ERC-4626: A New Way to Earn Yield on Crypto Assets

WP Smart Contracts
3 min readSep 27, 2023


ERC-4626 is a new standard for yield-bearing vaults on Ethereum. It makes it easier for users to earn yield on their crypto assets by providing a standard API for vaults.

Vaults are contracts that hold a pool of underlying assets and issue shares to users in exchange for their deposits. Shares represent a proportional ownership stake in the vault’s assets.

ERC-4626 vaults can be used to implement a variety of yield-bearing strategies, such as lending, staking, and liquidity provisioning. They can also be used to create more complex financial products, such as yield aggregators and decentralized asset managers.


There are a number of benefits to using ERC-4626 vaults, including:

  • Convenience: Users can easily deposit their assets into a vault and start earning yield without having to manage their own investments.
  • Diversification: Vaults typically invest in a diversified basket of assets, which can help to reduce risk.
  • Transparency: Vaults are required to provide transparent information about their holdings and performance.
  • Efficiency: Vaults can help to optimize the use of capital and improve the efficiency of the DeFi ecosystem.

How it works

Here is an example of how ERC-4626 vaults work:

  • A user deposits 100 ETH into a vault.
  • The vault manager deploys the ETH into a lending protocol.
  • The vault issues the user 100 shares, which represent their ownership stake in the vault’s assets.
  • The user earns yield on their ETH through the lending protocol.
  • The user can redeem their shares at any time for 100 ETH, plus any accrued interest.

ERC-4626 is a new and innovative technology that has the potential to revolutionize the way that users earn yield on their crypto assets. By providing a standard API for yield-bearing vaults, ERC-4626 is making it easier for developers to create new and innovative financial products, and making it easier for users to choose the best yield-bearing solution for their needs.

Real-world use cases for ERC-4626 vaults

ERC-4626 vaults are still a relatively new technology, but they are already being used in a number of real-world applications. Here are a few examples:

  • Yield aggregators: ERC-4626 vaults can be used to create yield aggregators that automatically invest user funds in the highest-yielding opportunities. This allows users to earn maximum yield on their assets without having to manage their own investments.
  • Decentralized asset managers: ERC-4626 vaults can be used to create decentralized asset managers that implement a variety of investment strategies. This allows users to invest in complex strategies without having to trust a centralized intermediary.
  • Institutional DeFi: ERC-4626 vaults can be used to make DeFi more accessible to institutional investors. By providing a standard API for vaults, ERC-4626 makes it easier for institutional investors to integrate DeFi into their existing investment workflows.


ERC-4626 is a promising new technology with the potential to revolutionize the way that users earn yield on their crypto assets. By providing a standard API for yield-bearing vaults, ERC-4626 makes it easier for developers to create new and innovative financial products. It also makes it easier for users to choose the best yield-bearing solution for their needs.

