Domain Service: Will it Compete with ENS?

Published in
3 min readJun 5, 2023


With decentralization spreading around us everywhere, it’s becoming more improtant than ever to own a decentralized web3 domain.

But web3 domains aren’t perfect, they come with their problems!

Problems with web3 domains:

ENS requires Ethereum’s high gas fees. Unstoppable Domains are minted only on Polygon. Both have limited domain features. Freename solves those problems!

What Is domain service?

They’re a web3 domain service provider.

Not only do they provide second-level domains/SLD → the “example”

But also they have a WIDE variety of top-level domains/TLD → the “.com” in

Like any web3 domain:

-You can use their domain to rename your wallet

-You can create Web3 websites with the domain


-No recurring payments.

-Mint on Polygon, Cronos, Binance, Aurora, & more soon

-You can earn passive income from royalties by buying TLDs with their royalty rights Domain Service features:

🖥️An accessible browser extension to directly pay other web3 domains!

👁️A WHOIS explorer to easily search for:

-how many domains a wallet address has

-domain owners’ wallet addresses

On Freename, ENS, & UD.

👀Freename Explorer to check which TLD & SLD have been minted.

Use it as a Web3 Email!

™️They offer the service to trademark your domain!

This legally protects your brand from fraud globally for 6 months.

This feature will be helpful for DAOs!

Their services are truly one of a kind.

The solutions they’re providing are a disruptor to the web3 domain industry.

Can’t wait to watch them grow!




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