Exploring Top 1inch APIs

Published in
9 min readNov 29, 2023



1inch is a cryptocurrency exchange aggregator that uses its 1INCH utility and governance token to search decentralized exchanges for the best prices for traders. This is achieved by combining liquidity from a range of sources and identifying the best possible way to carry out each swap. A range of additional features, such as limit orders and gas-saving capabilities, is also offered by 1inch.

Anyone looking to trade cryptocurrency tokens at the best rates can benefit greatly from

1 inch. This non-custodial platform can lessen slippage and support a large range of tokens. 1 inch is a DEX aggregator that I wholeheartedly suggest if you’re looking for one.

1inch provides a range of additional DeFi products, such as a liquidity protocol and a limit order protocol, in addition to the DEX aggregator. These goods are made to give customers access to more sophisticated trading choices and support them in getting the most out of their DeFi investments.

Specifications of 1inch:

1inch aggregates data from a variety of sources, including:

  • Decentralized exchanges (DEXs): 1inch connects to a wide range of DEXs across multiple blockchains, including Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Optimistic Ethereum, and Arbitrum. This enables it to search across several decentralized markets for the best prices when trading tokens.
  • Centralized exchanges (CEXs): 1inch also aggregates data from some CEXs, such as Binance and Huobi Global. This can sometimes help it to find even better rates for certain tokens.
  • Oracles: 1-inch uses oracles to get real-time price data for tokens. This data is used to calculate the best route for swapping tokens across multiple exchanges.
  • On-chain data: 1inch also uses on-chain data to track liquidity pools and exchange rates. This data is used to optimize its routing algorithm and find the best possible rates for users.

In this blog, we will see some of the best 1inch data sources.

Top 1inch APIs

  1. Bitquery 1inch API

Bitquery is a blockchain data provider that offers a range of APIs for accessing blockchain data. Find the best prices for trading tokens across several DEXes by obtaining real-time data on DEX trades through Bitquery’s APIs.


The following are some advantages of incorporating Bitquery and 1inch:

  • Access to real-time DEX trade data: Bitquery’s real-time trade data feed gives 1-inch access to the most up-to-date information on DEX trades. This allows 1inch to find the best rates for swapping tokens.
  • Complex Transaction Tracing: The no-code tracing explorer helps you traverse complex 1inch trades and find hidden patterns. Take a look at the screenshot below.
  • Extensive Data Availability: This includes insights into pool size, the assets involved, trading volumes, and historical trends, along with crucial metrics such as liquidity provider (LP) rewards, impermanent loss calculations, slippage analysis, and more.

Users should benefit from Bitquery 1inch services:

  • Speed: Bitquery 1inch Services are incredibly fast, with queries executing in milliseconds. This is due to the use of a high-performance data warehouse and a distributed query engine.
  • Scalability: Bitquery 1inch Services are highly scalable and able to handle large datasets and a high volume of queries. This is due to the use of a cloud-based infrastructure.
  • Cost-effectiveness: Bitquery 1inch Services are very cost-effective, with a pay-as-you-go pricing model and a free developer tier. This means that you only pay for the resources that you use.
  • Ease of use: Bitquery 1inch Services are very easy to use, with a simple and intuitive query interface and extensive documentation. This makes them accessible to a wide range of users, from beginners to experts.
  • Versatility: Bitquery 1inch Services can be used for a wide variety of purposes, including data analysis, reporting, and machine learning. This makes them a valuable tool for businesses of all sizes.

In general, the partnership between Bitquery and 1inch is a positive development for both companies and the DEX market as a whole. It is a great example of how blockchain companies can work together to improve the user experience and provide better services to their customers.

2. 1inch Exchange API

1inch is a well-known decentralized exchange (DEX) aggregator that pools liquidity from various DEXs across multiple blockchain networks to give users the best possible swap rates. It is a well-liked option for traders looking to reduce price slippage and increase returns.

1inch DEX Explorer :

A DEX explorer is a tool that allows users to view and analyze data from decentralized exchanges (DEXs). DEX explorers can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as tracking the performance of DEXs, identifying trading opportunities, and monitoring the overall health of the DEX ecosystem.

The following best features of using DEX Explorer:

  • Improved decision-making: DEX explorers can help users make more informed decisions about their trades by providing them with access to valuable data.
  • Reduced risk: DEX explorers can help users to reduce their risk by identifying potential problems with DEXs.

3. DexGuru

DexGuru is a non-custodial trading platform that gives users access to token swap execution capabilities and on-chain data. For traders looking to obtain the best swap rates and make well-informed trading decisions, it is an extremely useful tool.

Feature of DexGuru:

  • On-chain data: DexGuru provides access to a wide range of on-chain data, including token prices, trading volumes, liquidity, and more. This data can be used to analyze market trends and make informed trading decisions.
  • Token swap execution: DexGuru allows traders to swap tokens across multiple DEXs. It uses a smart routing algorithm to find the best possible swap rates.
  • Charting: DexGuru provides a variety of charting tools that can be used to analyze market data.

