Greenest Programming Languages: C Reigns Supreme, While Python and Perl Lag Behind

Mak Murphy
5 min readApr 5, 2024


In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, the focus is not just on innovation and efficiency, but also on environmental responsibility. Software development, a core driver of technological progress, also carries an environmental footprint.

This footprint stems from the energy consumption required to run the hardware that executes the code. Therefore, choosing programming languages that prioritise energy efficiency becomes crucial for sustainable software development practices.

A recent study conducted by researchers at the University of Minho, Portugal, sheds light on this critical aspect. Their research, titled “Energy Efficiency Across Programming Languages: A Comparative Study”, delves into the environmental impact of various programming languages.

Methodology: Benchmarking Languages for Green Credentials

The researchers implemented a comprehensive approach to assess the energy efficiency of 27 widely used programming languages. Here’s a breakdown of their methodology:

  • Language Selection: The study encompassed a diverse range of 27 languages, including popular choices like C, C++, Java, Python, JavaScript, and Perl.
  • Benchmarking: Ten different programming problems were selected as benchmarks. These problems represent various functionalities commonly encountered in software development.
  • Metrics: Each language’s performance on these benchmark problems was evaluated based on three crucial metrics:
  • Execution Time: The time taken by the code to run.
  • Energy Consumption: The amount of energy consumed during execution.
  • Peak Memory Usage: The maximum amount of memory utilised by the program.

C Emerges as the Champion of Green Coding, Python and Perl Lag Behind

The analysis revealed intriguing findings, highlighting a clear distinction between the languages in terms of their environmental impact.

  • C emerged as the most energy-efficient language among the ones studied. This can be attributed to its compiled nature and ability to directly interact with hardware, leading to optimised code execution.
  • Python and Perl, on the other hand, were found to be the least environmentally friendly choices. These interpreted languages often require additional processing overhead, resulting in higher energy consumption.

A Glimpse into Rust: Balancing Performance and Sustainability

While C takes the crown for pure energy efficiency based on this study, the landscape of programming languages is constantly evolving. One emerging language gaining significant traction in recent years is Rust.

Rust offers a unique blend of features that position it as a potential contender in the realm of sustainable coding:

  • Memory Safety: Unlike C, which requires manual memory management, Rust enforces memory safety through its ownership system. This eliminates the risk of memory leaks and dangling pointers, often leading to inefficiencies and higher energy consumption.
  • Performance: Rust compiles to native code, similar to C, resulting in fast execution times. This translates to lower energy usage compared to interpreted languages.

While a comprehensive comparison of Rust’s energy efficiency with other languages wasn’t explicitly included in the University of Minho study, its inherent features suggest promising potential for sustainable development.

Here’s why Rust holds promise for the future of green coding:

  • Reduced Runtime Overhead: By eliminating the need for garbage collection, a common source of overhead in languages like Python, Rust potentially reduces energy consumption.
  • Focus on Efficiency: The Rust community actively promotes efficient coding practices and provides tools to analyse code for potential performance bottlenecks.

It’s important to note that further research is needed to definitively assess Rust’s position on the spectrum of energy-efficient languages. However, its design principles and growing popularity suggest that it could play a significant role in shaping the future of sustainable software development.

Understanding the Reasoning Behind the Results

While the study establishes C as the leader in terms of energy efficiency, it’s essential to delve deeper into the potential reasons behind this observation.

  • Compiled vs. Interpreted Languages: Compiled languages like C are translated into machine code before execution, allowing for direct interaction with the hardware. This direct interaction leads to faster execution times and lower energy consumption. In contrast, interpreted languages like Python and Perl require an interpreter to translate the code line by line during runtime, which incurs additional processing overhead and increases energy usage.
  • Memory Management: Languages with efficient memory management techniques can further contribute to reduced energy consumption. C offers manual memory management, which requires careful handling by the programmer but can potentially lead to lower memory usage compared to languages with automatic garbage collection like Python.

It’s important to note that these findings solely focus on the energy efficiency aspect. Other factors like code readability, maintainability, and developer productivity also play a significant role in language selection.

Beyond the Study: A Call for Sustainable Coding Practices

The research by the University of Minho researchers serves as a crucial wake-up call for the software development community. While C might reign supreme in terms of energy efficiency based on this study, it’s not always the most suitable choice for every project.

However, the study emphasises the importance of considering the environmental impact when selecting a programming language. Here are some key takeaways for developers:

  • Evaluate Language Choices: For large-scale projects where energy efficiency is a prime concern, languages like C might be a preferable option.
  • Explore Optimization Techniques: Even with less energy-efficient languages, developers can implement optimization techniques like reducing unnecessary calculations and memory allocations to minimise the environmental footprint.
  • Embrace Sustainable Development Practices: Software development companies should actively promote sustainable coding practices within their teams. This can involve raising awareness about the environmental impact of different languages and encouraging the adoption of energy-efficient coding techniques.

The Road Ahead: A Greener Future for Software Development

The growing emphasis on environmental responsibility necessitates continuous advancements in programming language design and development practices. Here’s a glimpse into potential future directions:

  • Energy-Aware Language Design: Language designers can incorporate features that promote energy-efficient code generation and execution.
  • Development Tools for Green Coding: The development of tools that analyse code for potential energy consumption hotspots and suggest optimisation strategies can empower developers to make informed choices.


The study by the University of Minho researchers sheds light on a critical aspect often overlooked in software development — the environmental impact of programming languages. While C stands out as the most energy-efficient choice in this particular analysis, it’s crucial to acknowledge that language selection involves a multitude of factors

P.S. Consider Systango for Rust Development.



Mak Murphy

I am a tech evangelist. Educating, inspiring, and connecting with audiences worldwide. Let's shape narratives and drive results together.