From Speculation to Innovation — Raptoreum Futures Redefine the Crypto Landscape

Exploring the Boundless Potential of Raptoreum Futures: Beyond Just Trading

Cadena de Bloques
Published in
11 min readMay 8, 2023


In the words of David Owen Morris, Leader of the Raptoreum Development Team, Raptoreum futures were described as ‘A complete implementation of a Bitcoin feature that we have evolved. Bitcoin can do timed transactions, but not directly from the user interface. We have created it, and this function will continue to evolve constantly, limited only by imagination.’

Our society has been limiting the uses of future contracts according to the tools and options available as they evolve, from having to rely on a third party to supposedly guarantee compliance and integrity of the agreement, to now being able to utilize the most immutable technology that has ever existed.

The origin of futures contracts dates back to ancient Babylon, where farmers and traders would agree on a future price for their products to protect themselves from market volatility. Modern futures contracts emerged in the 19th century in Chicago, United States, where the Chicago Board of Trade (CBOT) was established in 1848 to provide a place for farmers to sell their crops and traders to buy them.

The primary function of futures contracts is to allow market participants to secure a future price for an underlying asset, such as a commodity or a currency. This enables them to hedge against market volatility and mitigate price risk.

Futures contracts are also used for speculating on the future price of an underlying asset. Speculators buy and sell futures contracts based on their expectations of the future price of the underlying asset. If their expectations are correct, they can make a profit.

Bitcoin futures originated in 2017 with the launch of Bitcoin futures contracts on the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE). This allowed investors to speculate on the future price of Bitcoin and also allowed traders to hedge against Bitcoin price fluctuations.

Prior to the introduction of Bitcoin futures contracts, futures and options trading were very limited in the cryptocurrency market. Bitcoin futures were seen as a sign of maturity in the cryptocurrency market, and many expected it to increase market liquidity and stability.

However, there were also concerns that the introduction of Bitcoin futures could lead to increased volatility in the Bitcoin price, as investors could take speculative positions and manipulate the market price. Despite these concerns, Bitcoin futures have remained a popular tool for investors and traders in the cryptocurrency market.

In summary, futures contracts have been used for centuries to hedge against market volatility and speculate on the future price of underlying assets. The function of futures in Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies is an extension of this established financial practice.

In the case of Raptoreum, the added futures function directly within the user interface opens up endless possibilities for use. When combined with the ability to execute smart contracts in common programming languages, it becomes something unique and underestimated by a society that limits itself to speculation. The expectations for its evolution are enormous, so much so that even Satoshi Nakamoto himself never spoke about anything like this before his disappearance.

Satoshi could not imagine anything remotely similar to what has been achieved in the Raptoreum ecosystem, or if he did, he did not write about it in any of his posts. Clearly, he knew that he was leaving a tool to do good or bad, and that it would be a free choice. He mentioned this in a post on the Bitcointalk forum in 2010. In that post, Nakamoto wrote: ‘Bitcoin futures could be a good thing or a bad thing. They could help people hedge their risk, which could make Bitcoin more stable. But they could also have unintended side effects.

Thanks to those functions he left back then and the work of the Raptoreum developers, the code has been improved, and with Raptoreum futures, these ancient financial practices are now on the blockchain.

“The trust in a blockchain is inherent to its design and its decentralized and transparent operation. Raptoreum futures are an example of how blockchain technology can provide innovative and reliable solutions for the financial world, eliminating the need for intermediaries and ensuring data immutability.

In an increasingly digital and interconnected world, immutability is more valuable than ever. Raptoreum’s blockchain offers a direct path to a trust-based ecosystem, which is fairer and safer for everyone.”


Decentralizing futures trading can be a significant step towards creating a more robust and resilient blockchain ecosystem. Unlike other cryptocurrencies, which often rely on centralized exchanges for futures trading, Raptoreum allows miners to issue and freely trade futures assets without the need for a centralized third party.

An example of how this can be useful is in situations of market oversupply. By issuing futures assets locked for a specific period of time, miners can reduce the available supply in the market, which, in turn, can help stabilize prices and prevent sharp drops in the currency’s value.

Furthermore, the ability to issue futures assets can be a valuable tool for miners seeking to stabilize their income in a volatile market. By locking a portion of their coins in a futures asset, they can secure a fixed price for those coins in the future, providing them with a certain level of financial security.

