ETH +Merger = Altcoins Bull Run + DAO’s & NFT Ecosystem #compound

Published in
2 min readApr 17, 2022


Short, sweet and Savvy. I know if you have made it deep enough to be reading this, that you have already stuffed your brain full of wayy too much information. Lost? probably…but, clarity is coming your way. There is just TOO much information thrown around, fomo/yolo is strong in the conception of average consumers. DonT fAll FoR it! Ok, now the Grow! NOT Financial Advice & Do Your Own Research — You will probably lose all your money otherwise. GL #NAMASTE

Simply put Ethereum has a merger coming up. You likely know this, they are changing the network to a more ECO Friendly model.

Changing from POW (proof of work) —> POS (proof of stake)

What does this mean?? The rewards provided to the Miners is shrinking, and the burn will continue. Thus creating a deflationary mechanism (see issuance below) can you say…

That’s not the only thing worth pointing out for this upcoming merger. Check out the Deposit Contracts representing Staked ETH — — say whaa….Look’s like folks don’t want to let go of their ETH much these days. Not sure what that means, but you can be the judgement.

There are a hundred reasons why this will lead to alt coin boom rally. I suggest you dig deep into the crypto world to find out why! Follow me for the incoming Alt Coin Rally & More Crypto news! HOLD the Clap for up to 50x — — find alpha tips in my other article! (CT = crypto twitter)

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