Harnessing the Power of CRO and a CDP in Healthcare

5 min readMar 12, 2022


Before COVID, no one believed that healthcare could be adequately provided through virtual means. However, COVID proved that idea completely wrong, and now there’s a pandemic-led digital transformation underway that will forever reshape the landscape for both patients and doctors.

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This article will focus on how healthcare providers and marketers can capitalize on this change by harnessing the power of CRO and CDP. First, we’ll make sure we’re all on the same page by explaining what those acronyms mean. From there, we’ll look at how both the patient and healthcare providers benefit from using these tools.

What is CRO?

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) marketing is a strategy that relies heavily on real user data with the goal of increasing conversion rates. This could be anything from the traditional e-mail subscription, demo sign-ups, entering personal details into a form, etc.

However, CRO isn’t about getting more traffic. It’s about converting those that are already coming to the site whether paid or organic. So, for healthcare providers, it’s especially important because it means you get more bang for your buck in marketing efforts.

In turn, that means there’s more money to spend in other areas for better patient outcomes.

What is a CDP?

Simply, a CDP is a customer data platform. It’s software that collects and organizes customer information to create a comprehensive and persistent database that allows marketers and decision-makers to gain valuable insight from customer interactions.

It builds a 360-degree profile of the person from various sources to create a unified view of their habits, likes, details, and whatever other data the software takes in. It’s been used by leading brands to create a better customer experience and increase ROI. And it’s also benefited non-profits and other organizations in fundraising efforts and more. Igor has well articulated the data science usecases in Healthcare

Harnessing the Power of CRO and a CDP

Now that we’re on the same page about the meaning of these acronyms, let’s look at how doctors and healthcare marketers can take advantage of these tools by looking at two use cases from the perspective of the provider and the patient.

How CRO and a CDP Benefits the Healthcare Industry

There are a plethora of benefits for customer data platforms and CRO in healthcare. As with various other fields, the pandemic has put a strain on the entire industry. There’s a lack of staff and there’s an increase in demand for their services. What’s more, people are expecting healthcare to match the ease and conveniences that they get from things like financial services, rideshares, and other innovations.

It’s simple, patients are consumers too. And today, you can do everything online from shopping, getting groceries and McDonald’s delivered to your home from an app, and, now, you can see your doctor from your iPad screen. And patients expect these services to be personalized and relevant to their needs.

Then there’s the logistics from managing all the patient information and preferences, medical records that can be spread across different facilities and have mismatched data, staying HIPAA compliant, accurate and reliable communication between patient and doctor, etc.

However, this also puts healthcare in a unique position to capitalize on a transformation that’s being led by data-driven decisions. Using CRO and a CDP is the perfect answer because it’s a human-centric, customer-first approach to marketing and data aggregation. Let’s look at a few use cases below.

Enhance the Telehealth Experience for Patients: CDPs allow you to link unknown and known data points from the patient and unify them to create and provide real-time and up-to-date medical information about the patient directly to telehealth providers or medical call centers. The core of this approach is a positive patient journey, so the telehealth or call center agent can promptly focus on giving the patient the best care.

Ensure You’re HIPAA Compliant: As the CDP unifies all of the patient’s data into a single, comprehensive profile, the healthcare provider can store the database in a private cloud system already HIPAA compliant and secure. Trust and privacy are the most important cornerstones in health.

Obtain New Patients and Members: Best CRO practices like making it easy to set up appointments or sign up, making your content and text skimmable, creating mobile responsive sites, etc. all increase the chances patients can find what they need and drive up loyalty as well.

How CRO and a CDP Benefits the Patient

If we look from the patient’s point of view, it can be difficult and a challenge to navigate the healthcare system. They’re likely to engage with the organization in a variety of ways such as looking up their treatment options on Google, going to see a physician, attending a web seminar, etc.

The problem is there isn’t anything that connects these together and the information becomes siloed. Digital healthcare eliminates this by unifying all data across the different sources, whether they be first-, second-, or third-party information.

And CRO marketing means more people are getting the help they need. And as mentioned above, it makes things easier for them like scheduling appointments online, communicating with their doctor via their preferred method (calls, Zoom, etc.), and more.

Partner with Virtusa for Healthcare Solutions

The keys to success are using the right tools and putting the patient first. Adobe real-time CPD technology empowers the healthcare organization by bringing together known and unknown data to create unified, comprehensive patient profiles.

If you need assistance implementing digital healthcare into your facility, then look no further than Virtusa, the leading provider of IT healthcare solutions with powerful and innovative tools like their AI-powered vLife™ and other services. Connect with us today to learn more about what we can do for you.




As a MarTech/Operations leader I not only help brands sell more, although that’s where it starts. My contribution is to help the customer get brands to listen.