How Sustainable Tourism can Benefit from Cryptocurrency?

Brayan Nelson Pagatpatan
Published in
4 min readApr 29, 2022


Photo by Damiano Baschiera on Unsplash

Sustainable tourism is on the rise. With people becoming more and more environmentally conscious, sustainable tourism is gaining in popularity as a way to enjoy a vacation while minimizing the negative impact on the environment. Cryptocurrency has the potential to help sustainable tourism take off even further. In this post, we’ll explore how cryptocurrency can help promote sustainable tourism and offer some examples of how it’s already being used in this industry.

What is Sustainable Tourism?

Sustainable tourism is the practices of visiting a destination in a way that does not negatively impact the environment or the social and cultural fabric of the local community. It’s about ensuring that the economic benefits of tourism are shared equitably among all stakeholders, from the businesses that cater to tourists to the residents of the destination country. There’s a lot of overlap between sustainable tourism and responsible tourism, which is another term you might hear thrown around. Responsible tourism refers to practices that minimize negative environmental and social impacts, while maximizing positive impacts.

How can Cryptocurrency Help Sustainable Tourism?

Cryptocurrency has the potential to revolutionize the tourism industry as a whole by making it more sustainable. For example, by incentivizing travelers to use more environmentally-friendly methods of transportation, cryptocurrency could play a major role in reducing the industry’s carbon footprint. Additionally, funds raised through cryptocurrency could be used to improve and preserve local ecosystems. We’re excited to see how cryptocurrency evolves and the ways in which it can help sustainable tourism grow even stronger in the years to come.

What are the Challenges Sustainable Tourism will Face in adopting Cryptocurrency?

One of the challenges that sustainable tourism will face in adopting cryptocurrency is education. Sustainable tourism is a new concept for many people, and they may not be familiar with the term. They may also be unfamiliar with cryptocurrency and how it works. Many people are hesitant to adopt new technology, so convincing them to use cryptocurrency could be a challenge. Another challenge is regulation. Sustainable tourism is based on principles such as conservation and responsible use of resources. Cryptocurrency is still relatively unregulated, and there is a risk that it could be used for illegal activities such as money laundering or terrorist financing.

How can we Overcome these Challenges?

There are some challenges that need to be overcome in order for sustainable tourism to benefit from cryptocurrency. One of the main challenges is that sustainable tourism is currently seen as a niche market. This means that it’s not always viewed as a priority by those in the travel industry, who are more focused on mass tourism. Cryptocurrency can help to change this by making sustainable tourism more accessible and affordable for people all over the world. It can also help to make it more visible and credible, which will encourage more people to get involved. Another challenge is that sustainable tourism is often perceived as being expensive and elitist. Cryptocurrency can help to overcome this by making it easier for people to pay for sustainable tourism initiatives. It can also help to reduce the cost of participating in these initiatives, which will make them more affordable for everyone.

Challenges of Cryptocurrency Adoption in Sustainable Tourism

It is clear that there are still some challenges to overcome before cryptocurrency can be adopted more widely in sustainable tourism. Volatility and price instability are a major obstacle, as are the lack of understanding and familiarity with cryptocurrency. However, there are many ways that Sustainable Tourism can benefit from cryptocurrency. For example,

- Tourism businesses can use cryptocurrency to make secure and fast payments anywhere in the world.

- Cryptocurrency can help to overcome the barriers of cross-border payments, making it easier for tourists to buy goods and services from around the world.

- Cryptocurrency can help to reduce fraud and counterfeiting in the tourism industry.

- Sustainable Tourism could use cryptocurrency to raise money for charitable causes.

Final Thought

Sustainable tourism is a rapidly growing industry that can have a positive impact on the environment and local communities. However, there are some challenges that need to be addressed in order for sustainable tourism to reach its potential. Cryptocurrency can play a role in helping to overcome these challenges by providing a secure and efficient way to transact business.

Can you see a future that cryptocurrency will be use for sustainable tourism?

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About the author

Brayan Nelson is a hobby writer and currently a university lecturer while being an intern in an NFT project. On Medium, he writes about his journey of connection and education in Crypto, NFT, and the Metaverse. Subscribe to his newsletter to be the first to read his blog story. You can also reach out to him via e-mail at

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Brayan Nelson Pagatpatan

PostKard NFT / Lecturer - Eastern Samar State University Guiuan Campus / Intern-ElemintsNFT / Rise of Elves Discord - General 📳 Moderator