Free Bitcoin Forensics - Part 2

Published in
23 min readDec 13, 2020


Welcome to part 2 of “Free Bitcoin forensics”, you can find the first part of the article here. In this part, I’ll be exploring some more advanced techniques and concepts of BTC forensics. The following topics will be explored in this article:

  • Transaction graph
  • Blockchain techniques for evasion/detection
  • Wallet Clustering
  • Wallet Fingerprinting
  • Scripts and address formats
  • CoinJoins and PayJoins
  • Other misc identification patterns
  • The future of privacy

So without further ado let’s dive in:

Transaction graph

To be effective at Bitcoin forensics one must learn to use a visualization tool when tracking transactions, that is the only that way the big picture view of transactions can be seen. The only free tool I am aware of that can be used for visualization is which allows seeing transaction path like this:

To access the visualization mode of simply click the “Tools” button which is visible once you search for any transaction in oxt:

Then expand the transaction graph as you see fit:

The transaction graph can grow as large as you wish: supports wallet clustering (attempting to determine if multiple addresses belong to the same entity) as well, the website does it automatically, so if you see a wallet name next to an address (they may be called ANON… or have a name of an exchange if it has been indexed) simply click on it to see wallet information:

I recommend creating an account with to gain access to extra features such as saving transaction graphs, leaving comments, and being able to see all the addresses associated with specific wallets.

Visualizing transaction graphs like this can give you an amazing big picture view and allow you to inspect many transactions much quicker (especially if those transactions are repetitive), but you should be mindful of small picture individual transaction view as well and make sure not to miss coinjoins or exchange transactions, correctly recognize change addresses and so on, otherwise you’ll end up just mindlessly clicking bubbles instead of learning something from the visualization. beautifully utilizes the visualization to aid them in their super in-depth investigations, they are a great example of how this sort of tools is used in practice: publications

Some interesting transaction patterns

Now, that we’re familiar with the transaction graph let’s take a look at a few common/interesting transaction patterns that are used to increase or destroy privacy and how they would look on the graph.

Peel chain — a series of transactions usually with one input and 2 outputs where one of the outputs (usually the smaller one) is “peeled off” to be deposited to a third party (such as an exchange). The other output is the change that continues the “peel chain” in subsequent transactions.

The peel chain method has been known to be used by hackers who wished to make their funds harder to track and hide the origins of the funds from exchanges in which they want to launder the funds. The concept of “Peel chain” was even mentioned in an official United States complaint against individuals suspected of being involved with several exchange hacks:

The use of peel chain was also utilized by Twitter hackers when they tried to obfuscate the movement of their stolen funds:

A peel chain when visualized via will look something like this:

Generally, I would say that peel chains are rather ineffective in hiding stolen funds or making the stolen funds harder to track, though it may be a bit time consuming, a good investigator will be able to track peel chain transactions.

Dust attack — the name “dust attack” refers to a special kind of attack where the attacker sends a small amount of BTC to (usually empty) addresses of the entity or entities they wish to track in the hopes that the entity will fail to notice the small new deposit to their addresses and will inadvertently end up using the funds in that address in another transaction, therefore, revealing more of their previously unknown addresses. This attack works because most Bitcoin wallets do not offer the option for the user to manually select the unspent outputs they wish to spend but does that automatically and makes no distinction between the “dust” unspent outputs and the regular ones.

If this explanation does not help, please see the following explanation graph from I find the graph very helpful for understanding the attack:

Dust attacks are widely known in the Bitcoin sphere due to the fact that there have been many large scale dust attack trough-out BTC history. Here are a few examples of dust attack transactions:

The visualization of dust attack transactions is quite a thing to behold…

Transaction hopping — Besides the peel chain, another method to hide the origin of funds from exchanges is by simply sending them through a series of transactions to newly-created addresses (that you, of course, own). It is common knowledge that exchanges hire blockchain forensic firms to determine the source of the funds that arrive at their exchange, but the software that those forensics firms use likely only scans the last 3–4 transactions the upcoming funds have been involved in (please note that I’m just speculating here I don’t know for sure how many of the last transactions are scanned and surely that differs between different blockchain forensic firms).

