Exploring IOTA #ICT-3, Reverse engineering the code Part-2

Diving deeper in this little code base of ICT (IOTA controlled agenT). Trying to figure out why invalid Txs (Transactions) got passed ICT and IRI (IOTA Reference Implementation). Finally discussing what will be the next step in this testing phase of ICT.

Jan Bertrand
Published in
10 min readAug 22, 2018


The ICT test phase 0.1.1 was stopped by CfB (Come-from-Beyond) phasing it out over a week, requesting the participants to disconnect their ICT clients from the main net and their connected nodes. Over a week you could follow a few testers confirming on DISCORD ICT off that was about a month ago in late July. But the why and what is next will be discussed later.
Now we deep dive into why ICT during test phase 0.1.1 has been over time poorly performing due to invalid transaction which never should have been gossiped by either ICT nor IRI (IOTA Reference Implementation is the node software which holds the distributed tangle).

The source code of the recompiled ict-0.1.1 can be found here (no worries CfB stated that we can expose the code as he is about to publish it… As there are new test phases entered the next version might be significantly changed anyways).

Come-from-Beyond statement exposing the code base

When we started the alpha testing of ICT 0.1.1 there have been phases where my ICT was not active really even though it was connected to at least 4 neighbor IRI nodes. And with active I mean my ICT was almost not gossiping Tx to its neighbors.

7 days ICT performing on the f1-micro cloud instance. The first 2–3 days almost no outbound Tx as of invalid transaction getting gossiped.

In order to analysis the cause we need to understand what the ICT logic stopped sending the UDP (User Datagram Protocol)packets back to its neighbors.

Sharing the analysis on DISCORD #ICT channel

I recognized that the invalid Tx counter was active in every epoch (every minute of processing before ICT is reset and starts over again). Checking the logic the IRI node (ICT is connected to) gets ignored with further sharing its Tx once the invalid Tx has been seen by ICT.

That means depending on the time when the invalid Tx is recognized no Tx are transmitted. In our case there where invalid Tx after already a couple of seconds in an epoch. This leads to almost no outbound traffic

After recompiling the Trasaction.java and adding some lines in that class which allowed me to check why the Tx are invalid I concluded that all invalids are caused by an earlier TimeStamp than

By using the following command we get the timestamp in an human readable format.

$date -d @1508760000
Mon Oct 23 12:00:00 UTC 2017

I added in tha if statement above following command


and was able to retrieve the invalid Tx which caused the ICT to stop gossiping. It turned out this time the infamous FPSbundle caused the ICT to stop gossiping


Looking at the transaction object ( you can get a better view of a transaction by converting the trytes to the below representation using iota.utils.transactionObject(TxInTrytes) )

signatureMessageFragment: 'KTCNPN...(shortened)...UOZ',
value: 0,
obsoleteTag: '999999999999999999999999999',
timestamp: 1507219591,
currentIndex: 2,
lastIndex: 3,
tag: '999999999999999999999999999',
attachmentTimestamp: 1531119376226,
attachmentTimestampLowerBound: 0,
attachmentTimestampUpperBound: 12,
nonce: 'BFA999GC99IPA99999999999999' }

As seen above the timestamp of this Tx is before the allowed one which throws an error and ignores this node from that moment on.

$ date -d @1507219591
Thu Oct 5 16:06:31 UTC 2017

In the code that is realized by checking whether the invalid transaction counter of a neighbor is exceeding zero. If that is the case, the while loop is entered again (realized by continue; )

101  if (neighbor2.numberOfInvalidTransactions != 0) {
102 continue;
103 }

And this is where the counter is increased to one (the counter will not exceed one as the loop is discontinued as with the above statement.)

Snippet of ICT.java where neighbors with invalid Tx got ignored in the epoch

Looking at the FPS Bundle it apparently has been issued back in October the 5th and until now there are still reattaches. At some point the bundle stopped getting reattached and the ICT invalid Tx counter stayed 0 and the network got healthy again.

Yellow marked the invalid Tx counter getting 0 again after the FPS stopped getting reattached

Which leaves us the questions why did IRI pass those invalid Tx in the first place. And the answer to that questions in my opinion should be found in the IRI source code.

Heading over to https://github.com/iotaledger/iri and searching in the code base for Timestamp — we like to find out where IRI decides to ignore a transaction based on its timestamp.

After some trials (there is currently no documentation of the code available) I found the class TransactionValidator.java . Here is the boolean function hasInvalidTimestamp(TransactionViewModel transactionViewModel) returns true once the transaction timestamp meets listed criteria, one of them it needs to be larger than snapshotTimestampMs

return transactionViewModel.getAttachmentTimestamp() < snapshotTimestampMs                || transactionViewModel.getAttachmentTimestamp() > System.currentTimeMillis() + MAX_TIMESTAMP_FUTURE_MS;

Which ist according to IOTA.java

long snapshotTimestamp = configuration.longNum(Configuration.DefaultConfSettings.SNAPSHOT_TIME);

and Configuration.java at the moment

public static final String GLOBAL_SNAPSHOT_TIME = "1531148400";

But this still doesn’t tell us that all transaction with lower timestamp should get ignored by IRI.

