Endurance Udoh
Published in
5 min readJun 20, 2024


First of all what are Real World Assets (RWAs) ?

Before the advent of Real-World Assets (RWAs) in the blockchain space, imagine a world where valuable treasures like gold, diamonds, and even entire buildings were locked away in vaults, accessible only to the wealthy few.

These treasures were like beautiful, sparkling secrets hidden behind tall walls, far from the reach of everyday people. The blockchain, once seen as a mysterious ledger floating in cyberspace, seemed distant and unapproachable, much like these treasures.

Then, along came the idea of tokenizing RWAs—turning these precious, tangible assets into digital tokens that could live on the blockchain. Imagine if you had a magic wand that could shrink a giant diamond down to the size of a marble, yet still retain its sparkle and value. That's essentially what happened with RWAs. They were transformed from grand, inaccessible treasures into tiny, shiny tokens that anyone could hold and even trade online.

With the power of blockchain, these tokens became part of a global, transparent ledger, visible to everyone. It was as if the tall walls surrounding the treasures crumbled, and the secrets of the vaults were revealed to the world. Now, anyone with an internet connection could see who owned what, making the playing field level for everyone.

This transformation didn't just change how we view and interact with valuable assets—it revolutionized the blockchain space itself. Suddenly, the blockchain wasn't just for cryptocurrencies anymore. It became a canvas for creativity, a stage for innovation, where ideas like decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) blossomed. It was as if the blockchain woke up from its sleep, realizing its true potential to connect people, assets, and ideas in ways never thought possible.

So, from the days when RWAs were locked away in vaults, inaccessible to most, to today where they shine brightly as digital tokens on the blockchain, the journey has been nothing short of magical. And just like a child discovering a treasure trove of marbles that sparkle with the same beauty as the original gems, the blockchain space has opened up a world of possibilities, making valuable assets accessible to all.

Real World Assets finds its way into the Injective Blockchain through Helix

Helix, launched on the Injective blockchain, introduces a transformative approach to trading Real World Assets (RWAs) within a decentralized finance (DeFi) environment. This platform facilitates the trading of derivatives, RWAs, and indices in a fully permissioned setting, bridging the gap between traditional finance and DeFi. It supports the trading of RWAs, including Gold, Silver, Euro, and GBP, through its innovative perpetual markets, enhancing the accessibility and versatility of asset management and trading on-chain .

Injective’s blockchain, with its interoperable design, high throughput, and low latency, is uniquely positioned to support the trading of RWAs. It allows for sourcing assets from various blockchain networks, ensuring robust security and efficiency in RWA transactions. This capability is crucial for the growing significance of RWAs in the DeFi sector, offering users the opportunity to collateralize their positions with assets of tangible, real-world worth .

Helix’s integration of RWAs represents a significant advancement in the DeFi landscape, providing institutions and traders with unprecedented access to on-chain indices, RWAs, and foreign exchange markets. This integration not only expands the types of assets available for trading but also enhances the platform’s appeal to users seeking to capitalize on the growing opportunities presented by RWAs in decentralized markets.

Furthermore, the launch of Helix 2.0 marks a new era in DeFi, introducing cutting-edge trading features and further integrating traditional finance with DeFi through the inclusion of RWAs. This upgrade aims to transform the trading experience by improving efficiency, user interface, and functionality, making it a more dynamic and versatile platform for all users .

How RWAs Impact The Injective Ecosystem

The integration of Real-World Assets (RWAs) on Helix within the Injective Blockchain ecosystem marks a significant leap forward in the convergence of traditional finance and decentralized finance (DeFi). Before this integration, the blockchain space was largely dominated by cryptocurrencies and digital assets, leaving RWAs, such as real estate, commodities, and securities, largely untapped in terms of their potential for digitization and trading on blockchain platforms.

Helix , a platform built on Injective, has emerged as a game-changer by enabling the trading of RWAs in a fully permissioned environment. This development has profound implications for the Injective Blockchain, transforming it from a platform focused primarily on digital assets into a multifaceted ecosystem that encompasses both digital and real-world assets.


  • Isolation: Traditional finance and DeFi operated in silos, with limited interaction between digital assets and RWAs.
  • Accessibility: High-value RWAs were often inaccessible to individual investors due to high entry barriers and lack of liquidity.
  • Complexity: Engaging with RWAs traditionally involved complex legal and regulatory frameworks, making it challenging for DeFi platforms to incorporate them.


  • Interoperability: Injective Blockchain, with its advanced interoperable design, serves as a bridge between traditional finance and DeFi, enabling the seamless integration of RWAs onto the blockchain.
  • Liquidity and Accessibility: By tokenizing RWAs, Helix Institutional has opened up new avenues for liquidity and accessibility, allowing a broader range of investors to engage with these assets.
  • Innovation and Growth: The addition of RWAs to the Injective ecosystem has spurred innovation, attracting more users and institutions to the platform, contributing to its growth and stability.

Impact on Injective Blockchain:

  • Enhanced Ecosystem: The inclusion of RWAs has diversified the Injective ecosystem, attracting a wider range of users, including institutions, and expanding the types of assets available for trading.
  • Increased Liquidity: By bringing RWAs into the DeFi space, Helix Institutional has injected significant liquidity into the Injective ecosystem, benefiting both existing users and newcomers.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Operating within a fully permissioned environment, Helix Institutional addresses regulatory concerns, making it an attractive option for institutions looking to enter the DeFi space.

In conclusion, the integration of RWAs on Helix within the Injective Blockchain ecosystem represents a pivotal moment in the evolution of DeFi, marking the beginning of a new era where traditional finance and DeFi converge, driven by technological innovation and regulatory compliance.



Endurance Udoh

Web3 Zealot ➡ Writer(Content Developer) 📜 ➡Always creating content that will be helpful to people. ➡Open to gigs and financial opportunities, Selah 🤍