While other blockchain projects also offer decentralized futures trading, Raptoreum stands out for its focus on CPU/GPU miners. By not relying on ASIC, FPGA, or NiceHash, the Raptoreum chain maintains its commitment to decentralization and broad participation from the mining community.

As for additional ideas that could be explored in the future, one possibility is the creation of smart contracts for futures trading on Raptoreum. These contracts could enable greater automation of the process of issuing and trading futures assets, potentially improving market efficiency and transparency.

Another intriguing idea could be the exploration of longer lock-up periods for futures assets on Raptoreum. This could be especially useful for projects with a long-term vision, aiming to secure a fixed price for their coins over an extended period of time.


Ensuring future payments is a fundamental issue in many areas of life, especially in the business world. In an ever-changing environment where risks are increasingly high, guaranteeing future payments has become a priority for many companies.

A clear example of this is the construction sector. In this field, companies have to invest significant amounts of money in materials and labor to build buildings, bridges, roads, and other infrastructure. Often, projects are long-term and can last for several years. In an ever-changing environment where economic and political conditions can change at any moment, companies working in the construction sector need assurances that payments will be made on time and that they will not have to face non-payment or payment delays.

Another example is commodity supply contracts. In many cases, companies that produce goods require raw materials to carry out their activities. These raw materials are often purchased in advance and stored until needed. Ensuring future payments is essential for companies supplying these raw materials, as it allows them to plan their operations and budget their future income.

Lastly, another example of the importance of ensuring future payments is found in the world of international trade. Companies exporting their products to other countries often have to deal with the risk of non-payment due to differences in legislation, business culture, and currency fluctuations. In this regard, bank guarantees and credit insurance are essential tools to ensure future payments and minimize the risk of non-payment.

Ensuring future payments has become a relevant necessity in an ever-changing world. Companies from different sectors and sizes need this guarantee to plan their operations, budget their income, and minimize risks. Without payment guarantees, many companies can face serious financial problems, which can have disastrous consequences for their survival.


A trusted third party is crucial for protecting the parties involved in a financial transaction or in the daily application of civil contracts between parties. Raptoreum, as a blockchain-based platform, can provide innovative and reliable solutions to ensure secure and immutable future payments. This is achieved through its layer of smart contracts called RTM, which exists in the wallet as a futures function, opening up endless possibilities for developers to join in the creation and execution of programmable agreements between parties without the need for intermediaries.

For example, let’s suppose that a person wants to save a portion of their salary for their retirement using Raptoreum’s technology. The person can create a wallet on RTM and establish a smart contract with its futures function, where they agree with the blockchain to store a certain amount of RTM in their wallet but make it unavailable until a specified date in the agreement or at a block height of the chain that the person has chosen. This process could be as simple as setting a specific future date on which the accumulated funds will be released. The person could set up a smart contract for the funds to be released into their RTM wallet on that date, or they could choose to have them sent to another person’s wallet.

Furthermore, Raptoreum in its entirety means the elimination of intermediaries such as retirement fund management companies. These companies are responsible for managing the money that workers contribute for their retirement and investing it to obtain returns that ensure an adequate pension in the future. However, as it is already known, a high number of these companies end up misusing the funds and going bankrupt, resulting in the total or partial loss of the funds. Not only that, in some very specific cases, authoritarian regimes like Bolivia’s, which come to power by abusing what does not belong to them, end up expropriating those funds to squander them on uncontrolled public spending. This could be avoided through blockchain technology, as it truly guarantees the delivery of funds to the recipient, which in turn can reduce waiting times in bureaucratic processes and increase trust in transactions. Raptoreum opens up the possibility of using the platform to ensure future payments in various sectors.

For example, let’s imagine an institution, government, or company that wants to guarantee the payment of a long-term contract with a supplier or client. By employing Raptoreum, they can establish a smart contract that automates payment on specific dates, sent to a specific address, and only activated to go to a third address if certain previously agreed-upon conditions are met. This would guarantee the security of future payment, eliminating the need for intermediaries and reducing the risk of fraud.

Another example would be in the real estate sector. By using Raptoreum, buyers and sellers can establish smart contracts that guarantee payment for a property in different installments, ensuring transparency and immutability of records.

Raptoreum offers a reliable and secure blockchain platform that can be used to guarantee future payments in various sectors, providing innovative solutions that eliminate the need for intermediaries and ensure data immutability.

In summary, the guarantee of future payments is crucial in an ever-changing world, and Raptoreum can provide innovative and reliable solutions to ensure secure and immutable payments through its smart contract layer. There is no doubt that there is no better trusted third party than a blockchain technology like Raptoreum with its Smart Contracts.


