How Recommender systems works (Python code — example film Recommender)

Luigi Bungaro
8 min readAug 22, 2018


Recommender Systems

Nowadays we hear very often the words “Recommender systems” and mainly it’s because they are quite often used by companies for different purposes, such as to increase sales (items’ suggestion while purchasing → Amazon: users that have bought this, have also bought this) or in suggestions to customers to give them a better customer experience (film suggestion → Netflix) or also in advertising to target the right people based on preferences similarities.

The recommender systems are basically systems that can recommend things to people based on what everybody else did.

Here there is an example of film suggestion taken from an online course. I want to thank Frank Kane for this very useful course on Data Science and Machine Learning with Python. Here there is the course’s link in case you would like to go deeper with Data Science.

We’ll make an example taking the database provided in the course, because it’s not too big and this will help with speed of calculus. In any case online there are a lot of resources, such as MovieLens Database with 20M ratings, 465k tag, 27k movies and 138k users.

How does Recommender System works?

Recommender Systems, as we said earlier, are useful to recommend items to users. We…



Luigi Bungaro

Management Engineer passionate about Management, Innovation, DataScience, Digital Marketing, AI, Strategy, Technology, Innovation, Python and Data Science