💥 FedNow: The Centralized Trap of Web3? How Your Financial Freedom Hangs in the Balance!

12 min readAug 28, 2023


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🌟 Glance at Today’s Edition:

🌐 Operates 24/7, challenges traditional banking hours

🔒 Instant settlements raise privacy, surveillance concerns

🤖 Machine learning fraud prevention prompts control worries

🔍 Lail Brainard and Ken Montgomery — architects of FedNow

📜 FedNow’s origin in 2013, Faster Payments Task Force

⌚ FedNow’s timing after Facebook’s Libra project

🌐 WEF-UN partnership influence on FedNow’s introduction

🔍 ISO 20022 compliance, potential ties to XRP

⏰ Instant settlement vs. traditional delayed processing

👁️ Surveillance, control concerns over rapid transactions

📲 QR codes in FedNow for efficiency, modernization

🔄 Parallels between FedNow and CBDCs

👑 Decentralized stablecoins potential challenger to FedNow

👁️ FedNow — convenience or thief in disguise?

🔍 A Closer Look at FedNow

FedNow is positioned as an innovative payment system designed to facilitate real-time transactions between financial institutions, enabling individuals and businesses to transfer funds swiftly and efficiently. The system’s architecture is based on the ISO 20022 messaging standard, a choice that raises intriguing questions about its potential connections to the world of cryptocurrencies, particularly given the prevalence of ISO 20022 compliance within that space.

The system is poised to operate 24/7, setting itself apart from traditional payment rails that adhere to banking hours. This non-stop operation and the ability to settle payments instantly challenge the status quo of delayed transaction processing. However, the idea of instantaneous settlements also raises concerns about privacy, surveillance, and transaction control. The system’s capacity for machine learning-driven fraud prevention prompts critical examination of who wields control over transaction outcomes and the potential for abuse of power.

👥 Who is Behind FedNow?

FedNow has emerged as a project driven by the Federal Reserve, the central banking system of the United States. While it’s presented as a collaborative effort involving financial institutions and industry experts, a closer examination reveals key figures and forces shaping its development.

Champions of Innovation or Pawns in the Game? Lail Brainard and Ken Montgomery are the architects of Fed Now. Their stories are inspiring, no doubt, but could there be more to it? Brainard’s pivotal role and Montgomery’s hands-on approach certainly paint a dynamic picture. Yet, I can’t help but ponder: are they driving the ship, or are they being driven?

Lail Brainard, a former Fed Governor, stands out as a prominent figure closely associated with FedNow’s evolution. She played a pivotal role in shaping the initiative, raising questions about her motivations and influence within the Fed’s decision-making circles. However, the departure of Lail Brainard from the Federal Reserve in February this year to become the head of the United States Economic Council under President Joe Biden adds an intriguing twist. Was her departure related to FedNow, and does it signal a deeper connection between the project and the government’s economic policies?

Ken Montgomery, the first vice president of the Boston Federal Reserve, led the creation of FedNow. His involvement begs the question of what influences are at play within the Boston Fed and the broader Federal Reserve structure. How much autonomy does the Boston branch have in steering FedNow’s course, and to what extent does it align with the overarching goals of the Federal Reserve?

The collaboration with financial institutions, referred to as the FedNow community, adds another layer to the narrative. With over 1600 members, this community has had a hand in shaping FedNow’s features and functionalities. However, one must ponder whether the influence of these financial institutions is driving the project towards their interests, potentially sidelining the concerns and needs of ordinary citizens.

Delving deeper, the timing of FedNow’s announcement, especially in the wake of Facebook’s Libra project and the partnership between the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN), invites speculation. Could there be more than meets the eye? Is there a concerted effort by influential global entities to reshape the financial landscape, and does FedNow serve as a strategic piece in this intricate puzzle?

📜 The Birth and Evolution of FedNow

It’s the year 2013, financial institutions gathered to “improve” the payment system. Seems noble, right? However, was this a genuine call for innovation, or was it laying the groundwork for something bigger? The Faster Payments Task Force emerged from this, but I can’t help but wonder if it was an organic evolution or a predetermined path. Is the timeline truly as innocent as it appears, or were there strings being pulled behind the scenes? Are we embracing progress, or being led down a predestined path?

While it’s natural for institutions to evolve, the timeline’s alignment with global events does raise an eyebrow. I lean slightly towards skepticism, but I’m open to surprises.

⌚ Why Now?

The introduction of FedNow raises a cascade of questions about its timing, motivations, and potential hidden agendas. While the Federal Reserve portrays it as a step forward in modernizing the payment infrastructure, a critical examination uncovers a complex landscape with potential far-reaching implications.

