Making Sense of Ethereum Transaction History

Using Etherscan’s Address Tags and Transaction Notes

Cliff Hall
Published in
6 min readMar 2, 2020


Let’s say you’re executing a lot of Ethereum transactions, some manually and some scripted. When the dust settles, you need to make certain that everything went perfectly because there’s a lot riding on it. What’s the best way to satisfy yourself that it all went down as planned?

A Flurry of Activity

I recently spent about 26 hours engaged in what is arguably the most intense set of network interactions of my entire career. The stakes were high, and the clock was ticking.

The job?

Deploy 4 smart contracts to the Ethereum mainnet and prepare them with their initial state data.

The next day we were to open our “Founders sale” on Open Sea, the leading NFT marketplace. Our Discord was going bonkers. Buyers were queued up like the teeming masses pressed against a Target storefront on Black Friday morning. When does the sale start???

Each of the contracts has a set of management roles associated with it that need to be set to the right wallet addresses, or control of them could be lost entirely.

The gas cost alone to initialize the data on one of these contracts amounted to over $1,700 USD and over…

