining decentralized infrastructure.

Projects in various sectors, such as green energy initiatives and environmental monitoring, are leveraging IoTeX’s infrastructure to drive innovation and promote sustainability. These projects demonstrate the transformative potential of DePIN in reshaping industries and improving the quality of life for people worldwide. Looking ahead, IoTeX and DePIN are poised to play a pivotal role in shaping a more decentralized, transparent, and connected world. By empowering individuals and organizations to build and innovate on decentralized infrastructure, IoTeX is paving the way for a more inclusive and sustainable future.

Raullen Chai, the CEO and co-founder of IoTeX, is a visionary leader dedicated to revolutionizing the world through decentralized technology. With a background in leading tech companies like Uber and Google, Raullen embarked on the IoTeX journey in 2017 to bridge the gap between the decentralized world and the physical world. Under his leadership, IoTeX has pioneered the concept of Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (DePIN), aiming to empower individuals to build and maintain decentralized infrastructure for communication, energy, and data operations. Raullen’s vision extends beyond technology; he envisions a future where decentralized networks like IoTeX enable a more equitable and sustainable society. Through IoTeX, Raullen is driving the transformation of the blockchain industry and inspiring a new wave of innovation in the decentralized space.