You can of course do this sort of transaction hopping manually simply by sending your funds to your newly created unused addresses a few times, but there are also some wallets like Samourai wallet that support this feature natively: ricochet

A wonderful explanation of how the transaction hopping function (called “Ricochet” in the wallet) is again presented at

Wallet Clustering

By this point, you may have asked yourself how do block explorers such as and cluster wallets? Although I cannot be 100% sure how individual explorers guestimate wallets, there is certainly no magic there, they are certainly using the simple assumption that all inputs in a transaction belong to the same wallet and likely using a few tricks to determine the likely change addresses. Anyone can do the same manually for the entire blockchain using any transaction as a starting point. Here is how I would do that:

Let’s say we begin with the transaction above. First of all, we can immediately assume that both the input addresses in this transaction belong to the same wallet due to the common input ownership heuristic. With this knowledge the next logical step is to explore them a bit deeper:

In the history of address 39mrBKf2foBLcoy92jyct7HAbfdg3y6dyX we can see that this address was involved in another transaction where it was among the deposit addresses:

Since this transaction does not look like a Coinjoin we can make the assumption that all the input addresses here also belong to the same wallet. So now our wallet has grown to the following addresses:

Next, I would check if the new addresses the same way to see if they are involved in other transactions as inputs and if they add any newly discovered addresses to the list, check them, add newly found input addresses to the list, and so on until all such addresses have been found and added to the wallet address list.

With this technique alone good approximations of wallets can be made, but the approximations can be further improved if change addresses can be detected and added to the wallet address list as well. The newly detected change addresses could then also be checked to see if they are involved in any other transactions as inputs and any addresses that are also inputs in that transaction added to the list.

Finally, being able to detect coinjoins would be helpful with wallet guestimation, since, obviously coinjoins do not follow the common-input-ownership heuristic.

All of this, of course, is very automatable and it’s fair to assume that both and use some combination of mentioned techniques to determine wallets.

Wallet fingerprinting

Each BTC transaction is unique and most of them differ from one another quite significantly when looked at closely. In fact, they differ so much that in certain situations it can be possible to determine from what wallet the transaction was made. To illustrate this I have inspected several wallets and made this table with some of their characteristics:

Given a few transactions belonging to one of these wallets it would not be hard to determine to which wallet those transactions belong to (unless the transactions belong to Atomic or Guarda wallets, since those have similar characteristics).

Though from these examples wallet fingerprinting can look trivial, in reality, however, it is substantially complicated by the fact that there are hundreds of cryptocurrency wallets (although let’s be real here, only some of them are popular enough to pay attention to) and those wallets change constantly and with the changes in the wallets, their transactions also change. Any entity who wishes to fingerprint wallets effectively would not only have to keep track of a large number of wallets but also keep up to date with the changes in those wallets. To my knowledge no free tools attempt anything like this, I do not know if professional blockchain forensic tools (that are used by companies like Chainanalysis) are capable of this, but I assume that if not, they will start fingerprinting at least some wallets at some point in the future.

The characteristics mentioned in the table are not the only ones that can be used to identify a wallet. If you are interested in a more expanded list of characteristics that could be used to identify a wallet I’d recommend reading the following section of the Bitcoin privacy wiki:

Scripts and address formats

In the previous section, we showed how transactions can have some easily noticeable differences that help to determine what wallets they may belong to. This is great and all, but easily noticeable will only get you so far, to understand the full uniqueness that Bitcoin transactions can have as well as common patterns between them, we need to take a closer look at transactions. This section will attempt to do exactly that, but before we begin I would highly recommend reading the following chapters of Mastering Bitcoin (if you haven’t already), otherwise, it will be much harder to fully understand the information presented here:

To a casual Bitcoin user, it may seem that there are 3 types of Bitcoin addresses (the ones that start with a “1”, the ones that start with a “3” and the ones that start with “bc1”). But in another, more correct way, there are 6 types of Bitcoin addresses. They become apparent once you start exploring “raw transactions”, that is, transactions the way they really look before a blockchain explorer makes them easier to follow. A good overview of what a raw transaction consists of can be found here.

