How much does it cost to create a Dapp in 2024? A detailed guide

Divyesh Patel
Published in
9 min readApr 25, 2024


Cost of dApp Development

In the previous years, there has been a lot of talk concerning decentralized apps (DApps), which provide an opportunity to transform many industries with blockchain technology. Today, there is a vibrant market for these apps and they can be found in finance, gaming, social media and healthcare among others. However, one important factor to consider when starting off with a DApp project is the cost associated with its development.

Expenses involved in creating a DApp vary greatly depending on such factors as app complexity, features, platform and rates of development team. For example, simple DApp developed by small companies could cost around $2k to $25k while medium-sized companies may have tariffs ranging from 25k to 200K. Alternatively, well-known businesses might charge between $300k and $450K for developing a Dapp.

The specific industry within which your company operates also affects the cost. A healthcare DApp would have different requirements from real estate DApp because every sector has unique demands that affect pricing. On top of this, it depends on what type of product it is coupled with the services that will eventually be offered to users. Developing a blockchain-based wallet or launching an Initial Coin Offering (ICO) or crypto exchange requires special skills and knowledge that increase the development costs.

Moreover, you should not forget about another point: where exactly do you intend to buy your blockchain development services? In North America, DApp developers and engineers often charge over $70 per hour compared to over $30 in Eastern Europe and above $10 in Asia. Therefore these differences lead to threefold to tenfold price fluctuations in quotes making location of developers an important consideration when estimating costs for developing a DApp.

Understanding Dapp Development Costs:

When calculating the expenses related to creation of a decentralized application (or decentralized applications), it is important that we take into account various components that form part of its total price tag as well as other factors. In this section, we will discuss the range of costs involved in creating a DApp and the differences between blockchain apps and DApps in terms of cost. Additionally, we will highlight the impact of industry, app complexity, type, and development platform on costs.

The cost of developing a DApp can be as little as a few thousand dollars for basic ones to some hundreds of thousands dollars for complex multi-featured DApps. It mainly depends on the complexity of an app, number of features and the development platform chosen.

When comparing traditional blockchain app development with that of a DApp, it is important to notice that decentralized applications are generally more expensive due to their decentralization and use smart contracts. Smart contracts are digital agreements whose coded conditions will trigger functionality when met without any human input. They are stored immutably on the blockchain where they can self-execute upon fulfillment of specific preconditions. The cost associated with developing such smart contracts might differ significantly based on contract’s complexity and platform used for development.

The industry in which your business operates can also affect the cost of DApp development. As an illustration, building a healthcare DApp may need specific functionalities and integrations that might make it more costly than a simple gaming DApp. Also, the nature of the DApp product and its services to users also influences the cost estimation. For instance, developing a blockchain-based wallet, launching an Initial Coin Offering (ICO), or crypto exchange requires specialized skills and knowledge that increase development costs.

The selection of dApp development platform is another major factor affecting the cost of dApp development. Similar to this concept, popular platforms such as Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain and Polkadot have varying features, instruments and resources that can influence the development cost. In particular, Ethereum is a widely used platform with large developer community who provide various open source tools and resources that lower down on how much it costs for developers during their work. By contrast other new platforms like Binance Smart Chain and Polkadot could have lower fees and fast transaction times which decrease operational budgets but necessitate more specialized development skills and tools.

Factors Affecting DApp Development Costs:

There are several factors which determine the amount one has to pay for having his/her DApps developed such as; app complexity, type of development team involved among many others.

  • Complexity Of The App:

The complexity of your dapp including any extra features that it may need determines its price tag too. Simple applications can range from $15k — $35k while moderately complex ones will fall anywhere between $30–100K.

  • Design smart contracts:

The design of smart contracts significantly affects how a decentralized application works. Depending on their complexity designing smart contracts can be as expensive as 10K USD or even cheaper at about 5K USD for simpler ones.

  • Integrate UI/UX elements:

A well designed user interface (UI) coupled with good user experience (UX) is vital for a dApp’s success. The cost of integrating UI and UX elements will vary depending on the complexity of design as well as choice tools utilized. You might have to pay from 5K to 15K USD ,or even more, in case you need advanced UI/UX features.

  • Implement backend functionality:

Backend infrastructure plays a crucial role in ensuring uninterrupted functionality of a DApp. Based on the type of server infrastructure opted, database management and backend frameworks used, costs involved in implementing back-end functionalities may differ greatly. Backend development costs range from $5k to over $15k or more.

  • Security Audits and Testing:

The security aspect is an important element of dApp development. Comprehensive audits and testing are critical for securing the app. Costs associated with security audit and testing depend upon app complexities and testing methodologies adopted. Opting for robust security could cost within $5k-$20k or more.

  • Regular Maintenance and Performance Audit:

Maintenance checks and performance audits should be done regularly to ensure that a decentralized application runs smoothly at all times without any hitches or glitches. Ongoing maintenance as well as performance checks can cost between $5–20 thousand dollars per year depending on how complex your app is, its frequency of receiving such services among others.

  • Development Team Rates:

The place where the development team is located can affect how much it would cost to produce DApps. Conversely, North American developers could charge you over $70 per hour as compared to those in Eastern Europe and Asia that may go for more than $30 or even $10 per hour. They can make a difference of between 3x and 10x in the final quote.

DApp Development Cost Breakdown:

There are many factors that determine how much it would cost to develop DApps; such as the platform used, degree of complexity and services offered by the developing team. This section will provide a cost breakdown for DApp development on Ethereum platform which is one of the most popular platforms for DApp development.

