Exploring the Nostra-verse



There has been lots of developments in the space of web3 social media in the last days and the importance of defi and owning your own data through use of blockchain technology that is more censorship resistant has become more important.

First off there was a dispute between Reddit and its users due to fee charges for the use of the API. The data on Reddit was being mined by apparent AI services at a very low cost and the company wanted to recieve payment for this.

This was then followed suit by Elon at Twitter with the restriction of viewing tweets which has caused an uproar in the Twitterverse. Most likely Twitter needs to also restrict and charge for access to the vast swathes of data that it acts as gatekeeper for.

The main alternative to web2 in all its forms and that has the longest history is Hive. Hive provides a decentralised eco-system based on cryptographic keypairs for authentication. Inside the eco-system is among others blogging, gaming, video content, streaming and many short-form content options similar to all the web2 options available.

However today, I will look at a recent growing network called Nostr (pronounced Nostra). Nostr is a…