On the surface, the need for a more efficient and real-time payment system seems plausible, especially given the rise of digital transactions and the inadequacies of existing payment rails. However, the timing of FedNow’s announcement in August 2019 is notable. It came on the heels of Facebook’s unveiling of the Libra project, a digital currency initiative that sent shockwaves through the financial world. This proximity raises eyebrows about the potential for competitive maneuvering, and whether FedNow is a strategic response to maintain central bank control in a changing financial landscape.

Moreover, the partnership between the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN) for the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 adds an intriguing layer. The question arises: to what extent does FedNow align with these global goals, and could it be part of a larger agenda to centralize financial control under the guise of progress?

While the Federal Reserve emphasizes collaboration with financial institutions and the desire to provide faster payment options, the underlying power dynamics should not be overlooked. The potential for FedNow to grant the Federal Reserve unprecedented control over transactions, including the ability to set conditions, monitor activities, and even reject transactions, warrants a skeptical evaluation of its implications on financial privacy and autonomy.

In assessing the game that might be concealed behind FedNow, it’s important to weigh both sides of the coin. On one hand, there’s the promise of modernization and convenience in payment processing, potentially fostering economic growth and financial inclusion. On the other hand, there’s the risk of concentrating financial power and control in the hands of a centralized authority, with the potential to manipulate transactions and compromise individuals’ financial freedom.

💻 Technological Wonders

A Leap Forward or a Step into the Unknown? Let’s delve into the technical prowess that underpins FedNow, examining both its potential and the looming uncertainties.

ISO 20022, the chosen messaging standard for communication between nodes within FedNow, seems like a logical and efficient choice. It promises seamless interactions and compatibility with various systems, facilitating rapid and secure transactions. However, beneath this seemingly straightforward choice lies a complex web of implications. The adoption of ISO 20022 raises intriguing questions about the Fed’s intent. Does this choice align with a broader strategy to integrate the system into the cryptocurrency realm, notably XRP, which also adheres to this standard? While proponents might argue that it’s merely a coincidence, skeptics might question whether there’s a hidden motive driving this seemingly innocuous decision.

The concept of a “layer zero” blockchain adds another layer of complexity to FedNow’s technical framework. On one hand, it suggests a realm of endless possibilities — a foundation upon which financial institutions can build innovative solutions. This could potentially pave the way for rapid advancements in digital payments and other financial services. However, on the other hand, this uncharted territory could harbor unforeseen pitfalls. Are we truly embracing a new era of financial technology, or are we treading into a realm of ambiguity where the long-term consequences remain uncertain?

As we peer into the heart of FedNow’s technology, it’s essential to acknowledge both its potential for innovation and its potential for unforeseen complications. While ISO 20022 presents a path to streamlined transactions, its association with cryptocurrencies fuels curiosity about hidden agendas. The concept of a “layer zero” blockchain opens doors to creativity, but it also exposes us to the risk of unintended consequences. Ultimately, the future implications of these technical choices remain shrouded in uncertainty, urging us to tread carefully as we navigate this intricate landscape.

The technological choices raise intriguing questions about potential ulterior motives, making me wary of the hidden implications.

🚀 The Speed

In a world where time is money, the speed of financial transactions can make all the difference. FedNow, the Federal Reserve’s pioneering payment system, promises a leap forward in transaction efficiency.

The stark contrast between FedNow’s rapid settlement and the traditional payment systems is undeniable. While the conventional methods often take days to complete transactions, FedNow introduces the revolutionary concept of instant settlement. This fundamental shift in speed has the potential to reshape the entire financial landscape, making transactions faster and more dynamic than ever before.

Imagine the implications for businesses awaiting swift invoice payments, for families in need of emergency funds, or for investors seeking immediate settlement of trades. FedNow’s speed promises to unlock a realm of possibilities, enhancing the flow of commerce and catalyzing economic activity.

However, as we stand on the precipice of this transformation, it’s important to examine both sides of the coin. While instant settlement carries undeniable benefits, it also introduces new challenges. The need for rapid response to fraudulent activities intensifies, and security measures become even more crucial. Financial institutions will need to strike a delicate balance between convenience and safeguarding their clients’ assets.

The Allure of Speed or the Web of Control? Instant settlement, a prospect that gleams like gold on the horizon. But, let’s not get carried away. While rapid transactions are tempting, the flip side is the concern about surveillance and transaction control. Machine learning to prevent fraud sounds impressive, yet it can swiftly turn into a tool for control. Are we rushing toward convenience, or trading privacy for efficiency? And the potential for automatic transaction rejection — is it a safeguard or a slippery slope toward centralized manipulation? The allure of speed must not blind us to the encroaching threat to personal autonomy and privacy.

📲 Deciphering QR Codes

The introduction of QR codes into FedNow’s framework signals a deliberate move towards embracing efficiency, user-friendliness, and alignment with modern digital payment trends. But beyond the surface appeal, there’s a nuanced exploration to be had about the motivations driving FedNow’s adoption of QR codes.

