How Copywriting Fixes The Biggest Mistake NFT Founders Make

Ayodeji Alo (Lore)
Published in
6 min readOct 6, 2022


According to research 80% of NFT projects will fail because of the common mistake they make. Would you like to escape falling into the ditch?

This reminds me of a NFT project I worked for. They made the 'mistake' and when the mint day was around the corner it was obvious they wouldn't sell out

Guess what they did

Yeah, it's what any founder would do.
They delayed the mint

They had quite a large collection, which also made it hard to sell in the bear market.

With no light at the tunnel’s end they had to turn it into a free mint to sell out.

However, you should note that "selling out" an Nft collection doesn't equate to success. True success is what happens afterwards and how it performs in the market.

I once met a lady who sold out her 10 Fashion NFT collections. When I checked the buyer, it was a colleague of her's who brought all of them and listed at a ridiculous price

You don't want to be this to be your story right?

To be different, you've got to realize that copywriting is the answer to all of those problems.

I hear you asking how

Well, maybe not 'all' problems but this copywriting principle is the domino effect that knocks off all other ones

You see, every NFT project goes through what I like to call a project's lifecycle.

"A project's lifecycle is simply the funnel that covers the journey from the incubation stage to the post mint (fulfilment of road map) phase."

Every of this funnel phase is meant to build the project and make the community perceive it as something value

If not, how else will they invest in it?

Where many NFT founders miss it is that they start trying to close their community some days towards mint or somewhere in the middle of the funnel with a premint or genesis collection.

While that is fair, it's not the best.

Why not Join me and let's slide into how this copywriting principle works

The principle states that

Don’t build the value of your offer (project's utility) while making the offer (campaign/mint day) but from the very beginning of the customer's journey

Perhaps I should make it louder


This is all you need to have a successful launch, presale and mint

Still confused?

Okay, let me explain further.

You ought to start building the way a person perceives your project and your offer from the very first day they become a part of your community.

What I have seen some projects do is that they start building their community with a TBA (to be announced ) Road map and TBA white paper without a hint into what's in store

While that sounds nice to do, it gradually kills a project

Every project has a focus (what they hope to achieve and offer) which should be made known to every member of the community upon their entry.

Once every member of the community is aware of what the project hopes to deliver, then it becomes easy to make them perceive it as something valuable.

Now I'm not saying it's bad to start building a community while preparing a roadmap and whitepaper.
You sure can do that.

What I'm simply saying is that you should ensure the purpose and deliverables of the project is clear to every member of the community.

Once that is ticked off, we can move to the next item on the checklist.

Prequalify Buyers

Let me paraphrase a quote from one of the greatest marketer of our time’ Russell Brunson. He once said that if you can get them to say 3 yes(es) then the fourth yes wouldn't be a big deal

You shouldn't wait till the mint day before you engage your community in buying actions.

Following Brunson's quote, if you get them to say yes to your selling pitches at least 3 times before mint then they will say yes to you during mint.

From the statistics of those who said yes you get to know how many people will most likely buy your NFT

However, you should note that your "selling pitches" to prequalify buyers don't necessarily have to be you launching a mini collection to see who buys

Selling doesn't always have to involve the exchange of money.

If I give you a piece of advice and you consent to it, I have successfully sold you my opinion and you brought it.

Ensure that you host an event for all of your 'selling pitches.' It helps build perception.

For reading this far, let me whisper some ideas to you

Server boost event
A free mint with a complimentary utility to your main mint

remember, you need 3 yes(es)

Now let’s move to the last one

Let Them Close Themselves

What influences the mint price of an NFT collection?

Different founders set their mint price based on different things

Well, I think the bigger question is

Will people mint the NFT with that set price?

I have met amazing founders with very valuable utilities but they end up cutting the price of their collection just so people will buy

If what you are offering is worth the set price, then don't dare slash the price

Get them to close themselves instead

What most people do is blab about how amazing what they are offering is and why people should buy

Let's try to be different

A copywriter said something that made me get my notepad to scribble every word. He said

When you tell customers your product's worth, it's one thing, but when you get them to tell you, it's everything.

Here's what you should do instead:

Help them perceive your offer as a steal, as an irresistible value, by giving them an unforgettable customer journey that well explains the benefits of your offer

At the point of mint, simply remind them of the value and benefits your project is out to give them.

If you did your job of building perception well, they would relate easily and be able to put all the pieces together

To find out how to build perception with copywriting, read this.

After reminding them, then ask them how much they think your mint price ought to be through a poll

Hint: provide numbers 2× — 5× your actual mint price

When they click those big numbers accept my warm handshake because they have successfully closed themselves.

The mint price you set now looks so small and more like a steal for them.

They just scream in your face SHUT UP, and TAKE my money

And that my friend would make them loyal fans of your project

So far we have seen the importance of building a solid community through copywriting

We did highlight that

  1. Every community member should have a clear understanding of what you are building
  2. You should prequalify buyers by getting them to buy at least 3 times from you
  3. A customer journey that shows the value of your offer gets them to close themselves

I hope these revealed principles prove to be just as effective for you as they have been for countless others and if you would like to talk, just hit me up

Oh and be sure to hit the follow button so you wouldn’t miss out on my future articles. They would be worth your while.

New to trading? Try crypto trading bots or copy trading



Ayodeji Alo (Lore)

Web3 Content Writer and Marketer || Leveraging Proven Strategies and Data-driven Insights to Scale Web3 Brands