ETH 2.0: Is the next delay coming?

The change from PoW to PoS and sharding is likely to be delayed again at Ethereum

Published in
4 min readNov 25, 2020


The Ethereum community has been following the developments of the upcoming and long-awaited release of Ethereum 2.0 and the change from Proof-of-Work to Proof-of-Stock consensus with excitement. Among other technical innovations, such as sharding, this should make the Ethereum blockchain much more scalable.

This step is essential for Ethereum, as scalability has often reached its limits in the recent past. In particular, the emerging DeFi and unswap hype caused the blockchain to struggle with so many transactions that they sometimes took several hours. The transaction fees also shot up. In some cases, traders paid several hundred or even thousands of US dollars for just one transaction.

Vitalik: ETH 2.0 may be further delayed

But now, the next bad news came from Vitalik Buterin, co-founder of Ethereum. After the release had already been delayed several times, Vitalik admitted that there might be another delay.

On November 17, Vitalik answered a related question from a user who wanted to inquire about the AMA's complete roadmap…




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