How AI Earns Crypto. The Geek Theoretical Reveal.

Artem Albitskii
10 min readJun 18, 2023



Cryptocurrency trading has become a lucrative endeavor, and one of the key tools driving success in this field is neural networks. In this article, I will explore how neural networks play a vital role in making money from cryptocurrency. I’ll delve into the significance of neural networks in trading, and provide real-world examples to showcase their effectiveness.

Start with the basics.

Neural networks are a fundamental component of machine learning that analyze and predict cryptocurrency trends. They consist of interconnected nodes, or “neurons,” organized in layers. These networks are trained using historical cryptocurrency data by adjusting the connections between neurons to identify patterns and make predictions.

The training process involves feeding the neural network with historical data, including cryptocurrency prices, volumes, and other relevant factors. The network learns from this data and adjusts its internal parameters, known as weights and biases, to minimize the difference between its predictions and the actual outcomes.

The training algorithm uses a technique called backpropagation to update the weights and biases iteratively. It compares the network’s predictions with the known outcomes and calculates the prediction errors. These errors are then used to adjust the weights and biases, improving the network’s accuracy over time.

By repeatedly training the neural network on historical cryptocurrency data, it learns to recognize complex patterns and relationships. This enables it to make predictions about future price movements, identify trading opportunities, and assist traders in making informed decisions. That process is called machine learning.

How AI and crypto are connected?


Let’s delve deeper into programming. If you’re not interested — it's okay, it isn't an essential part, so you can move on to the next section.

A neural network specifically designed for cryptocurrency trading typically consists of the following key components:

  1. The input layer receives input data, such as historical cryptocurrency prices, volumes, technical indicators, or sentiment analysis scores. Each input variable corresponds to a node in the input layer.
  2. Hidden layers are positioned between the input and output layers and perform complex computations. The number of hidden layers and the number of nodes in each layer depend on the complexity of the trading task and the size of the dataset.
  3. Activation functions introduce non-linearities into the network, allowing it to model complex relationships between inputs and outputs. Common activation functions used in cryptocurrency trading neural networks include sigmoid, tanh, or ReLU (Rectified Linear Unit).
  4. Weights and biases are internal parameters of the neural network that determine the strength of connections between neurons. They are adjusted during the training process to optimize the network’s predictive performance.
  5. The output layer produces the final output of the neural network, which can be a prediction of cryptocurrency prices, trading signals, or risk assessment. The number of nodes in the output layer depends on the specific task or objective of the trading strategy.
  6. The loss function measures the discrepancy between the network’s predictions and the actual values. It provides feedback to the training algorithm, allowing it to adjust the network’s weights and biases to minimize prediction errors.
  7. The training algorithm, such as backpropagation, iteratively updates the network’s weights and biases based on the calculated prediction errors. It optimizes the network’s performance by minimizing the loss function.
  8. Regularization techniques, such as dropout or L2 regularization, can be employed to prevent overfitting, where the network memorizes the training data too well and performs poorly on new, unseen data.
  9. Optimization algorithms, like stochastic gradient descent (SGD) or Adam, determine how the weights and biases are adjusted during training to minimize the loss function efficiently.

Neural networks enable traders to forecast cryptocurrency prices with remarkable accuracy by utilizing their ability to analyze historical data, identify patterns, and make predictions.

Here’s how they accomplish this:

  1. Neural networks are trained on extensive sets of historical cryptocurrency data, encompassing price movements, trading volumes, and other relevant variables. By processing this data, neural networks learn to recognize patterns and relationships between different factors.
  2. Neural networks excel at identifying intricate patterns and correlations within historical data. They can uncover subtle trends and relationships that may not be readily apparent to human traders. Through the analysis of multiple indicators simultaneously, neural networks capture complex market dynamics.
  3. Once trained, neural networks can generate predictions for future cryptocurrency price movements. Drawing from the patterns identified in the historical data, the network learns to detect signals that suggest potential price changes. These predictions are based on statistical probabilities and observed patterns from the training data.

