Free education in crypto



Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

The digital age enables new ways of creating value unimaginable a few years ago. Today’s digital economy, especially the increasing use of virtual and blockchain-based platforms, has resulted in an explosion of digital education options. From learning mobile apps to complex topics like finance or medical terminology, people are turning to computers and devices as a source of learning instead of books and lecture halls. The general public is also beginning to adopt digital education as a form of learning they can take with them on ham radio, online gaming, or hiking trips. Regardless, most people don’t have access to any type of education that accommodates their needs. This is changing fast. As such, many educational institutions are looking to adopt adaptable, open-accessed, and accessible solutions across different devices and languages.

What is a crypto education?

A crypto education program uses computer technology to teach people about the benefits of digital currency. The goal is to provide people with the skills and knowledge to trade, purchase, and store products like Bitcoin and other…

