How much Bitcoin should you own?

Marius Ciubotariu
8 min readMar 28, 2022


When thinking about owning Bitcoin, many people out there seem to believe that, in order to have a significant stack of sats, they absolutely need to own one or more Bitcoin.

Then, they look at the price of Bitcoin, currently sitting at $47,900 per coin, and get discouraged and disheartened, and seem to give up all hope.

It’s like, if they can’t own at least one whole Bitcoin, it is game over, before it even begins.

But, I think, that’s the wrong mentality to have, when you get into Bitcoin.

Let me lay out why I think that to be the case.

Consider the following:

· There will only ever be 21,000,000 Bitcoin

· There are 100,000,000 sats in 1 Bitcoin, the same way there are 100 cents in 1 dollar

· That means that there will only ever be 2,100,000,000,000,000 (2.1 quadrillion) sats

· There are, currently, about 7,900,000,000 people in the world

Let’s assume that Bitcoin’s maximum supply of 21M coins (2.1 quadrillion sats) was already mined, and were split equally among the world’s entire population, which would never happen.

2,100,000,000,000,000 sats ÷ 7,900,000,000 people = 265,822 sats or 0.00265822 Bitcoin per person

As you can see, from the simple calculation above, this would mean every person would have a lot less than 1 whole Bitcoin, which is not surprising.

Already, we can see that people who believe they need to have a whole Bitcoin or else it’s not worth bothering with, are grossly overestimating how realistic this goal is.

In truth, it’s still within the reach of people, who are already wealthy or have a high paying job, spend much less than they earn, and are ready to aggressively stack sats for a whole year or more.

The fact that ~98% of the world doesn’t own any amount of Bitcoin or are even aware of it, also helps those who are at least aware of it and have begun stacking.

Stacking goals

So, how much Bitcoin should you strive to own?

The simple answer is, as much as you can.

We’re in the accumulation age, because the majority of people are still asleep about how broken and unfixable the fiat monetary system is; how the current monetary and financial systems are on the brink of collapse; and how Bitcoin is the lifeboat and best solution we have for fixing the money, which, then, helps us to fix the world.

But, owning as much as you can is not a very clear amount, now, is it?

So, based on the quick calculation we’ve done earlier, I think that you should strive to own, at least, 265,822 sats, which, at the time of writing this, costs ~$127 so, less than what many people spend per month on nights out, takeaway food, and wasteful spending they’re not even aware of.

Based on this, it would cost you, today, ~$127 to secure the amount of Bitcoin every person would have, if all the Bitcoin would be spread equally, which, again, will never happen.

One of the reasons it will never happen is because there’s a lot of Bitcoin that is forever “lost”, meaning the people who used to own it do not have access to their private keys for this “lost” Bitcoin.

By some of the best estimates, it appears that 4 million out of the 21 million Bitcoin that will ever exist, are lost forever.

This means that the calculation we did earlier, is more likely to look like this:

· 1,700,000,000,000,000 sats ÷ 7,900,000,000 people = 215,189 sats or 0.00215189 Bitcoin per person

You can get your hands on 215,189 sats, today, for ~$103, which, again, is not that much, considering the wasteful spending nature of people, in our fiat money world.

So, based on this new calculation, we can update and slightly drop the minimum amount you should strive to own.

But I have a way to help you get to the initial goal, without doing anything extra.

You can buy the 215,189 sats for ~$103 and get for FREE $25 worth of Bitcoin, which will bring you over the 265,822 sats minimum stacking goal we talked about earlier.

All you have to do, for this, is sign up with Nexo, using my referral link below, deposit $100 on the platform, complete the verification process, and keep the $100 on the platform for 30 days.

You can obviously deposit $103, so you can secure the first part of your minimum stacking goal of 215,189 and, then, wait for 30 days to receive the rest of the ~52,000 sats, which will get you to ~267,000 sats.

What’s even better is that, while you wait for 30 days to get your reward, your funds will be earning you interest, at 4% per year, paid into your account daily.

Interest earned on the Bitcoin I hold on Nexo.

So, at the end of the 30 days, not only will you receive your sign up reward, but you will have accumulated more sats for yourself.

I wouldn’t recommend you hold large amounts of your Bitcoin on an exchange, just to earn interest on it, because Bitcoin on an exchange is not yours, since you’re not the one who controls the private keys to it, but the exchange.

But, for a small amount like this ($100), it’s not a big deal, considering that, after 30 days, you will have basically made 25% on your investment, because of the reward.

DISCLAIMER: I get $25 worth of Bitcoin, for every person that signs up with Nexo using my link

I would take this deal any day of the week, because it’s an absolute no-brainer, but you’re not obliged to, obviously.

