How Crypto Authors Can Make Money in 2024

Using AI to Grow a Crypto Writing Side Hustle

Douglas Lampi
Published in
6 min readMay 27, 2024


Hello and welcome back everybody. My name is Doug from DigitalCurrencyTraders, and today I want to talk to all the aspiring crypto authors out there.

We’ve got some exciting news about how you can turn your passion for crypto into a money-making side hustle.

Recently, our Bitcoin Liquidation Watch live stream was mysteriously unbanned by YouTube, and now we’re back online, ready to support your journey.

My Journey in Crypto Writing

I remember when I first started writing about cryptocurrencies. It was exhilarating but also challenging.

The crypto space is fast-paced and ever-changing, and finding a sustainable way to earn from writing was tough.

I know many of you face similar struggles — whether it’s gaining readership or monetizing your content.

I was in the same boat until I found a way to leverage automation and community support to turn things around.



Douglas Lampi

Automate with AI for a Passive Income Side Hustle that Makes Money. Join: