Aksha Agarwal
Published in
4 min readJul 22, 2023


In the decentralized world of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, gas fees play a vital component that directly influences transaction efficiency and costs. As an investor or trader, it’s crucial to know if the gas fee is at a higher or lower end to optimize your blockchain interactions. This blog will help you understand deeper into the significance of gas fees, explore reasons to monitor their fluctuations, and provide practical tips on how to make the most out of your transactions.

What is Gas Fee?

The fee amount to be paid in cryptocurrency for every transaction or smart contract execution on blockchain networks that utilize smart contracts, such as Ethereum. It covers the computational resources needed to process and validate these actions. Each operation within a smart contract consumes a specific amount of gas, and the user must pay for these resources to incentivize miners or validators to execute their transactions.

Why To Monitor Gas Fees?

  • Cost Efficiency: Gas fees can be highly volatile, particularly during periods of network congestion. By monitoring gas fees, you can identify times when fees is lower, allowing you to execute transactions at a more favorable cost, saving you money in the process.
  • Transaction Speed: Paying higher gas fees often results in prioritizing your transaction, leading to quicker confirmations. Monitoring gas fees enables you to decide whether paying a premium for faster processing is necessary or if you can afford to wait for a more cost-effective time.
  • Smart Contract Optimization: For developers, keeping track of gas fees is crucial when optimizing smart contracts and decentralized applications. By reducing the gas consumption of their applications, developers can create cost-efficient solutions for end-users.

When To Check Gas Fees?

  • Before Transactions: Always check gas fees before initiating any transaction or executing a smart smart contract. Many wallets and dApps provide real-time gas fee estimates, empowering you to make well-informed decisions.
  • During Network Congestion: Gas fees often surge during times of high network demand, such as during token launches, airdrops, or major events. It's essential to closely monitor gas fees during these periods to avoid overpaying for your transactions.
  • Regularly: Gas fees fluctuate throughout the day, and they can differ between various blockchains. Checking gas fees periodically helps you identify cost-effectiveness opportunities for your transactions.

How To Check Gas Fees?

  • Gas Fee Trackers: Numerous websites and platforms offer real-time gas fee tracking for various blockchain networks. Etherscan, GasNow, and ETH Gas Station are popular platforms providing gas fee estimates.
  • Wallet Integrations: Many cryptocurrency wallets incorporate gas fee estimation into their interfaces. When initiating a transaction, these wallets calculate the recommended gas fee based on the current network conditions.
  • dApps and DeFi Platforms: Decentralized applications and DeFi platforms often display gas fee estimations before executing transactions. Always check this information before interacting with these applications.
  • Community Channels: Some blockchain projects and communities develop dedicated Telegram bots or Twitter accounts that provide regular updates on gas fees.

Finally, How To Optimize Gas Fees?

  • Gas Price Strategy: Utilize "gas price" or "gas limit" customization options in your wallet or DApp to set a reasonable fee. Gas fees are determined by multiplying the gas price (Gwei) by the gas limit. Lowering the gas price may result in slower processing times, while raising it may increase the cost.
  • Off-Peak Transactions: Whenever possible, execute transactions during off-peak hours when network congestion is lower, and gas fees tend to be more affordable.
  • Batch Transactions: Some wallets and DApps support batch transactions, enabling multiple operations to be bundled into one transaction. This reduces overall gas costs by sharing the fees across several actions.
  • Layer 2 Solutions: Consider using layer 2 scaling solutions like zk-rollups or Optimistic Rollups, which offer reduced gas fees and faster processing times for certain types of transactions.

Remember, in the world of blockchain, knowledge is power, and staying informed about gas fees is a step towards becoming a more savvy and cost-conscious user. Happy transacting!



Aksha Agarwal

Talks about #crypto #nft #web3 #strategies #skills - open for gigs - reach out to me on aksha.agarwal08@gmail.com