  • Smart Contract Development:

A smart contract is a self-executing contract with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. Stored on a blockchain, they automatically execute when certain pre-determined conditions have been met. The Ethereum platform charges differently based on the complexity of smart contracts; simple ones going at about $5,000 — $10,000 while complex ones might be priced from around $10,000-$20,000 or maybe higher.

  • UI/UX Design:

User interface and user experience are very crucial in order for a DApp to succeed. How complexly designed it is and what tools were used determines how much this feature will cost you when running them using Ethereum infrastructure. You may spend like around at least five thousand dollars up to fifteen thousand dollars or so for more advanced UI/UX features.

  • Backend Development:

The backend infrastructure serves as an engine room for any smoothly operating DApp. However deciding costs that could be incurred by implementing backend functionality onto Ethereum network relies merely on a choice of server infrastructure type made by customer database management or back-end frameworks employed within enterprise systems among others. Backend development on Ethereum may typically range from five thousand dollars up to say fifteen thousand dollars plus.

  • Security Audits and Testing:

In the development of DApps, security is a very important component. Therefore, to ensure that the app is safe and secure, thorough security audits and testing should be conducted. For Ethereum, prices for such security tests may vary depending on how complex the application’s structure would look like or the type of testing methodology used. The price for robust security features might be between $5,000 to $20,000 sometimes more.

  • Maintenance and Performance Audit:

Maintenance and performance checks are performed regularly for smooth functioning of DApps on Ethereum network. The complexity level of an app determines how expensive it may be to maintain while frequency depends on company-specific practices. Ongoing maintenance and performance reviews from time-to-time can cost something close to five thousand dollars going up to twenty thousand dollars annually.

Industry Trends and Market Insights:

Decentralized applications (DApps) market has been growing at a CAGR 40% from 2017 to 2022¹ . Furthermore, it will likely sustain growth rates beyond these levels following the projection that its CAGR by 2029 will stand above 50%, amounting over $368 billion by then ^3 .

The e-commerce industry accounted for the largest share in DAppsselling during 2019 at 56.5% as a result of faster transaction processes required and advantages brought about by transparency, reliability, flexibility, scalability among others. This means healthcare sector would see substantial increase in terms of blockchain adoption with market shares anticipated to hit 23.6 percent within forecast period because more individuals move towards private online payment systems which require high-level securities online payments that are safe & secure..

The DApps market is split up, having large number of small firms and a few big ones which account for much of the global market. Major players in the market have well equipped development facilities and are participating in many acquisitions and partnerships to enhance their presence and deliver innovative solutions.

Geographically, North America held the largest share of 36.8% in 2019 due to quick adoption of blockchain technology and increasing demand for online payments, digital identity verification, smart contracts in USA, Canada, Mexico. The Asia Pacific is expected to show high growth rates owing to initiatives by research institutions as well as governments in this region towards the DApps market

The DApps market is driven by growing need for fast transactions process as well as benefits associated with it such as transparency, trustworthiness, flexibility and scalability. Additionally lower costs of developing DApps will fuel its further expansion. However there are factors that may restrain its’ growth such as regulatory issues lack of awareness among users as well as technical complexities.

Case Studies and Examples:

DApp consulting services providers are crucial to the success of DApp development projects. Here are some examples of successful DApp projects and the consulting services provided:

  1. CryptoKitties: CryptoKitties is a blockchain-based game that has become popular among people who collect and breed digital cats. The Ethereum blockchain was overwhelmed by its increasing fans, thereby causing network clog. A DApp consulting service provider was engaged to address the issue of gas cost and improve user experience through smart contracts optimization.
  2. Golem: Golem is a decentralized computing network in which users can rent out their computation power in order to perform complex tasks. A company offering DApp development services also participated in this project where it brought its expertise on smart contract development, UI/UX design, backend functionality implementation as well as conducting regular security audits and testing thus guaranteeing security and dependability of the dapps.
  3. MyEtherWallet: MyEtherWallet is a popular web based wallet for Ethereum and ERC-20 tokens. It involved a consultant from one firm concerned with decentralized application development services for making the wallet have features like those mentioned above while also ensuring that there were regular audits as well as tests within the area of security so that it could be secure and reliable.
  4. Augur: Augur is a decentralised prediction market where you can create markets for events and bet on them using cryptocurrencies such as ether (ETH). A company offering DApps development services also participated in this project where it brought its expertise on smart contract development, UI/UX design, backend functionality implementation as well as conducting regular security audits and testing thus guaranteeing security and dependability of the dapps.


To sum it up, making a dapp in 2024 is complicated because many different things can affect how much it costs. Some of these factors include; which platform you use to develop your dapp, how complex your application or service is and who’s on the development team — all of which contribute directly towards determining the overall expense related with such projects.

The cost of developing an app includes smart contract implementation, UI/UX integration design, backend functionality implementation, security audits and testing as well as regular maintenance audits and performance. The choice between platforms for building the app affects its price tag too; there are cheaper options available but they may not have all the features that more expensive ones do. Similarly so does complexity itself — if a project requires advanced features then this will increase its cost too — along with other services provided by a development team.

The DApp market is expected to continue growing at over 50% CAGR from 2022–2029 and reach a market size of $368B by 2027. Many medium sized enterprises operate in this sector but acquisitions by large players are driving consolidation efforts.

