How I Built a Web Application to Draw Insights From Articles Across Web3 Publishing Platforms

Harness the potential of web3 publishing platforms’ datasets through dashboards.

Marco Rodrigues
Published in
7 min readJan 16, 2024


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Web3 publishing platforms are rising, and they bring new perks to the writing ecosystem. For instance, writers can sell their pieces as writing NFTs and receive cryptocurrencies in return. Web3 publishing platforms such as Mirror and Paragraph, solve some of the issues presented in the web2 counterparts. Platforms like Medium or Substack, can’t guarantee permanency for the articles, and they don’t solve the ownership issue. Web3 publishing platforms, rely on Arweave for instance, to save the data permanently in the permaweb. Each article is a JSON file registered forever with the author’s wallet name, which serves as a digital proof of ownership. Once submitted, articles can also be sold as writing NFTs, and people can buy them for several purposes.

Writing NFTs are new in the market, and they lack core features to make people acquire more. For instance, there are no good search engines, hence readers can’t easily find web3 articles by keywords, also there are no dashboards and data visualization tools, which could inform…



Marco Rodrigues

From Microelectronics to IT. A bottom-up point of view over Data Science, AI and Web3. Nature fulfils my writing soul 🌱