Traders leverage these predictions to identify profitable trading opportunities and make informed decisions. Here’s how they do it in two key areas:

  1. Neural networks excel in analyzing sentiment, allowing traders to accurately gauge market sentiment. By extracting valuable insights from social media and news platforms, neural networks can determine the overall sentiment surrounding cryptocurrencies. Traders utilize sentiment analysis results to assess market sentiment, identify emerging trends, and make trading decisions accordingly.
  2. Neural networks can assess risk and volatility, providing traders with essential information for effective risk management. By evaluating potential risks associated with specific cryptocurrencies or market conditions, neural networks help traders make informed decisions. These networks aid in identifying risk levels and implementing risk management strategies to protect investments and optimize trading decisions.

It’s crucial to note that while neural networks offer valuable tools for forecasting, sentiment analysis, and risk assessment, they are not infallible. Market conditions can change rapidly, and unforeseen events can impact cryptocurrency prices. Traders should use neural network predictions, sentiment analysis, and risk assessments in conjunction with other analysis techniques, market knowledge, and their own judgment to make well-informed trading decisions.

Real Examples of Neural Networks in Action.


Predicting Bitcoin Price Movements:

  1. The case of the “Stock-to-Flow” model.
    One notable example of predicting Bitcoin price movements is the “Stock-to-Flow” (S2F) model developed by PlanB. This model uses a neural network to analyze historical data, specifically, Bitcoin’s scarcity measured by its stock-to-flow ratio, to predict future price levels. The S2F model gained significant attention for accurately predicting Bitcoin’s price increases over time, including the bull market of 2021.
  2. Successful trades based on neural network predictions.
    Traders have reported successful trades by using neural network models to predict Bitcoin price movements. By training their networks on historical data and incorporating various indicators, such as trading volume and market sentiment, they can make informed decisions. These traders leverage the predictions generated by neural networks to identify optimal entry and exit points, resulting in profitable trading opportunities.

Sentiment Analysis for Altcoin Trading.

  1. Analyzing social media sentiment.
    Neural networks have been used to analyze social media sentiment for altcoins, which are cryptocurrencies other than Bitcoin. By monitoring platforms like Twitter, Reddit, and crypto-specific forums, neural networks can extract insights from user discussions, opinions, and news sentiment. Traders can then gauge market sentiment towards specific altcoins and make trading decisions based on this analysis.
  2. Influencing altcoin price movements.
    The impact of sentiment analysis on altcoin prices can be observed in instances where positive or negative sentiment on social media has led to significant price fluctuations. Traders who leverage sentiment analysis through neural networks can identify altcoins that experience a surge in positive sentiment and anticipate potential price increases or identify altcoins facing negative sentiment that may indicate a decline in value.

Risk Management and Portfolio Optimization.

  1. Assessing risk and volatility.
    Neural networks aid traders in evaluating potential risks and market volatility. By training networks on historical data, neural networks can identify patterns associated with market instability or sudden price fluctuations. Traders can then utilize this information to adjust their risk management strategies, such as setting appropriate stop-loss levels or position sizing, to mitigate potential losses and protect their investments.
  2. Optimizing portfolio allocation.
    Neural networks play a crucial role in optimizing portfolio allocation by analyzing various factors such as historical performance, risk tolerance, and market conditions. Traders can utilize these networks to identify the optimal allocation of different cryptocurrencies within their portfolios based on risk-adjusted returns. This approach helps in diversifying investments, reducing exposure to specific assets, and improving overall portfolio performance.

Limitations and Considerations.


In the dynamic and ever-evolving cryptocurrency market, continuous model refinement and adaptation are crucial for ensuring accurate predictions and informed decision-making. Here’s why:

  1. Market Dynamics.
    Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and subject to rapid changes. Market conditions, trends, and factors influencing price movements can shift abruptly. Neural networks need to adapt to these changing dynamics to maintain their predictive accuracy. By continuously refining and updating the model with new data, traders can ensure that their neural networks capture the most recent market patterns and adjust their predictions accordingly.
  2. New Data and Emerging Patterns.
    The cryptocurrency market is influenced by a wide range of factors, including regulatory developments, technological advancements, and market sentiment. Continuous model refinement allows traders to incorporate new data and identify emerging patterns that may not have been present in historical data. By adapting the neural network to these evolving patterns, traders can uncover new trading opportunities and stay ahead of market trends.
  3. Improved Performance.
    As neural networks are trained on historical data, they may initially exhibit biases or suboptimal performance due to limited training samples or outdated information. Continuous model refinement helps address these issues by iteratively improving the model’s performance, reducing biases, and enhancing prediction accuracy. By refining the model, traders can enhance the reliability of their predictions and make more informed trading decisions.

Addressing Biases and Uncertainties in Neural Network Predictions.

While neural networks offer powerful predictive capabilities, it’s essential to address biases and uncertainties inherent in their predictions. Here’s why it’s crucial:

  1. Neural networks are trained on historical data, which may contain inherent biases. For example, the training data may be sourced from specific exchanges or time periods, limiting the representation of the broader market. To mitigate this, traders should diversify their data sources, incorporate data from various exchanges and timeframes, and carefully consider potential biases when interpreting the predictions.
  2. Neural networks make predictions based on patterns observed in historical data. However, it’s important to acknowledge that these predictions carry a degree of uncertainty. Market conditions can change, and unforeseen events can impact cryptocurrency prices. Traders should be aware of the confidence intervals associated with neural network predictions and consider them alongside other market indicators and risk management strategies.
  3. To ensure accurate decision-making, neural network predictions should be regularly validated and backtested using fresh data. By comparing the predicted values with actual market outcomes, traders can assess the model’s performance, identify any discrepancies, and refine the neural network accordingly. This iterative process helps in improving the reliability and robustness of the predictions.

By continuously refining the model, adapting to changing market conditions, addressing biases, and acknowledging uncertainties, traders can enhance the accuracy of neural network predictions and make more informed trading decisions in the cryptocurrency market. It is essential to approach these predictions as valuable insights rather than absolute truths, combining them with other analytical tools and a comprehensive understanding of market dynamics.

Additional Resources for Further Learning.

  • You can freely search for online courses on Udemy that provide in-depth knowledge and practical techniques for using neural networks in cryptocurrency trading.
  • Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms with Neural Network Integration” — a comprehensive review of popular cryptocurrency trading platforms that offer neural network integration for advanced trading strategies.

Practical Tips and Best Practices.

  1. Selecting Reliable Data Sources.
    Choose reputable data providers or exchanges that offer reliable and accurate historical and real-time cryptocurrency data for training neural networks.
  2. Optimizing Neural Network Parameters.
    Experiment with different network architectures, activation functions, and learning rates to optimize the performance of your neural network model.
  3. Integrating Neural Network Predictions.
    Combine neural network predictions with other technical analysis indicators or trading strategies to enhance decision-making and increase the probability of successful trades.
  4. Regular Model Refinement.
    Continuously refine and update your neural network model with new data to adapt to changing market conditions and improve its predictive capabilities.

Highlighting Potential Risks and Mitigation Strategies.

Overfitting: be cautious of overfitting your neural network model to historical data, as it may lead to poor performance on new and unseen data. Regularly validate your model’s performance on fresh data to avoid this pitfall.

Data Biases: take into account potential biases in your training data, such as data from specific exchanges or sources, which may not represent the broader market accurately. Diversify your data sources to mitigate this risk.

Diversification: avoid over-reliance on a single neural network model or cryptocurrency. Diversify your portfolio by incorporating multiple models and cryptocurrencies to spread risk and increase the likelihood of consistent returns.

Discussing Regulatory Considerations.

It is crucial to stay informed about the regulatory landscape surrounding cryptocurrency trading and the use of neural networks. Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations in your jurisdiction, and stay updated on any changes that may impact your trading strategies.

Real-Time Monitoring and Tracking.


To stay informed about market movements and opportunities, consider using tools and platforms that provide real-time data feeds, alerts, and notifications. Some popular options include CoinMarketCap, TradingView, and CoinGecko.

Join online communities and forums where traders discuss neural networks and cryptocurrency trading. Engaging with the community allows you to learn from others, exchange insights, and stay updated on the latest trends and developments in the field. Some active communities include Reddit’s r/CryptoCurrency and

Neural networks have revolutionized cryptocurrency trading, providing traders with valuable insights and predictive capabilities. Through real examples, we’ve seen how neural networks aid in making profitable trading decisions. As the cryptocurrency landscape continues to evolve, we encourage traders to further explore and experiment with neural networks. By harnessing the power of these networks and adapting to market dynamics, individuals can potentially maximize their returns and find success in the world of cryptocurrency trading.

So guys, I really thank you from the bottom of my heart for reading this huge material. I spent much time writing it and searching for the appropriate info. Hope it’ll be helpful for you.

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Artem Albitskii

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