Before we dive into “raw transactions” themselves, however, let’s briefly discuss all address types:

P2PHK (Pay to Public Key Hash) — The original Bitcoin addresses that start off with “1”. They are quite simply the hash of the public key (hence the name). When Bitcoin was first started this was the only address type available and thus it is now the most widely adopted, with virtually, all exchanges, wallets, and other Bitcoin businesses accepting and supporting P2PKH. However, this address type is very simplistic and does not allow doing anything interesting with the address (such as making multisig transactions), thus, soon after Bitcoin started working a new type of address was introduced — P2SH.

P2SH (Pay to Script Hash) — Introduced in 2012, the P2SH format of Bitcoin address is an incredibly flexible one that allows embedding spending condition into an address (Bitcoin protocol supports a few hundred opcodes from which spending conditions can be created, in practice the most common novel use of P2SH is multisig), the spending condition for the output is hashed and thus baked into the address. Since the address only contains the hashed spending condition (and the hash can’t be reversed), the spending condition itself will only be revealed once the output is spent in what’s called a “redeem code”. If you are interested in learning more about how P2SH addresses can be created in practice I’d recommend reading this fantastic article.

P2WPKH (Pay-to-Wrapped-Script-Hash) and P2WSH (Pay-to-Wrapped-Script-Hash) — In 2017 the SegWit upgrade was introduced to the Bitcoin protocol to improve the scalability and fix transaction malleability in Bitcoin. As part of this upgrade a new type of address, commonly referred as Segwit or Bech32 address, was introduced. Bech32 addresses can really be subdivided into 2 distinct addresses, the P2WPKH, and the P2WSH addresses, although they look similar at first glance (both start with “bc”) they really are as different as P2PKH and P2SH. P2WPKH is the Segwit equivalent of P2PKH while P2WSH is the equivalent of P2SH. We will soon be taking an in-depth look at the differences between these addresses under the hood.

P2WPKH nested in P2SH and P2WSH nested in P2SH — together with Bech32 addresses, the Segwit upgrade also introduced a clever way to “hide” Bech32 addresses in a P2SH address. The advantage of doing so is compatibility, many exchanges and wallets still do not support sending BTC to Bech32 addresses, but virtually all support sending funds to P2SH addresses.

Now, let’s take a look at “raw transactions” and how these address types look there. At it’s most “raw” transactions will look something like this:


But this is no good, we gotta decode this transaction from hexadecimal to a more readable format. The same “decoded” transaction can be viewed here: 720edc9c452709dbc1d49b93babaef8dd5fb813c3c9f63f880c1fff17061182f

Now this is much more workable, isn’t it? If we are only interested in inputs and outputs we can go a step further and use block explorers that simply provide decoded input and output information:

For now, let’s put our focus on inputs/outputs only and use and explorers for that.

This transaction is as simple as imaginable, as it’s just a P2PKH address transferring funds to another P2PKH. From it, we can conveniently get a look at how all P2PKH inputs and outputs will look like.

First, let’s take a look at the input specifically:

The Pkscript (also known as “locking script”) part here is taken from the output of an earlier transaction from which the Bitcoin originated, you will be able to see it in the output of this transaction:

The Pkscript is visible in the raw transaction, there it is expressed as the following string: 76a9146556feefe150168a4708c2e4db5a5232b6a0910a88ac

This is still the exact same thing as the Pkscript in the “Inputs” screenshot, only some code characters which stood for opcodes were converted to human-readable format:

If you wish to find out the exact meaning of all these opcodes as well as check out what other opcodes exist and what codes they have in hexadecimal, you can see that here:

You may have noticed that the OP_PUSHCODE_20 opcode is omitted in the breakdown of the Pkscript, this is a rather standard practice as all this opcode does is prepare the next string of characters (which is usually the pubkey, pubkeyhash, signature…) to be pushed onto the stack. If this doesn’t make much sense, that’s okay, it’s not that important anyways.

The Pkscript is a condition placed in the address that needs to be fulfilled to spend the output. In this case the condition is to prove that the you own the private key from which the public key hash (6556feefe150168a4708c2e4db5a5232b6a0910a) was derived from.