QR codes, short for Quick Response codes, have become ubiquitous in our daily lives. From product labeling to restaurant menus, these pixelated squares have streamlined processes and provided easy access to information. FedNow’s integration of QR codes aligns with this trend, aiming to enhance the speed and simplicity of financial transactions.

The appeal of QR codes lies in their ability to encapsulate a significant amount of data within a small, scannable symbol. When it comes to FedNow, this translates to a convenient and quick way to initiate transactions. Rather than tediously entering account numbers or details, users can simply scan a QR code to initiate a payment. This not only saves time but also reduces the likelihood of human errors in the transaction process.

While the adoption of QR codes in FedNow’s infrastructure seems to be a practical move towards modernization, it’s also important to view it in the context of the broader digital payment landscape. QR codes have become an integral part of digital wallets and peer-to-peer payment apps, fostering familiarity among users. FedNow’s choice to incorporate QR codes reflects a strategic decision to align with existing user behaviors and expectations, making the transition to their platform smoother for both consumers and businesses.

🤔 Concerns and Implications

Ah, the parallels between Fed Now and Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) that we spoke about in the last article are undeniable. But as we tread this path, are we forging ahead toward a more efficient future or hurtling into the unknown? Programmable transactions raise questions about the balance between convenience and autonomy. And the introduction of FedNow stablecoins — a boon for collaboration or a tether to centralized control? The potential for control looms large, and we must approach this future with cautious optimism.

Similarities to CBDCs and Opposition

Fed Now’s resemblances to CBDCs raise valid concerns. The programmability and central control inherent in both systems warrant careful scrutiny. These parallels prompt questions about the extent to which Fed Now could potentially mirror the features and implications of CBDCs.

Government and Financial Control Concerns

The development of FedNow accentuates concerns related to government intervention and control within the financial landscape. The ability to set conditions for transactions, monitor activities, and potentially reject transactions underscores the potential for an erosion of financial privacy and autonomy.

Financial Privacy and Cryptocurrency Impact

The convergence of FedNow and the cryptocurrency market is a subject of discussion. The impact on stablecoins and private cryptocurrencies depends on FedNow’s interaction with these digital assets. The introduction of FedNow stablecoins and their potential influence on the crypto space warrants consideration.

👑 Decentralized Stablecoins: A Potential Challenger on the Horizon

As the financial landscape continues to evolve, the emergence of a true decentralized stablecoin remains a promising contender that could challenge centralized systems like FedNow. While currently no clear leader in the decentralized stablecoin space has emerged, the concept itself holds the potential to reshape the trajectory of digital transactions and financial autonomy.

At first glance, FedNow appears to offer a leap forward in terms of faster transactions, touting stability and convenience. Yet, its centralized nature prompts discussions about the concentration of control and potential privacy concerns. In contrast, the theoretical promise of decentralized stablecoins aligns with core cryptocurrency values: transparency, decentralization, and user empowerment.

However, the realization of this potential faces substantial obstacles. The inherent volatility of many cryptocurrencies, including decentralized stablecoins, raises legitimate concerns for both individuals and businesses. The lack of a leading decentralized stablecoin with a proven track record complicates matters further. As FedNow takes its initial steps, the concept of decentralized stablecoins waits for a flagship contender to emerge.

Amid these considerations, the crux of the issue lies in the balancing act between rapid, centralized transactions offered by systems like FedNow and the yearning for decentralized financial autonomy championed by theoretical stablecoins. The narrative hinges on the emergence of a leader in the decentralized stablecoin realm that can address the practical challenges and provide a viable alternative.

While the ultimate outcome remains uncertain, the anticipation of a decentralized stablecoin leader invites us to rethink our priorities and values in the financial domain. The prevailing sentiment? A choice between embracing the speed and convenience offered by centralized systems like FedNow or patiently awaiting the rise of a decentralized champion that aligns more closely with the ideals of cryptocurrency enthusiasts.

🔍 Action Items and Next Steps

1️⃣ Decode FedNow’s Purpose: Dive into the heart of FedNow’s mission. Understand its driving force — the need for real-time transactions. Unpack the significance of moving away from traditional payment rails and toward instantaneous settlement.

2️⃣ Evaluate Privacy and Control: Analyze the trade-off between convenience and privacy in FedNow’s model. Examine the implications of central control over transactions and the potential for surveillance. Consider the balance between quick settlement and the preservation of financial autonomy.

3️⃣ Timeline and Global Context: Examine the timeline of FedNow’s emergence. Analyze the timing in relation to global events, such as Facebook’s Libra project and partnerships between influential entities. Consider whether FedNow is part of a larger narrative shaping the financial landscape.

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Wiktor Grzyb

Founder & Editor, Web3Daily




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