Raptoreum futures are a unique product that differentiates itself from other cryptocurrencies and futures platforms in several key aspects. Firstly, Raptoreum futures are directly issued by the user through its interface, which means there is no need for a third party to facilitate futures trading. This reduces costs and eliminates the possibility of fraud or manipulation.

Compared to Bitcoin, which is a more well-known and widely used cryptocurrency, Raptoreum futures have the advantage of being built on its own layer 1 and being fully backed by its network, requiring an active and committed community of miners. Additionally, Raptoreum’s technology is more advanced and scalable than Bitcoin and Ethereum, which means Raptoreum futures could have higher demand in the future as blockchain technology continues to evolve.

Regarding futures platforms, Raptoreum differentiates itself by not relying on a centralized platform like Binance to facilitate futures trading. Instead, futures are issued and traded directly on the Raptoreum network in a decentralized manner, meaning there is no central point of failure or risk of platform closure. However, it currently requires developers to create ideal decentralized tools for these trades, and we hope to see advancements in existing platforms (such as AtomicDEX) integrating into futures markets as demanded by society.

Finally, compared to Binance, which is a centralized futures platform and one of the largest in the world, Raptoreum has the advantage of being completely decentralized and secure. Raptoreum futures are not subject to the risks associated with a centralized platform, such as lack of transparency and exposure to hackers and software errors.


A discussion on the potential of Raptoreum futures to stabilize miners’ income and reduce volatility in the crypto sphere.

Raptoreum futures have great potential in the financial and cryptographic world. As people seek more reliable and decentralized alternatives to the traditional financial system, Raptoreum futures can offer an attractive solution.

In comparison to other crypto assets and futures platforms, Raptoreum offers a unique and advanced technology that allows for the issuance of locked future assets based on a specific number of blocks. This guarantees transparency and immutability of data, which is a significant advantage for investors and miners.

Furthermore, the Raptoreum futures platform is completely decentralized and free from intermediaries, enabling users to trade directly on a decentralized futures market. This reduces costs and risks associated with intermediation while increasing market transparency and efficiency.

In terms of potential, Raptoreum futures can have a significant impact on society and the economy. By offering a more reliable and transparent alternative to the traditional financial system, they can help foster cryptocurrency adoption and improve financial accessibility for the masses.

In summary, Raptoreum futures have great potential to transform the financial and cryptographic landscape by providing a reliable, transparent, and decentralized alternative to the traditional financial system. As cryptocurrency adoption continues to grow, Raptoreum futures can play a key role in creating a fairer and more accessible financial system for everyone.


In conclusion, we hope to have presented a different perspective in today’s weekly update on the topic of Raptoreum futures, and that from this moment forward, you have a complete vision of Raptoreum’s commitment to blockchain technology, its mining community, and society in general.

Raptoreum has dedicated itself to building a solid and fair ecosystem that encompasses both CPU/GPU miners and end users. Throughout the weekly update, we have seen how Raptoreum has improved the functionality of futures in terms of decentralization, protocol, security, efficiency, and scalability. We hope that these developments will lead to greater adoption, promotion, usage, and acceptance by the community.

Raptoreum has demonstrated its commitment to blockchain technology by continuously improving its protocol and ensuring the security of its network. Additionally, it has embraced new technologies and use cases for futures to enhance user experience and has worked on creating decentralized applications for its ecosystem.

Regarding its commitment to the mining community, Raptoreum has incorporated the futures function directly into the graphical interface of the wallet, thereby promoting the decentralization of futures usage.

Lastly, Raptoreum has shown a commitment to society by working towards the creation of a fair and accessible ecosystem for all. Its focus on inclusion and decentralization has led to greater equity in the cryptocurrency space and has provided new opportunities for individuals who previously could not participate in mining. Furthermore, its dedication to continuous protocol improvement and the creation of decentralized applications suggests a promising future for the Raptoreum ecosystem.

Overall, Raptoreum demonstrates a strong commitment to blockchain technology, its mining community, and society at large. With its focus on inclusion and decentralization, Raptoreum has the potential to be a leader in building a fair and accessible cryptocurrency ecosystem for all of humanity.

If you are interested in learning more about the Raptoreum blockchain, you can visit their website at

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Cadena de Bloques

My priorities are God and family. I'm a liberal and don't like states. As a lawyer, I'm passionate about blockchain technology.