Top 10 GMX APIs

In this article, we will explore the top GMX APIs that provide detailed insights and data access for GMX DEX on Arbitrum.

Published in
6 min readJul 15, 2024


GMX is a prominent decentralized exchange (DEX) on the Arbitrum network. It is known for its high efficiency and user-centric features. It has around $450 million Total Value Locked (TVL). GMX V1 has facilitated over $100 million in trading volume. This shows its growing influence in the DeFI space. This exchange uses Arbitrum’s Layer 2 solution to give users low-cost and fast transactions. It stands out as an attractive platform for traders and liquidity providers.

In this article, we will explore the top GMX APIs that provide detailed insights and data access for GMX DEX on Arbitrum. Whether you are building a trading bot, a portfolio tracker, or a data analytics platform, these APIs will be invaluable in using GMX’s extensive data ecosystem.

Things to Note When Selecting a GMX API

Here are the things to note when selecting a GMX API:

  • Access to detailed trade data, including trading volumes and real-time price data, is crucial.
  • Insights into liquidity pools help users understand liquidity distribution and volume is essential for effective liquidity management.
  • Track yield farming opportunities, incentives, and reward distributions.
  • Get data on total fees collected to understand the cost structure and profitability of trading on GMX.
  • Transaction history data helps users monitor and audit their transactions.
  • Ensure you have the latest information for decision-making with real-time updates and advanced querying capabilities.
  • Support for various programming languages enhances usability.


Here are the top GMX APIs for Arbitrum Crypto:


Bitquery offers a comprehensive suite of APIs to access data on GMX Crypto DEX on Arbitrum:

  • Comprehensive Market Data: Access detailed trade data, trading volumes, price data, and transaction histories. This is crucial for market analysis, building trading bots, and understanding market dynamics and sentiment through data on open interest in perpetual contracts.
  • Liquidity and Fee Insights: Get insights into liquidity pools, total fees collected, and wallet balances. This helps users understand liquidity distribution, the cost structure and the profitability of trading on GMX and supports portfolio tracking and wallet management tools.
  • Rewards and Yield Farming: Track yield farming opportunities, incentives, and reward distributions, including esGMX (Escrowed GMX) and vGLP (Vested GMX). This allows users to optimize their yield farming strategies and monitor their earnings effectively.
  • Advanced Data Access: Offers real-time updates and comprehensive historical data, ensuring that users have the latest information for decision-making and the ability to back-test trading strategies and analyze long-term trends.
  • Interface: The GraphQL interface enables users to construct custom queries tailored to their needs, opening up new possibilities for building trading dashboards, alerts, and analysis tools.
  • Developer-Friendly Features: Bitquery provides comprehensive documentation, support for multiple programming languages, a flexible query language, and aggregated data capabilities. This helps you stay updated on metrics like GMX crypto price and more.

Dune Analytics

Dune Analytics allows for powerful data querying and visualization of GMX Arbitrum Crypto:

  • Custom Queries: Create custom SQL queries to fetch specific GMX data, offering flexibility in data analysis and reporting.
  • Dashboards: Build and share interactive dashboards for visualizing trading volumes, liquidity, and other metrics, enhancing data presentation and insights.
  • Community-driven: Explore a community of analysts and their pre-built queries, providing a collaborative environment for data analysis.
  • Real-time Data: Access real-time updates and historical data, ensuring that the most current information is always available.
  • Open Data: All queries and dashboards are public, promoting transparency and enabling knowledge sharing within the community.


DiaData focuses on providing accurate financial data:

  • Price Feeds: Access reliable price feeds for GMX tokens, ensuring accurate pricing information for trading and analysis.
  • Market Data: Comprehensive market data including trading volumes and liquidity information, providing a complete market overview.
  • Oracle Services: Secure and decentralized oracle services for integrating real-time data, enhancing data reliability and security.
  • Historical Data: Extensive historical data for back-testing and analysis, enabling robust strategy development.
  • Customizable APIs: Flexible APIs to cater to specific data needs, allowing tailored solutions for different applications.

The Graph

The Graph offers indexing and querying services for blockchain data:

  • Subgraphs: Create and deploy subgraphs to index GMX data, facilitating efficient data retrieval and analysis.
  • Fast Queries: Execute fast and efficient queries for real-time data access, ensuring timely information for decision-making.
  • Open Source: Community-driven development and open-source contributions, promoting innovation and collaboration.
  • Cross-chain: Supports indexing data across multiple blockchains, enhancing application versatility.
  • Developer Support: Extensive documentation and community support for building robust applications, ensuring developers have the resources they need.


CoinGecko provides comprehensive cryptocurrency data:

  • Market Data: Access detailed market data including trading volumes and price information for GMX tokens, essential for market analysis.
  • API Access: Reliable APIs to fetch real-time and historical data, supporting various analytical and trading applications.
  • Analytics: Tools for analyzing market trends and token performance, helping users make informed decisions.
  • Global Coverage: Data from various exchanges and markets for comprehensive analysis, providing a global perspective.
  • Community Engagement: User-driven ratings and reviews for cryptocurrencies, enhancing market transparency and user insights.


Messari offers in-depth crypto research and data services:

  • Market Data: Detailed information on GMX’s current price, trading volumes, market cap, and fully diluted valuation for clear market performance insights.
  • Exchange Listings: Real-time trading prices and volumes across major exchanges like Binance and Huobi Global, helping users find the best trading opportunities.
  • Token Functionality and Governance: Overview of GMX’s role as a decentralized exchange on Arbitrum, GLP liquidity mechanism, staking benefits, and governance proposals.
  • ROI Metrics: ROI data across various timeframes, showing GMX’s performance and profitability trends for investment analysis.
  • Historical Performance: Historical data on price movements, cycle lows, and key developments over the past 30 days, offering insights into the latest protocol changes.


Arbiscan provides blockchain explorer services for Arbitrum:

  • Transaction Tracking: Track transactions and wallet activities on the GMX protocol, providing detailed insights into user activities.
  • Analytics: Detailed analytics on trading volumes, liquidity, and market activities, supporting comprehensive market analysis.
  • Real-time Data: Access real-time data for monitoring the latest activities, ensuring timely information for decision-making.
  • Developer Tools: APIs and developer tools for integrating ArbiScan data into applications, facilitating seamless development.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Detailed coverage of all activities on the Arbitrum network, providing a complete overview of the ecosystem.


Selecting the right GMX API is crucial for leveraging the full potential of the GMX DEX on Arbitrum. By considering key factors such as comprehensive market data, rewards and fees tracking wallet and transaction data, real-time and historical access, and advanced query capabilities, developers can build powerful and innovative DeFi applications.

Written by Aarthy R