This is achieved by SigScript (also known as “unlocking script”) which provides the public key itself (0250863ad64a87ae8a2fe83c1af1a8403cb53f53e486d8511dad8a04887e5b2352) and the signature (30440220230e80a311317e74fc11c15c5387af59825ee5e6f27833bd910f3a140c49db6202205e9720738db9f26d3dc1645bd759918e69438da5a87cef0cd599d4b6d326595f01), which was signed using the private key.

The Witness (additional data field added during the Segwit upgrade) remains empty for P2PKH inputs.

The output simply provides the next spending condition Pkscript that will be met in a future transaction.

To simplify all of this, we can just say that P2PKH transactions will follow these patterns:

PkScript: OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <public key hash> OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG
SigScript: <signature> <public key>
Witness: N/A

Now that we know this pattern and are able to easily recognize P2PKH inputs and outputs, we can take a look at what patterns other address types leave.

P2SH is the trickiest to describe as technically, any conditions (within reason) can be seen in P2SH script, though typically it is used for multisignature transactions, the possibilities for P2SH addresses are near endless as they can use any combination of opcodes to create their locking conditions and unlocking solutions. The P2SH pattern can be described as something like this:

PkScript: OP_HASH160 <redeem script hash> OP_EQUAL
SigScript: OP_0 <condition solution> OP_PUSHDATA1 <redeem script>
Witness: N/A

Here the “redeem script” is an arbitrary condition placed on the address. If this is a 2-of-3 multisig address the redeem script would look something like this:

Redeem script: OP_PUSHNUM_2 <public key A> <public key B> <public key C> OP_PUSHNUM_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG

The “condition solution” is not a technical phrase, I just wished to show the pattern of P2SH transactions. If this was a multisig transaction, the “condition solution” would be at least 2 signatures created with the private keys from which the public keys from redeem script were derived from. So, assuming that the P2SH address is 2-of-3 multisig, the transaction parts would look like this:

PkScript: OP_HASH160 <redeem script hash> OP_EQUAL
SigScript: OP_0 <signature A> <signature B> OP_PUSHDATA1 OP_PUSHNUM_2 <public key A> <public key B> <public key C> OP_PUSHNUM_3 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
Witness: N/A

You can explore such a transaction here:

The remaining address types follow really similar patterns as these 2 mostly with only some parts moved around. Here are their patterns and some transactions to explore:


PkScript: OP_0 <public key hash>
SigScript: N/A
Witness: <signature> <public key>

Example transaction:


PkScript: OP_0 <redeem script hash>
SigScript: N/A
Witness: <condition solution> <redeem script>

Example transaction:

P2WPKH nested in P2SH:

PkScript: OP_HASH160 <redeem script hash> OP_EQUAL
SigScript: OP_0 <public key hash>
Witness: <signature> <public key>

Example transaction:

P2WSH nested in P2SH:

PkScript: OP_HASH160 <P2SH redeem script hash> OP_EQUAL
SigScript: OP_0 < P2WSH redeem script hash>
Witness: <condition solution> <P2WSH redeem script>

Example transaction:

The reason I just went over existing address types is to show just how much variety there is between them, especially if you include all the variety that P2SH, P2WSH and P2WSH nested in P2SH can have, and just how easy it is to recognize and analyze these addresses. This variety is in itself a privacy risk, the more address types exist the easier it is to identify individual wallets and consequently individual users. Ideally, Bitcoin should have only one address, but the cat is out of the bag now. In any case, if you are interested in learning more about Bitcoin scripts and addresses, I’d recommend checking out these links:

There are a few more things that can distinguish a transaction I’d like to briefly cover in this section before moving on:

RBF (Replace-by-Fee):

RBF is a feature of Bitcoin transactions that indicates that the transaction is replaceable while it is still in the mempool. A few wallets offer such a feature while most do not, making the few that support the feature stick out.

A transaction can signal that it supports RBF in it if any of it’s inputs have a Sequence number that’s lower than 0xffffffff — 1. Here is an example of such a transaction:

You can read more about opt-in RBF here:


Locktime sets the earliest blockheight or time that a transaction can be mined. Most wallets and exchanges don’t use this feature, thus the few that do are easier to identify. The locktime can be seen in the raw transaction data, if the locktime number is above or equal to 500000000 it is interpreted as Unix time (seconds from 1st January 1970), if it’s below this number it is interpreted as block height. Here are a few example transactions with locktime enabled:

Methods to write information in a transaction:

The very first Bitcoin block came with the famous and ever-true message:

Since then, lots of messages were written in the Coinbase data, but that is not the only way messages can be left in the blockchain, they can also be left instead of outputs if OP_RETURN opcode is used:

You can actually see a bunch of such messages if you just search for words in

If you want to learn more about how these sort of transactions can be created, check out this article.

