How Akira Ransomware Attack Paralyzed Sweden’s Critical Infrastructure

2 min readJan 27, 2024


The recent ransomware attack on Sweden’s public sector and private companies has been one of the most devastating cyberattacks in the country’s history. The attack, which was carried out by a hacker group called Akira, encrypted and locked the data of hundreds of organizations, including hospitals, universities, banks, businesses, and government agencies. The attackers demanded a ransom of 500 bitcoins (about $20 million) to restore the data, but the Swedish authorities refused to pay.

The impact of the attack has been widespread and severe. Many essential services have been disrupted or halted, such as banks & parliament. Some hospitals have been forced to postpone surgeries and treatments, while others have switched to manual systems. According to this report:

“The outage is also impacting Tietoevry’s managed Payroll and HR system, Primula, which is used by the government, universities, and colleges in Sweden.

Impacted universities and colleges in the country include the Karolinska Institutet, SLU, University West, Stockholm University, Lunds Universitet, and Malmö University.

The Primula outage has also impacted numerous government agencies and municipalities in Sweden, including the Statens servicecenter, the Vellinge municipality, and Uppsala County.”

The attack has also exposed the vulnerability of Sweden’s digital infrastructure, which relies heavily on a few centralized systems and networks. According to experts, the attackers exploited a security flaw in a software called SolarWinds Orion, which is used by many organizations to monitor and manage their IT systems. The attackers were able to infiltrate the systems of SolarWinds’ customers and install malicious code that encrypted their data.

The Swedish authorities have launched a massive investigation and recovery effort to contain the damage and restore the affected systems. However, they have warned that it may take weeks or even months to fully recover from the attack. They have also urged the public to be vigilant and cautious when using online services and devices.

The Akira ransomware attack has shown that cyberattacks are not only a threat to individual organizations, but also to entire countries and societies. It has also highlighted the need for stronger cybersecurity measures and cooperation among different sectors and stakeholders. As Sweden tries to recover from this unprecedented crisis, it also faces the challenge of building a more resilient and secure digital infrastructure for the future.




I write about finance, tech & blockchain.