4. Coingecko

CoinGecko is a cryptocurrency data aggregator that provides real-time price and market data for over 17,000 cryptocurrencies and over 490 exchanges. It is one of the most popular cryptocurrency data sources in the world, and it is used by millions of people around the world to track the prices of their favourite cryptocurrencies.

CoinGecko provides a variety of data and features, including:

  • Real-time and historical cryptocurrency prices
  • Market capitalization and trading volume
  • Cryptocurrency charts and graphs

5. Dappradar

DappRadar is a platform that keeps track of decentralized applications (DApps) on various blockchain networks. DApps are applications that are built on blockchain technology and often make use of smart contracts. DappRadar offers analytics and insights into the usage and performance of these decentralized applications.

The platform enables users to monitor and analyze DApp activity on popular blockchain networks like Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and others. It provides information on various metrics such as user activity, transaction volume, and token trading within these DApps.

DappRadar’s main objective is to provide transparency and data-driven insights into the decentralized ecosystem. This helps users and developers make informed decisions based on the performance and popularity of different DApps.

6. Glassnode

Glassnode Studio is a web-based platform that allows users to explore and analyze on-chain data for various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, Ethereum, and more.

Key features of Glassnode Studio include:

  1. Explore on-chain metrics: Glassnode Studio offers a comprehensive collection of on-chain metrics, covering various aspects of blockchain activity, such as hash rate, supply, active addresses, transaction fees, and more. Users can filter and analyze data to identify trends, patterns, and anomalies.
  2. Create custom dashboards: Glassnode Studio allows users to create personalized dashboards by selecting and arranging the desired on-chain metrics. This feature enables users to tailor their data presentation and focus on specific metrics relevant to their trading strategies or research interests.

7. Crypto Coin Tracker

Cryptocointracker is a user-friendly app that allows you to track the live prices of thousands of cryptocurrencies, including popular ones like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

The app provides real-time price updates for all tracked cryptocurrencies and displays charts and graphs that show the price history of each one. With Cryptocointracker, you can easily keep track of the latest cryptocurrency prices and make informed investment decisions.

8. Ox

Ox is a suite of decentralized exchange (DEX) APIs that enables developers to easily integrate DEX functionality into their applications.

0x API offers a variety of features, including

  • Swap API: This API allows developers to swap tokens across multiple DEXs and blockchains.
  • Order API: This API allows developers to place orders on DEXs.

Ox API is a powerful tool for developers who want to build applications that interact with DEXs. It is easy to use and integrates seamlessly with a variety of programming languages and frameworks.


1. What is the 1Inch API?

The 1Inch API is a suite of decentralized exchange (DEX) APIs that allows developers to easily integrate DEX functionality into their applications. It provides a variety of features, including such as

  • Swap API: This API allows developers to swap tokens across multiple DEXs and blockchains.
  • Order API: This API allows developers to place orders on DEXs.
  • Market Data API: This API provides real-time market data for tokens and DEXs.
  • Token Metadata API: This API provides metadata for tokens, such as their name, symbol, and logo.
  • Tx Relay API: This API allows developers to submit transactions to DEXs without having to manage gas.

2. Who can use the 1Inch API?

The 1-inch API is available for any developer who wants to integrate DEX functionality into their application. This includes developers of decentralized applications (DApps), wallets, and trading platforms.

3. How much does it cost to use the BItquery 1Inch API?

The Bitquery 1-inch API is free to use. There is a free developer plan that allows you access to all 1inch data.

4. How do I get started with the 1Inch API?

To get started with the 1Inch API, you can visit the 1Inch API documentation website and create an API key. Once you have an API key, you can start using the API to integrate DEX functionality into your application.

5. What are the benefits of using the 1Inch API?

There are several benefits to using the 1Inch API, including:

  • Access to deep liquidity: The 1Inch API aggregates liquidity from a variety of DEXs, which gives developers access to deep liquidity and better swap rates for their users.
  • Reduced complexity: The 1Inch API abstracts away the complexity of interacting with DEXs, which makes it easy for developers to integrate DEX functionality into their applications.
  • Increased security: The 1Inch API is a secure platform that uses industry-standard security practices.
  • Scalability: The 1Inch API is a scalable platform that can support a high volume of transactions.

6. What programming languages and frameworks does the 1Inch API support?

The 1Inch API supports a variety of programming languages and frameworks, including JavaScript, Python, TypeScript, Java, and Node.js.


1inch is a cryptocurrency exchange aggregator that uses its 1INCH utility and governance token to search decentralized exchanges for the best prices for traders. It combines liquidity from a range of sources and identifies the best possible way to carry out each swap while providing additional features such as limit orders and gas-saving capabilities. 1inch is a non-custodial platform that can lessen slippage and support a large range of tokens. In addition to the DEX aggregator, 1inch provides a range of additional DeFi products, such as a liquidity protocol and a limit order protocol. 1inch aggregates data from a variety of sources, including decentralized and centralized exchanges, oracles, and on-chain data, to optimize its routing algorithm and find the best possible rates for users.