Another little way to leave your imprint on the blockchain is through the use of vanity addresses.

CoinJoins and PayJoins

An in-depth explanation of Coinjoins and Payjoins would really need an article of its own (which I will probably do someday), so I will have to simplify this section a lot and leave out a lot of important details. For the time being, if you wish to learn more about Coinjoins and Payjoins I’d recommend checking out these articles:

In short, Coinjoin is simply a transaction designed to break the common-input-ownership heuristic by having the inputs and outputs of the transaction belong to multiple entities. If a blockchain analyst is unable to deduce which inputs and outputs belong to which entities their investigation is effectively moot. Coinjoin transactions usually look something like this:

Coinjoin transactions will usually have a large number of inputs and outputs belonging to many different entities and the value of the outputs will be nearly identical (the value is identical to avoid amount-correlation-heuristic). However, this is not the only way they can look, the following is also a CoinJoin:

At the moment, there are 3 main wallets that offer the CoinJoin feature:
Samourai wallet:
Wasabi wallet:

The Coinjoins created by each of these wallets have some unique technical characteristics and thus it may be possible to recognize which CoinJoin belongs to which wallet. In general, recognizing CoinJoin transactions isn’t much of a problem, however, solving CoinJoin transactions themselves is a different deal entirely. At the moment, finding ties between inputs and outputs (whether in-between several inputs/outputs or inputs with outputs) is only possible if the CoinJoin was constructed incorrectly (such as addresses being reused for inputs and outputs) or if the entities involved have made privacy mistakes after the CoinJoin transaction (for example, by using their new “clean” CoinJoin outputs in a transaction with their old “unclean” traceable outputs). This is admitted even by Europol in the following 2020 report:

The absolute best free tool for analyzing if CoinJoins were constructed correctly and if the entities involved made any mistakes, later on, is the blockchain explorer. I will save myself sanity by not explaining how it works as thankfully there is already a very comprehensive guide on how to use it here:

To summarize, the CoinJoin transaction remains the most powerful privacy tool available to Bitcoin users with its only major drawback being that these type of transactions are easy to identify*

This flaw of CoinJoin’s is addressed partially by the PayJoin transaction. Payjoin transactions are, in essence, payment CoinJoin transactions that are indistinguishable from regular 2 output transactions here is an example of a Payjoin transaction:

Looks like just a regular transaction, right? It would be reasonable to assume that both inputs belong to the same owner and the second output (the 0.004… BTC one) is the destination address, while the first output is the change. However, in reality, it is a payment in which one party paid the other exactly 0.002 BTC. Input one and output 2 is owned by a merchant who is getting paid 0.002 BTC in this transaction (we can see that output 2 amount equals input 1 amount plus 0.002 BTC), while input 2 and output 1 belong to the customer that paid 0.002 BTC to the merchant (because output 1 equals input 2 minus 0.002 BTC and the transaction fee). These are 2 wildly different interpretations of the same transaction that would surely cause a headache for any Bitcoin analyst.

This transaction was actually posted as a fun “guess the amount game” by its owner on Twitter:

The drawback of the PayJoin transaction scheme is that it only works with payments and thus its use case is limited. Nevertheless, since PayJoins are indistinguishable from normal transactions so their adoption is important for the Bitcoin network as a whole as they can plant seeds of uncertainty in blockchain forensic investigations.

* It’s a lot more complex than that, but again that’s beyond the scope of this article.