We find in Node.java a function preProcessReceivedData(...) which should preprocess incoming transactions from its neighbors. It loops through all neighbors IPs and only continue once the IP address of the sender senderAddress matches on of the IPs of the neighbors. This step actually ignors all incoming packets from other IPs to be further processed. Than their is some random dropping of transaction done — don’t know the purpose yet.

After that the try {} statement

  • from the transaction message a hash is created
  • check whether the transaction has been recently seen recentSeenBytes

Only if the transaction is not cached the transaction gets validated. The Object TransactionModel is created and with that the validation run is entered where our earlier exception should be thrown once the timestamp of the transaction is earlier than the GLOBAL_SNAPSHOT_TIME . This exception is caught with

} catch (final TransactionValidator.StaleTimestampException e) {

and increases the numberOfInvalidTransaction++ for that neighbor.

This whole validation and preprocessing is handled via a hash of the actual transaction. When the runValidationthrows the timestamp exception the transaction should be removed from the queue of transactions to be further processed:


Clearly the Tx should not been transmitted in the first place this is obvious by the implementation in IRI. Still I am not able to figure out where the bug resides. It could have many reason but one possible explanation is that the faulty transaction is not removed from the queue and therefore gets processed further. Another possibility is that the preProcessReceiveData is getting bypassed.

As I still have no full node actively participating on the tangle I am not able to debug this situation. I think I will leave that for another time — maybe it will be already solved with the next IRI release or its actually not a bug but a feature 😅

Summing it up: I have looked at both ICT and IRI java code and understood by that a little more the mechanics of both implementations — specially in connection with recognizing invalid transactions.

Where ICT is gossiping valid transactions to its neighbors it ignores for the rest of the 60s epoch the neighbor with invalid transactions. This had caused ICT perform quite poorly (in terms of not gossiping Tx) over some period of testing phase 0.1.1 as transaction have been passing IRI with invalid timestamps.

CfB himself confirmed that those Tx should not been shared by IRI and I tried in the above article to find the cause. Unfortunately I couldn't quite figure out the cause but outlined the problem and diving into the code where it should get excluded.

Whats next on ICT

As mentioned earlier the testing of ict-0.1.1 has stopped and with that the second testing phase was announced.

Screen from Discord

The second testing phase apparently should be without any IRI nodes connected to ICT but only with ICTs connected to ICTs. The transaction structure will be changed that only ICT participants validating this structure can participate. This sounds like we are testing the concept of EC Economic Clustering. Here network participants are in an ICT independent cluster but still over the internet processing their transactions.

When? It is not very clear at the moment. First the final IOTA Tx structure needs to be aligned and then the ICT code - specially the Transaction.java — need to be changed.

In addition to the new Tx structure CfB would like to test disturbance of the network by spammers joining the test. He will provide a java spammer which should then be used for disturbing the network (even the FPGA Field-Programmable Gate Array guys should join the party.)

And finally some recommendation which attack transaction will most likely get past ICT protection. Very much looking fwd. to find out which protection CfB is talking about here 👌

Initially I guess the second test phase of ICT should have been further continued on the main net but there has been some debate on whether the auto-tethering functionality (Nelson) of the popular node software (Hercules) by Roman Semko is potentially disturbing the network performance.

If I understood it correctly Roman came up with the solution to get around asking for neighbors to connect your Node to.

A bigger headache for everyone to run their own node to set manually up neighbors. Without neighbors you are not receiving the transaction of the network and won’t support the tangle at all. Roman early understood this hassle and implemented an automatic functionality where neighbors getting rotated by certain metrics and most important you don’t have to know other node operators nor you need Discord and ask under #nodesharing who wants to add you as a neighbor.

Why this functionality is not intended by design is explained in the official IOTA FAQ.

Screen from IOTA official FAQ

Note that IOTA themselves already in 2016 tried auto-tethering (peer discovery) but discontinued as of the same explained drawbacks

When it comes to ICT I guess CfB likes to enable a function which caps inflowing Txs.

Due to an interesting complex paper there is some proof of how the network topology should look like in a wireless network setup (I tried to read and understand what this paper proofed but I couldn’t get passed the first picture). What I understood is that they have researched the average consensus algorithm — where a discrete number measurement nodes would converge to a consensus about their average measurement better if the network topology stays constant and simple.


As it seems the peer discovery implementation by Roman will not be discontinued in the short run and with that a majority of the network participants are connecting via auto-tethering on that internet holding tangle main net — ICT second test phase moves to its own network.

In order to exclude any interference from that auto-tethering ICT needs his own network which should best be represented for the future IoT world. This network will be based on an unique transaction model structure which will exclude any main net Tx.

Further there is some light over the EC (Economic Cluster)sand wireless ad-hoc networks as the later will have NBPoW (Network Bound Proof of Work) to secure it. In an IoT environment only devices within the wireless network reach will be able to peer.

If you then follow past conversations of CfB and his implementation of this PoW “IOTA ability of a node to occupy some range of the EM spectrum for some interval of time works as an anti-Sybil measure. Spectrum is a very scarce resource (@FCC can confirm that)…”

the purpose and functionality of ICT becomes a bit more clear.

