Function Stack and its Usage in Yul

Shlok Kumar
4 min readApr 17, 2023


Yul is an intermediate language that can be compiled to bytecode for different backends, such as the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM). It can be used in stand-alone mode and for “inline assembly” inside Solidity. Yul is designed to be readable, simple and flexible while allowing for high-level optimization stages that can benefit all target platforms equally.

The function stack is a critical data structure in computer science used to store information about function calls, including parameters, return values, and the program’s execution state. The data structure operates on the principle of Last-In-First-Out (LIFO), meaning that the most recently called function is always the first one to return.

When you execute a Yul program, the EVM creates a new stack frame for each new function call. A stack frame is a block of memory that stores local variables, function arguments, and the program counter’s current location. When a function is done executing, the EVM pops the current stack frame off the stack, returning control to the calling function.

One of the features of Yul is that it does not expose the complexity of the stack itself. The stack is an area of memory where data can be stored and retrieved in a last-in-first-out (LIFO) order. The stack holds 32-byte words, has a stack depth of 1024, and functions like any other stack. You can push, pop, swap, and perform arithmetic, as you would on any other stack.

To better understand the function stack in Yul, consider this example:

function add(a: uint256, b: uint256) -> uint256:
let c := a + b
return c

function multiply(a: uint256, b: uint256) -> uint256:
let c := 0
for { let i:=0 } lt(i, b) { i:=add(i, 1) } {
c := add(c, a)
return c

function main() -> uint256:
let result := 0
result := add(2, 3)
result := multiply(result, 5)
return result

In this example, we define three functions: add, multiply, and main. The main function calls add with arguments 2 and 3, which returns to 5. main then calls multiply with the result of add and 5, which returns 25.

Every time add and multiply are called, the EVM creates a new stack frame to store their local variables and arguments. Once each function completes execution, its stack frame is removed and control is returned to main. The main function uses the returned values of add and multiply to compute the final result and returns it to the caller.

However, in Yul, you do not have to worry about the stack. You can use variables and functions to manipulate data without knowing how they are implemented on the stack. Variables are scoped to the block they are declared in and are automatically cleaned up from the stack when they go out of scope. Functions can take arguments and return values without explicitly pushing or popping them from the stack. User-defined functions and built-in functions are called in the same way.

For example, consider the following Yul code that computes exponentiation:

function power(base, exponent) -> result {
switch exponent
case 0 { result := 1 }
case 1 { result := base }
default {
result := power(mul(base, base), div(exponent, 2))
switch mod(exponent, 2)
case 1 { result := mul(base, result) }

let x := power(2, 10)

This code uses variables, functions, control flow and arithmetic operations to calculate 2¹⁰. However, it does not explicitly use any stack operations. The compiler will take care of translating this code into bytecode that uses the stack efficiently.

The advantage of hiding the stack from the programmer is that it makes the code more readable and easier to understand. It also allows for better optimization by the compiler, since it can rearrange or eliminate stack operations without changing the semantics of the code.

The disadvantage of hiding the stack is that it may introduce some overhead or limitations in certain cases. For example, if you have a large number of local variables or nested function calls, you may run out of stack space and cause a runtime error. Also, some low-level operations or optimizations may not be possible or convenient in Yul, since they require direct access to the stack.

Therefore, Yul is best suited for writing high-level code that can be easily optimized and verified by tools. If you need more control over the stack or want to perform low-level operations that are not supported by Yul, you can use inline assembly inside Solidity or write bytecode directly.

Overall understanding how Function Stacks work within YUL will help developers create more efficient programs faster due to their reduced complexity levels compared with other languages like Solidity/Vyper — thus saving them both time & money when coding applications on Ethereum platform-based blockchain networks! It’s important for anyone looking into writing smart contracts or dApps on Ethereum network to understand this concept well before jumping straight into the development process itself.

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Shlok Kumar

Ethereum developer | Solidity smart contract expert | Bitcoin and cryptocurrency enthusiast | Experience in Solana and other blockchain platforms