Other misc identification patterns

In this section, I would like to briefly mention some of the other various identification patterns that are too obscure or technical to deserve a section of their own, but may nonetheless be interesting to know about:

BIP 69 Lexicographical index of transaction inputs and outputs — there is a proposed standard for ordering the inputs and outputs of transactions for BTC wallet clients. While this standard seeks to improve the privacy of transactions, some wallet implements it while others do not, meaning that it can be another clue for wallet fingerprinting:

Low-R value signature — BTC core wallet saves transaction space by shortening the signature just a little bit. No other wallets do this (at least according to

Uncompressed/compressed public keys — when Satoshi was creating Bitcoin, they did not realize that BTC public keys can be compressed to save space without any side effects. Eventually, people realized this and wallets started using compressed public keys, but still, there are some that use uncompressed ones, so that sets them apart:

Coin selection — being able to select which specific UTXO’s you wish to spend. Several wallets offer this functionality (such as Bitcoin Core wallet):

Sybil attack — an old type of attack on peer-to-peer systems where the attacker pretends to be several different entities to disrupt the privacy or security of the system. In Bitcoin, this kind of attack is most commonly associated with network forensics, but since CoinJoins are peer-to-peer systems they can also be threatened by Sybil attacks. Oxt.research team has observed this kind of attack be inadvertently executed on a CoinJoin wallet and were able to track the entity they were targeting because of it. If you are interested in learning more I’d recommend checking out their research here:

Sidechains — a mechanism that allows moving Bitcoins to another, independent blockchain. The other blockchain may have very different privacy features. In practice at this time, the only functioning sidechain for the Bitcoin is the Liquid sidechain. You may read more about sidechains in general here:

Handmade CoinJoin — CoinJoin transactions can be hand-made without a special wallet just using Raw Transactions API. This provides a degree of flexibility:

Taint analysis — a simplistic blockchain analytic technique where the analyst assumes that every address that touches the address they are tailing (the first “tainted” address) via transaction is also “tainted”. This sort of assumption may be useful when investigating darknet markets but does not take into account transfer of ownership and thus is really limited in its effectiveness. Read more here:

Centralized mixers — before CoinJoins came along it was popular to mix bitcoins in a custodial manner. There is a lot of variety on how centralized mixer privacy works (and in many cases don’t work), however, generally, the privacy from a centralized mixer will not be better than the one provided by decentralized CoinJoin. Also, you must trust the mixer with your money while you are using it. Personally, I would not do that no matter how hard the centralized mixer pinky promises they will not spy on you or give your information to the FBI/CIA/KGB/NSA/M16… Mixers are usually quite shady and could only be found in the darknet. You can read more about them here:

The future of privacy:

Bitcoin privacy and is constantly changing with the introduction of new tools that serve to make the bitcoin analytics harder/easier at the same time the Bitcoin network is also gradually changing as a whole. Although the future can never be fully predicted, we can do our best to make a few general guesses as to how space will evolve and what technologies will influence this change:

Lightning Network — as more and more people (hopefully) start using the lightning network its impact on the privacy of Bitcoin will be more and more noticeable. Only the initial and exit transactions of the lightning network are visible on the Bitcoin ledger while the possibly thousands of intermittent transactions between initial and exit one all happen off-chain. Sadly, I do not know enough about the lightning network to be able to determine its full impact on Bitcoin analytics, but it will for sure have one. But I will leave a few links to articles from which you may be able to begin forming your own opinion:

Coinswap — there is a new privacy tool being developed by one of the people behind JoinMarket and the person who wrote the massive Bitcoin wiki’s privacy page, the lord and savior of Bitcoin privacy — Chris Belcher. Coinswap promises to provide the holy grail of Bitcoin privacy, coinjoin which is both unidentifiable and convenient to use for everyone, not just merchants and buyers. More information about the CoinSwap protocol can be read here:

Taproot and on-chain changes — the Bitcoin protocol changes from time to time, the last major change was the Segwit softfork. The next will be the Taproot softfork. Among other goals, this softfork seeks to improve the privacy of Bitcoin script. Once again, I am ashamed to admit I do not know enough about this softfork so, for the time being, I will defer to the Bitcoin wiki and a few great articles where you can read more about Taproot:

This concludes the second part of the “Free Blockchain Forensics” article, with this information anyone can certainly conduct blockchain forensics investigations on their own and be quite successful at them. In the third part of the article, I conducted a mini-investigation of my own to demonstrate how that could work. Check it out if you’re interested ;)

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