Explanation Of Web 1 — Web 5

Web3 Part Time Student
3 min readDec 22, 2022


The Internet is a globally interconnected network of computers using the Internet Protocol Suite (TCP/IP) to connect devices around the world. Internet can not be separated from the name of the website

The web or what we usually call a website is a collection of several interconnected or related pages in a domain that is on the World Wide Web (WWW) on the internet. This website is divided into WEB 1, WEB 2, WEB 3, even WEB 5


WEB 1.0 is the first web generation and is the beginning of a new revolution in the internet world at that time. Websites built on the first generation were basically developed for accessing information and had a slightly interactive nature where visitors could only read and not input data or interact. wider. An example of WEB 1 is Yahoo! and Explorers.


WEB 2.0 is a revolution for the computer industry business where in the web 2.0 era many digital platforms appear with wider interaction for internet users, examples of platforms that are familiar to us, such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, and WhatsApp.

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Web 3.0 is the latest revolution in the world of technology, the development of web 3.0 offers a more efficient way of internet activities and even in search of income and financial services. In Web 3.0 various kinds of software will be able to share information more efficiently because in web 3.0 it uses an artificial intelligence system that makes web performance much wider, even in web 3.0 it is known as Blockchain and Cryptocurrency. Examples of WEB 3 are ICP , Polkadot, Chainlink and Theta. Another example of WEB 3 is P2E ( Play to Earn ) games such as Axie Infinity, Sandbox, and Decentraland


jack di Twitter: “this will likely be our most important contribution to the internet. proud of the team. #web5 (RIP web3 VCs 🤫) https://t.co/vYlVqDyGE3" / Twitter

What is WEB 5.0 ? Jack Dorsey (Ex-CEO of Twitter) announced in June 2022 that the Bitcoin business unit of his financial payments company, The Block Head, would work on developing web5. They believe that web 5.0 will introduce better user control over data storage and decentralized identities. As of now, web 5.0 projects are under the scope of open source development, with more time left for specific platform release dates.

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