If you do choose to take it, it would be a great way to support my work, at no extra cost to you, for which I’d be very grateful.

Should I buy more Bitcoin?

So, once you reach the minimum stacking goal, what’s next?

In my humble opinion, the next goal would be to become a sats millionaire, which, I think, is the only kind of millionaire you should strive to be.

Why? Well, simply because all fiats are going to zero so, what’s the point of becoming a millionaire in any fiat currency, if they’re all doomed to fail?

Don’t work your ass off too much, in order to become a millionaire in fiat, because, soon enough, we’ll all be multimillionaires and multibillionaires, with the rate at which currencies will be devaluing, over the next decade.

The problem, however, will be that a loaf of bread will cost us a few million, at that point, but I digress so, let’s get back on track.

To become a sats millionaire, today, all you need is ~$480, which might seem like a lot, considering that a lot of people don’t even have $500 to cover an emergency.

But you don’t have to become a sats millionaire from day 1.

You can work your way to this next stacking goal, over time, by simply having a DCA (dollar-cost-average) Bitcoin saving plan, which means you buy the same amount worth of Bitcoin at a regular interval.

For example, you can choose to buy $25 a week/$50 every 2 weeks/$100 a month worth of Bitcoin.

A clear example of what buying only $10 worth of Bitcoin, every week, for the past 3 years, would’ve resulted in, can be seen below.

You can go to and play around with this, to see how much Bitcoin you would’ve stacked, based on different amounts you could’ve saved, over the past years.

Along your Bitcoin DCA saving plan, you can even choose to BTFD (buy the fucking dip), if you have extra money that you know you could save.

That’s my preferred method of accumulating Bitcoin and making stacking sats an enjoyable and simple experience.

Once you become a sats millionare, you can create new stacking goals for yourself, such as 10M sats, 20M sats, etc.

All you need to do, however, is have realistic goals.

If you can only save a couple hundred dollars per month, even after you’ve cut down wasteful spending, you can’t expect to stack tens of millions of sats every month or yearly quarter.

At the end of the day, slow and steady wins the game and, if you get to own 10M sats (0.1 Bitcoin), you will be just fine, based on the calculations we did earlier, where the absolute minimum amount of sats you should strive to own was 215,189 sats (0.00215189 Bitcoin).

Just for reference, 10M sats is 46.47 times more than the absolute minimum stacking goal.

So, be humble, start stacking sats, and go at a pace that you are comfortable with.

Some tough love

On a separate note, if your Bitcoin position is zero, you are taking an insane amount of risk, given the fact that fiat currencies will continue to be debased, at an accelerating rate, which brings the day, when all people finally realise that fiat currencies are completely worthless, closer and closer.

Bitcoin is insurance on the inevitable collapse of the fiat monetary system, which will happen.

It’s a question of when, not if, and that when is getting dangerously closer every day.

If I were you, I wouldn’t wait for my house to catch fire, before I buy fire insurance on it.

And, boy, is there already a ton of smoke coming out of this collapsing monetary system.

There are a LOT of great resources full of high-quality information out there that you can access for FREE, to learn about this topic — going down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, as it’s commonly called — and you can do it at your own pace.

Most people, unfortunately, will not buy Bitcoin so, they’ll be forced to earn it, because nobody will be accepting fiat currencies — which there’s an infinite supply of — for scarce resources (i.e. products, services, assets) anymore.

We can already see glimpses of this world, with Russia demanding payment, from “unfriendly countries”, in rubbles or gold, for natural gas and oil.

Putin is calling out the fiat monetary system on the global stage and people are taking note.

Many people will dismiss Bitcoin, because they read a few CNBC headlines, watched a couple of YouTube videos from shitcoiners promoting cRaPtOs, and heard some eCoNoMiStS say that Bitcoin is a scam.

These are the people who will have fun staying poor, because ignorance and arrogance are very, very costly.

It sounds bad, but it’s how it is.

Populations before us have lost all their purchasing power, during currency collapse events, and it wasn’t pretty.

If you don’t want that to happen to you, in my opinion, you need to begin saving in a form of money that is stateless, trustless, permissionless, unconfiscatable, and absolutely scarce.

For me, that form of money is Bitcoin.

I’ll end this with the fact that there isn’t enough Bitcoin, for all the 56.1 millionaires in the world to all own a whole Bitcoin at the same time so, start stacking sats and never sell them your Bitcoin.

Thanks for reading 🧡

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Marius Ciubotariu

Writing about Bitcoin, macroeconomics, and other finance-related topics.